I agree with Judy and FreckleBird
I think we all know there are people around who, for a variety of reasons (excuses?) choose not to use condoms. We all have the choice not to play with those people and most swingers make the safe choice. More so, in my experience, than people who do not swing. I am constantly amazed by the number of guys I meet who have never used a condom. Madness.
Chris has no need to cheat on me, nor do I need to cheat on him. We are always honest with each other, not just with the sex and this lifestyle, but in everyday life as well. We trust each other 100% and each of us acknowledges that if the trust went, so would the marriage. All marriages/partnerships should be based on love, trust and honesty - if you haven't got those, what else have you got? Yes, we've both had sex outside the marriage. We each discussed it with the other, though.
I think he is objecting to the way people have jumped at his throat. He only posed a question for discussion but as always anyone new attempting to communicate with others is sidelined and stoned. It is sad really how a debate can end up in fist fight... :cry:
This was in todays Times, that a Vaccine for HPV will be available and will help to reduce cervical cancer
But in regards to Comdoms both Mrs BB and I use them and wouldn't use anything else. They maybe a pain to use but at the end of the day we find them best for us.