I had a reponse to my advert in photo ads, from a couple at Derby and arranged to meet them in the Peak District today, However, I don't know their name address or Phone No. and on checking they are not even members of swinging heaven. Is it wise for me to go to a lonely place with them, as I haven't met them yet, the only contact has been through emails and photos. I would be gratefull of any advices. thank you.
No , of course it is not safe, and you know this which is why you have posted . This is a classic case of the trouser brain steering the ship , and we all know the view is a bit limited from down there . You are 99.9% sure of meeting 2 lovely liberated people and having fantastic sex in a natural paradise, the 0.1% will appear in 2 part police series coming to a screen near the rest of us soon .
May i just and its not Calista and I lol