Quote by piercedJon
I would say that most people while initially starting a relationship using condoms anfter a while when the relationship is progreassing decide not to use them, or laps into non-use if one is steralised or on a contraceptive... this does not however say that one or the other, or even both, has/have a non-symptomatic sti (as they are now called)
The problem is a visit to the clinic is a time consuming business (up to 8 hours with a drop in, up to 2 with an apointment) and then takes up to 1-2 weeks for a sti positive, and 3-6 weeks if you are in the clear; most dont contact if you are negative for the tested sti's but i personally feel they should contact both ways so no one falls thougth the gaps by say a delayed result or a mix up.
I wonder how many people on here could honestly say that they have been tested in the last 3 months and genuinly know they are free of all the tested sti's?
Very few, I'm sure. It's occurred to me to get tested but I've had so few partners, and all have been long(ish)-term and themselves have had little previous, that it's just not seemed to be an issue. My current GF was with her hubby for 20-odd years before me, and my previous GF had also been monogamous for many years (and yes, I believe them both ;-)).
However, if you go dogging and/or swinging then I'd have thought condoms were absolutely mandatory, and it would never occur to me to do either unwrapped. Even if I were willling to take the risk to myself, it would be highly irresponsible for me to risk my GF or any future partner, and neither would I ask any swinger/dogger kind enough to have sex with me to take any sort of risk. I'm pretty sure I'm clean from STDs because of my history, but she wouldn't, and I certainly wouldn't expect her to just take my word for it.
I can understand oral sex without johnnies, as although there's a risk of herpes and similar you're unlikely to contract anything seriously damaging through giving a blowjob. HIV is an issue if you've got any broken skin in your mouth, perhaps a burst gumboil or somesuch, but if the buccal lining is intact then AFAIK the mucus membrane will be an impermeable barrier to the HIV virus. (Any health professionals care to comment on this?) Plus I wouldn't fancy giving a blow job (which I might do one day) to someone wrapped in plastic, no matter what bloody flavour it is - if I ever do so I'd want to feel and taste the cum and appreciate the flesh, not have the taste of latex in my mouth.
But for any other kind of penetrative sex in this community, johnnies are an absolute must. Even if you don't believe in them, you'll not get a shag if you don't use them, so that's an incentive in itself.
As for a cock being too big, well I have always thought that they should come in sizes, although knowing men's egos these would have to be Large, SuperLarge, Goliath and OhMyGod ;-). I've found most to be ok for my measly 7", although Gossamer are a bit small and tend to ride off under pressure. Trojans I believe are marked with size, so perhaps yer man could try them. I'm sure there will be some to fit - I've seen porn flicks with Lexington Steele, who has the biggest dick I have *ever* seen on screen, and he occasionally wears johnnies.
Just my 2 Euro's worth...
Nice post, Jon, BTW.
Mr Licks