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condoms v bareback

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Quote by phil_osopher
As DP said - No man likes condoms...
I do :shock:
I will always swear by them rubbery fiends... I don't like playing with anyone new without them.
But more & more often the girl will ask me to remove them!
I have 2 partners who I have no problems going bareback with.
I feel safer coz trust them & I've known them for the past 8 yrs...
OK... OK... Well, all except those with a latex fetish... :twisted: :bounce: I now have a latex fetish boink
Gonna tick the box in my profile settings now :twisted:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
<---- off to Tesco to get some dental dam :twisted:
Im licking my lips hunny :twisted:
Well I never play without wearing a condom unless its with someone i've known for a long time and i'm completely sure we're both safe. I only started playing with the ex-wife bareback after we'd both had blood tests and a full check up from the doctors. I for one don't fancy catching anything itchy , contagious or potentially fatal ( Hep C , HIV , etc ). Besides I think women should realise that the more bareback sex they have with the more partners the greater risk they are in from Cervical cancer ( caused by the HPV Virus that men can carry without showing any symptoms ) or Clamydia which can , and often does , make a women sterile.
If people want to play bareback then thats they're decision and I will never look down on anyone or treat them any different than I do anyone else. Its just that if I do play with them i'll wear a condom to protect myself.
Davie ( off to buy a wet suit and divers helmet .. total safety rofl lol :lol: )
Quote by BigScotsBloke
Well I never play without wearing a condom unless its with someone i've known for a long time and i'm completely sure we're both safe. I only started playing with the ex-wife bareback after we'd both had blood tests and a full check up from the doctors. I for one don't fancy catching anything itchy , contagious or potentially fatal ( Hep C , HIV , etc ). Besides I think women should realise that the more bareback sex they have with the more partners the greater risk they are in from Cervical cancer ( caused by the HPV Virus that men can carry without showing any symptoms ) or Clamydia which can , and often does , make a women sterile.
If people want to play bareback then thats they're decision and I will never look down on anyone or treat them any different than I do anyone else. Its just that if I do play with them i'll wear a condom to protect myself.
Davie ( off to buy a wet suit and divers helmet .. total safety rofl lol :lol: )

Holy Smoke................ Nothing personal BigScotsBloke but don't you think thats just a tad unromantic lol........ Something about tonights posts thats just a trifle depressing lol! Everyone is on about blindin nasties you can catch...... Such a huge turn on ...

Not really mike , my ex was originally from my neck of the woods but had lived down near Edinburgh for 20 years and due to the bad press my part of the world gets due to drug abuse she thought it better to be safe ( she was a widow with 2 young kids so didn't want to risk anything ). Its something i'd do again if i'm in a LTR. I've got enough health problems with my back without adding any ickle bugs lol
Quote by BigScotsBloke
Davie ( off to buy a wet suit and divers helmet .. total safety rofl lol :lol: )

I do actually have several wet-suits, divers hoods etc, but would never wear them for sex - well, not unless I was asked nicely... biggrin
Quote by BigScotsBloke
Not really mike , my ex was originally from my neck of the woods but had lived down near Edinburgh for 20 years and due to the bad press my part of the world gets due to drug abuse she thought it better to be safe ( she was a widow with 2 young kids so didn't want to risk anything ). Its something i'd do again if i'm in a LTR. I've got enough health problems with my back without adding any ickle bugs lol

Take no notice of me Davie....... just been one of those nights lol. Like most really come to think of it..... just come on to have a bit of lighthearted fun thats all. Everyone has there reasons for doing everything and no one has to answer to anyone for doing so mate! Just pulling your leg. Hey I wish I was as sensible as some sometimes..... I said some before anyone jumps in lol....
Well, I don’t think there are many blokes who actually like condoms, but if anyone is ever thinking about bareback, follow this link
WARNING, this is not for the squeamish.
But it will bring you to your senses :shock: :shock:
click any of the links, its bloody scary.
What a Blindin night.......
Thanks pete.. no sleep now either lol....
Quote by mdr2000
What a Blindin night.......
Thanks pete.. no sleep now either lol....

I know, feckin scary innit :scared:
never again rolleyes
When I was aboard the trawlers we had a medical book ( BIG weighty tomb of a thing ) and the photo's in there of Ghonorea , etc really made me feel ill ............... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Scarey thing about the fishermen now is that the EU Commission have forced them all to cary 12 condoms PER man in case they decide that they get frisky and can't wait till they get home ( or catch a big enough Skate ....... don't ask you REALLY do NOT want to know :shock: :shock: )
Davie ( Mike don't worry mate I don't take offence that easily lol )
a subject thats been here before...and a no brainer
if you don't swing then go bare back as much as you want, the only possible consequences ...babies.
if you swing, or just like putting it about then do not go at all times...
...and if you think that this will limit your sensations...then just go and have a wank ...safer for all of us biggrin
Quote by Risenphoenix
a subject thats been here before...and a no brainer
if you don't swing then go bare back as much as you want, the only possible consequences ...babies.
if you swing, or just like putting it about then do not go at all times...
...and if you think that this will limit your sensations...then just go and have a wank ...safer for all of us biggrin

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:giveup: :giveup: :giveup:
OK I surrender lol this is getting too serious ( ok not really but i've got a Vodka brain installed just now so i'm hard of thinking lol )
Davie lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by BigScotsBloke
( i've got a Vodka brain installed just now so i'm hard of thinking lol )
Davie lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats two of us drinkies
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: drinkies :drinkies: :drinkies: :drinkies:
Mines a large voddy & cola Pete lol
Quote by BigScotsBloke
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: drinkies :drinkies: :drinkies: :drinkies:
Mines a large voddy & cola Pete lol

I'm awash lol here :drinkies: fill ya boots.
I cant judge a condom cus I havent used one in over 10 years. Me and Mrs Tweeky have no need for them, we have both also been tested for STD's due to some medical tests we had done. If we were to swing a with a woman or couple a condom would be almost like a new experience to me.
A bit sperate from the main topic but a few things I heard on TV, please correct me if I am wrong. You stand a 100-1 chance or less of catching HIV from an infected person during vaginal sex. HIV spreads much more easily via anal sex (hence the gay attatchemnt to HIV). Swinging is bigger and more accepted in scandanavia, Scandanavians consider people from the UK to be too paranoid of STD's.
Those are random quotes from my brain which connect back to tv shows.
Mr Tweeky
Quote by Risenphoenix
a subject thats been here before...and a no brainer
if you don't swing then go bare back as much as you want, the only possible consequences ...babies. No it isnt ................ AIDS is another possible consequence ! and I for one want to see my kids grow up !
if you swing, or just like putting it about then do not go at all times...
...and if you think that this will limit your sensations...then just go and have a wank ...safer for all of us biggrin
Quote by tweeky
I cant judge a condom cus I havent used one in over 10 years. Me and Mrs Tweeky have no need for them, we have both also been tested for STD's due to some medical tests we had done. If we were to swing a with a woman or couple a condom would be almost like a new experience to me.
A bit sperate from the main topic but a few things I heard on TV, please correct me if I am wrong. You stand a 100-1 chance or less of catching HIV from an infected person during vaginal sex. HIV spreads much more easily via anal sex (hence the gay attatchemnt to HIV). Swinging is bigger and more accepted in scandanavia, Scandanavians consider people from the UK to be too paranoid of STD's.
Those are random quotes from my brain which connect back to tv shows.
Mr Tweeky

Mr Tweeky ............. soz babe .............. but thats bollox ! kiss
If HIV and AIDS is a gay thing, tell that to the straight people who have it !
This subject makes my blood boil !!! ................ If you swing use a condom ....... dont be an idiot and think it wont happen to you !
Stepping off the soap box !!! soz soz soz
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
I cant judge a condom cus I havent used one in over 10 years. Me and Mrs Tweeky have no need for them, we have both also been tested for STD's due to some medical tests we had done. If we were to swing a with a woman or couple a condom would be almost like a new experience to me.
A bit sperate from the main topic but a few things I heard on TV, please correct me if I am wrong. You stand a 100-1 chance or less of catching HIV from an infected person during vaginal sex. HIV spreads much more easily via anal sex (hence the gay attatchemnt to HIV). Swinging is bigger and more accepted in scandanavia, Scandanavians consider people from the UK to be too paranoid of STD's.
Those are random quotes from my brain which connect back to tv shows.
Mr Tweeky

Mr Tweeky ............. soz babe .............. but thats bollox ! kiss
If HIV and AIDS is a gay thing, tell that to the straight people who have it !
This subject makes my blood boil !!! ................ If you swing use a condom ....... dont be an idiot and think it wont happen to you !
Stepping off the soap box !!! soz soz soz
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

worship :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Blonde, you are getting too many of these just recently, are you sure you are not an impostor? :shock:
Quote by Pete_sw
I cant judge a condom cus I havent used one in over 10 years. Me and Mrs Tweeky have no need for them, we have both also been tested for STD's due to some medical tests we had done. If we were to swing a with a woman or couple a condom would be almost like a new experience to me.
A bit sperate from the main topic but a few things I heard on TV, please correct me if I am wrong. You stand a 100-1 chance or less of catching HIV from an infected person during vaginal sex. HIV spreads much more easily via anal sex (hence the gay attatchemnt to HIV). Swinging is bigger and more accepted in scandanavia, Scandanavians consider people from the UK to be too paranoid of STD's.
Those are random quotes from my brain which connect back to tv shows.
Mr Tweeky

Mr Tweeky ............. soz babe .............. but thats bollox ! kiss
If HIV and AIDS is a gay thing, tell that to the straight people who have it !
This subject makes my blood boil !!! ................ If you swing use a condom ....... dont be an idiot and think it wont happen to you !
Stepping off the soap box !!! soz soz soz
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

worship :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Blonde, you are getting too many of these just recently, are you sure you are not an impostor? :shock:
I am getting too many whats ??? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
I cant judge a condom cus I havent used one in over 10 years. Me and Mrs Tweeky have no need for them, we have both also been tested for STD's due to some medical tests we had done. If we were to swing a with a woman or couple a condom would be almost like a new experience to me.
A bit sperate from the main topic but a few things I heard on TV, please correct me if I am wrong. You stand a 100-1 chance or less of catching HIV from an infected person during vaginal sex. HIV spreads much more easily via anal sex (hence the gay attatchemnt to HIV). Swinging is bigger and more accepted in scandanavia, Scandanavians consider people from the UK to be too paranoid of STD's.
Those are random quotes from my brain which connect back to tv shows.
Mr Tweeky

Mr Tweeky ............. soz babe .............. but thats bollox ! kiss
If HIV and AIDS is a gay thing, tell that to the straight people who have it !
This subject makes my blood boil !!! ................ If you swing use a condom ....... dont be an idiot and think it wont happen to you !
Stepping off the soap box !!! soz soz soz
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Agree with Sam. HIV is just as likely to spread through vaginal sex as it is through anal sex. There is no 'gay attachment' to HIV: In Africa, where the majority of HIV cases are, it's seen as a disease that only affects Heterosexuals. Gay and Bi people are, in my experience, more likely to use condoms - a lot of gay porn reflects this attitude.
The number of people in the UK who are HIV positive is increasing at an alarming rate. It is most common amongst heterosexuals. Whilst it has shown a recurrence amongst LGB people, it is nowhere near as bad as it is amongst Heterosexuals.
If you are going to have sex with someone who is not your partner, then use a condom. HIV aside, there are myriad of other unpleasant diseases out there - gonorrhea, syphillis and Hepatitis C (which is also life-threatening).
Quote by redpantherman
:bounce: I now have a latex fetish boink
Gonna tick the box in my profile settings now :twisted:

Hunni, there ain't enough boxes for all your fetishes :giggle:
Quote by R n M
The number of people contracting HIV and AIDS in the UK is actually decreasing. You are probably being confused by the fact that many people already infected in third world countries are coming here for treatment and a better life expetancy.

The number contracting it may be decreasing , but there are an estimated 20, 000 people living in the UK who haven't been diagnosed.
"In 2004 three quarters of those who acquired HIV in the UK were men who have sex with men, but the majority of people actually diagnosed with HIV in 2004 (59%) had been infected through heterosexual sex, and many were of African origin."
Taken from
It also states on the site that the risk of contracting HIV through oral sex is relatively low as it needs to get into the bloodstream, but there is still a risk.
HIV is harder to catch than many other viruses, but then I don't much fancy genital herpes either. Most other STDs are bacterial infections which are passed from one person to another more easily.
Is it really worth the risk not to be safe ?
Minx x x
An hour or so's fun in exchange for a lifetime (or possibly a very shortened lifetime) worth of grief.
No contest, I want to enjoy my life and I wont risk it for an hour or so's fun without a condom and 'personally' cant understand why anyone would take that risk, but each to their own. If people want to play without a condom then that is there concern, however, I would NEVER play with with someone who I knew took these kinds of risks even if they were using a condom with me.
Quote by blonde
a subject thats been here before...and a no brainer
if you don't swing then go bare back as much as you want, the only possible consequences ...babies. No it isnt ................ AIDS is another possible consequence ! and I for one want to see my kids grow up !
if you swing, or just like putting it about then do not go at all times...
...and if you think that this will limit your sensations...then just go and have a wank ...safer for all of us biggrin

Thought I had put it quite simply...but obviously not...
When I say "...if you don't swing....." I am referring to monoganous relationships, one to one....bareback is not a risk here.....of course I am assuming that we are talking about responsible people and if either party has had unprotected sex previously before deciding to live a monoganous life then STD tests are enetered into to get an 'all clear'
If you "swing" or are content with promiscuous relationships then condoms are essential, as are STD tests if you decide you want to have children.....
I think we are on the same side Blondie, but offer the above to endorse :D
Quote by Risenphoenix
a subject thats been here before...and a no brainer
if you don't swing then go bare back as much as you want, the only possible consequences ...babies. No it isnt ................ AIDS is another possible consequence ! and I for one want to see my kids grow up !
if you swing, or just like putting it about then do not go at all times...
...and if you think that this will limit your sensations...then just go and have a wank ...safer for all of us biggrin

Thought I had put it quite simply...but obviously not...
When I say "...if you don't swing....." I am referring to monoganous relationships, one to one....bareback is not a risk here.....of course I am assuming that we are talking about responsible people and if either party has had unprotected sex previously before deciding to live a monoganous life then STD tests are enetered into to get an 'all clear'
If you "swing" or are content with promiscuous relationships then condoms are essential, as are STD tests if you decide you want to have children.....
I think we are on the same side Blondie, but offer the above to endorse :D
No sorry it wasnt clear enough ............. if you dont swing but do sleep around in the vanilla world you still run the risk of catching whatever, if you dont wear a condom.
You didnt say "if you are in a monogamous relationship" !!
But on this occassion I forgive you :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
An hour or so's fun in exchange for a lifetime (or possibly a very shortened lifetime) worth of grief.
No contest, I want to enjoy my life and I wont risk it for an hour or so's fun without a condom and 'personally' cant understand why anyone would take that risk, but each to their own. If people want to play without a condom then that is there concern, however, I would NEVER play with with someone who I knew took these kinds of risks even if they were using a condom with me.[/quo
same goes for us, on some sites it shows on profile if you practise safe sex and for those who havnt ticked the "always" box then we wouldnt contact them or consider playing with them
African males are broadly strictly heterosexual and aggresive anal sex amongst heterosexuals is a frequent and normal sexual act on the African continent. The vast majority of Afirican women victims contracted HIV through anal sex - whether they choose to admit this or not - most women will not of course admit to this
It is very difficult for a man to contract HIV from a woman when engaging in vaginal or oral sex and also difficult during anal sex unless the anus is sparsely lubricated or the act is very rough resulting in torn skin.
David Soul had what he termed a completely full sexual life with his late wife who had contracted HIV 10 years earlier through a blood transfusion. He was free of HIV and this is the rule rather than the exception.
The carriers of HIV in Europe are bisexual men who receive unprotected anal sex and also practise unprotected vaginal and anal sex.
Notwithstanding this and as we have said on the other thread we would not consider penetrative sex without the use of a condom - there are so many other little infections and diseases out there just waiting to spoil your day.