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contraceptive sheath flavours

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there are some interesting and intriguing condom flavours out there........ what's the strangest one anyone has come across, what is the tastiest one and which one has had you reaching for the bucket?
cadbury's dairy milk chocolate flavour condoms - ewwwwwwww if u ask me they all taste of rubber anyways :undecided:
I've actually seen 'curry' flavour ones.. but for some reason didn't get round to the taste test :shock:
Well, I recall an occasion when we picked up a cheap deal at the local Tesco - a dozen assorted falvours for less than £4. While working our way thru' the pack we tried a Blueberry one - very dark in colour, it was. Once it was on I glanced down and said something like " oh, i've never had a black one before" - my lady replied with a grin: " i have ! "
Whisky flavoured condoms are absolutely fecking disgusting.
Any flavour condom is horrible really.
G x
oooo dundee couple are on the verge of post 1000! biggrin
peanut butter
Dunno ....never tasted one ....... yet ............ dunno
Excuse the long post but it's too apt to resist. For those of you who've ever seen an episode of "Bottom" I'd remind you of the ultimate horror:-
Scene 5. The Gent's Toilet.

Eddie: The coast is clear!
Richie: Right, let's go! Oh, nadgers - what kind do you want?
Eddie: Rubber ones.
Richie: Yeah, but there's ribbed, there's ticklers and there's ultra-sensitive.
Eddie: Ripped?
Richie: Yeah.
Eddie: Who's gonna want a ripped condom?
Richie: Ah, it must be for people who want to get pregnant. Well, I don't think ultra-sensitive's our style, do you?
Eddie: Nahhh.
Richie: Right then, tickler it is! Oh, nadgers - what colour?
Eddie: What have they got?
Richie: There's black, there's gold, there's Union Jack or there's leopard-skin.
Eddie: Which d'you think is the most romantic?
Richie: Well, Union Jack, of course.
Eddie: Well, Union Jack tickler then.
Richie: Okey-dokey. Oh, nadgers - what flavour?
Eddie: Flavour?
Richie: Yeah, there's banana, strawberry, peanut butter, Marmite or cheese and onion.
Eddie: Well, everyone likes cheese and onion don't they?
Richie: Of course they do. Okey-dokey then. Cheese and onion flavour Union Jack tickler it is. Bagsy me first go with it.
Eddie: No, no, no. Get two.
Richie: Get two?
Eddie: Yeah.
Richie: Wild man!

Suddenly whats really out there doesn't seem quite so bad...... lol
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
This is a joke right?.............I'm assuming that they flavour them with a view to oral sex, yes?
cobblers this is just a marketing ploy.
I've rolled em, ...stretched em, opened em up and snapped em and there is still no way the bLarsted thing will stay on my tongue!!
Quote by Lil_Bunny
cadbury's dairy milk chocolate flavour condoms - ewwwwwwww if u ask me they all taste of rubber anyways :undecided:

Yes I'd agree but at least the chocolate ones SMELL of chocolate!
Flavoured condoms....everlasting chewing gum the Laird calls them confused
Quote by davej
I've rolled em, ...stretched em, opened em up and snapped em and there is still no way the bLarsted thing will stay on my tongue!!

The trick is to get it right over your head.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by northwest-cpl

I've rolled em, ...stretched em, opened em up and snapped em and there is still no way the bLarsted thing will stay on my tongue!!

The trick is to get it right over your head.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
O.K. tried that and can see how this aids safe oral sex, with two feet of bubble surrounding me, I can only reach up as far as mrs davej's's safe........but not very satisfying
Quote by davej

I've rolled em, ...stretched em, opened em up and snapped em and there is still no way the bLarsted thing will stay on my tongue!!

The trick is to get it right over your head.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
O.K. tried that and can see how this aids safe oral sex, with two feet of bubble surrounding me, I can only reach up as far as mrs davej's's safe........but not very satisfying
That's why they're flavoured. It's the tingle in yer tastebuds that gives you the satisfaction.
Quote by northwest-cpl

I've rolled em, ...stretched em, opened em up and snapped em and there is still no way the bLarsted thing will stay on my tongue!!

The trick is to get it right over your head.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
O.K. tried that and can see how this aids safe oral sex, with two feet of bubble surrounding me, I can only reach up as far as mrs davej's's safe........but not very satisfying
That's why they're flavoured. It's the tingle in yer tastebuds that gives you the satisfaction.
In that case I will stick with a packet of love hearts, thank you for your advice.
Chocolate is awful, tasted of rubber, never again