Just saw the green names in the Index and wanted to say Congrats myself but Shireen and Jags beat me to it.
Shireen - Make your mind up woman ffs!!! lol (lovely to see you btw)
But Sarge and Sappho........
Well done!!!!!!!! Look forward to harrassing the pair of you with as many complaints and questions as possible :twisted:
Congratulations to Sappho and the Sarge.
I noticed that while the investiture was taking place that their posts were showing Mark's name but their usual avatars. All back to normal now.
Well done.
Moderator = Arbitrator, presiding officer
Well its certainly not an arbitrary appointment.
Congratulations to both Sappho and Sarge (in no particular order well ladies first was a much less clear criteria after the weekend)
WBB gives sapho a BIg hug and a kiss, to sarge she gives........ the best blow-job.....EVER!!!!!!!!!
Blimey better get our Ps and Qs right if Sarge is about :!:
Dont want the wrath of the army man down on us
Congratulations to both just please please dont let the loony lizard ever become a mod
( for truly he is as mad as a box of frogs)
Congratulations too you both from us
on that note, looking like a startled goldfish, WBB staggers off to work, muttering about how she has to do ALL the dirty work round here! :cry: :cry: :cry: