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Confused Newbie

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Should we go to a Swingers Party

HI people. Thought I'd introduce myself with a post in an attempt to acquire some information about swinging. My girlfriend and I are very sexually active and have made dvd's took saucy snaps and do quite a bit of the outdoors thing. We are at the stage where we want to take things a little bit further and have discussed swinging. What we have decided is that we really like the idea of other people watching us having sex but are not too sure on the partner exchange side of things. Are there partys were you are not expected to swap partners but can if you do so desire? We also like the idea of watching others having sex and have a healthy appreciation of porn! I would be most gratefull to hear your comments. Hope you are all having a bearable Monday. Thanks in advance. biggrin
W and C
Never ever go to any party organised by swingers - they're crap lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hah hah, only kidding :lol: .
There are parties just like you describe organised by members of the forum sometimes, including by my good self :lol: . If you stick around and get to know people I'm sure you may be able to pop along to one or two of them cool
To be honest there is more of a healthy piss taking of the crapness of porn than anything else lol
But these party thingys i wouldnt know,never been to one meself innocent bolt :lol:
Go to a club! You can watch, be watched and take it all at your own speed.
This is really good stuff. Seems to be a general concensuss going on here. Keep em coming. Cheers.
Cand W
xxxxxx smile
Yeah, whatever you do don't go to one of blue's parties cos no one ever shags there! :P
My partner and I started off in clubs before coming to this site.
I jumped in feet first, after a few weeks I had asked to go to a couple of meets not expecting to get a yes at all. They were just socials and a great laugh. Within the space of a couple of months I had a swinging partner and had been to some of the most hardcore parties arranged through this site.
It took time and effort for me to be comfy and make friends, but it is certainly worth the effort and the wait! smile
Try it, if you don't like it what have you lost?
You sound well and sorted and you would probably really enjoy swinging. Checking out a nice local club, even if you just dip in for a drink or just have sex with each other that's fine - and there's usually a 'viewing area' where you can look before deciding if you want to be watched as well. If you want to have a private room with another couple, or go to a party where you only have sex to completion with your own partner, just mention you are into 'soft swinging' - people will usually know what you mean (you can always elaborate). In clubs, chatting in the sauna or jacuzzi is a good way of mentioning your general preferences too.
Enjoy - you'll probably love it! :inlove:
I've just checked out my nearest clubs website. It's the Sexcroft at Redcar and it has some good reviews and looks like just the sort of thing we're looking for. Has anyone been there?? Will show it to my significantly better half and will keep you all informed. Still could do with more opinions on this so just drop me a line.
xxxxx biggrin
I agree with the advice thats been given so far , a club would be the best place to start if your looking for soft swing but remember to make it clear just what your boundries are to others . You should maybe discuss together what your own boundries or rules are ,and what you`d both be happy or( unhappy) with . Remember tho that things may change over a period of time from what you want to do now , dont write your rules in tablets of stone . Also sometimes , in the heat of the moment , you may do something that one of you wont be happy with , it happens , dont go mental at each other , talk it thru properly or ask advice on the forums , there`s about 1000 years combined experience on here wink
Thanks for that Hornyred and Dino. I think this evening has been earmarked for discussion time. I agree that we need to set our boundries (wherever they may be(Probably not asfar as the boundries of some of the kinky devils who are on this site)).
Although there is no main instigater for this type of discussion I in no way want to be percieved as 'pushy' and if it starts to feel like that I willl pull out of it straight away. Thanks for ALL your help.
xxxxxx wink
Pm for a friendly chat if u want
some of the kinky devils who are on this site

who's that then lol :lol:
Hi and welcome by the way
We agree with Blue , the sex may be good at swingers parties , but the sausage rolls are very often sub-standard . Never go ! lol