I think,in general, we are better off now than we perhaps were then so getting the latest this and the latest that is so much easier....
Credit is far easier to come by and so having a new car every two years or the latest flat screen plasma feck off massive tv is a sinch if you get credit....
I think this has a lot to do with the way advertisers bombard us.......They know how easy it is and how much more we want to be modern and "keep up with the Jones'"..
I think we are all influenced to a degree. Not just by the media, but by peer pressure (even my kids sneer at my mobile!).
I buy what I need, when I need it. I don't buy labels for the sake of it either.
I inherited a dishwasher when we moved house and although I'd always said they were a waste of money, I wouldn't be without it now!
I don't see this as a bad thing. It is striving our nation not only to become more independant but gives us the luxuries and freedom of choices.
The marketing that is done can be very effective but by golly some of it is just plain funny or genius.
By all, marketeers have a more varied market now than ever. Different back grounds, up bringings and languages so more and more tactics are being used so it looks like more and more adverts etc are pushed in our faces.
Yes we have a lot of choice and comsumerism does drive the manufacturers to produce more and more things for us to buy. It does provide us with a good selection of most things instead of one brand which we all have to have.
But I hate having to buy a pack of 6 buttons when one falls off my outfit cause I can't get one to match or buy them individually.
Ready packed portions that don't suit my family .. we don't all have families of 4.2 people :shock: which is the average ... how you can get .2 of a person is yet to be explained. But we all have to buy packs of 4 or 6 or 8 when sometimes I want 5 or even just 1.
Then there are the items that disappear for no good reason other than the manufacturers say they aren't selling enough to make it profitable for them to provide it. Walnut whips with the coffee flavoured centres in them .. gone.
Basil cubes which were perfect for me for vegatarian stews .. gone.
Neapolitan ice cream .. gone.
Where can I get a spare fanbelt for my hoover when it breaks and fit it myself.
What about the bulbs in car headlights .. we have to buy a whole unit now.
We feel if we don't use shower gels we are dirty .. whats wrong with soap.
I could go on and on ... we are so controlled and our opinions manipulated.
I'm a real hipocrite when it comes to this subject, I try to be concious about what resources I use and their impact in this ever green aware society we live in...but then I'm also materialistic and fall foul of the "have to have syndrome" too, I guess that's because I'm a child of Thatcher's Britain!
Can't believe I'm discussing Margarat Thatcher on a swinging website, that said she was quite sexy in a dominatrix sort of way (shall we have a poll)....Dennis always knew his place lol
Just seen on the news that mortgages are 8 times greater than the average salary, so do we have a choice in the matter? I knew I should've submitted my DNA for the Anna Nicole Smith paternity battle lol
seems we're caught in a spiral that may have been started a-spinning full-force back in the eighties here in the UK...
I shouldnt complain, as Im as guilty as the next person... though manufacturers are cynicaly building a *life* into everything these days... either physically, or in the support/maintainance that can be obtained...
and yes... someone mentioned killing the planet?
we will run out of resources... even silicon, for our beloved chips (low salt) is in short supply... and that can't be recycled as far as Im aware...
I also could go on & on... though in an ill informed manner... so I shant...
I used to have a conscience re:the world etc etc... though these days it has a very quiet voice...
sadly I feel it'sall a little too late... and the REAL powersthat be, namely the massive corprate machines, will just keep right on grinding... as long as there is the smallest iota of profit left in our bones
lp, go to bed for gawds sake!
There are lots of interesting ideas in this thread ...
In 1958 I bought a nylon shirt from M&S, and for several months I wore it every day and washed it every night ... a very student thing to do! The shirt was - is - indestructible. I still have it and the fabric is the same as the day I bought it, though the stitching is failing! Probably a collector's item now - they weren't available for very long - but then M&S needs us to buy new clothes every year!
Manufacturers live by manufacturing, retailers by retailing, so they need people to buy the stuff they make and sell, and making things that last for ever is not good business in this rapidly changing world!