Not a subject that I would normally add value to (I do try to add value, contrary to popular myth).
However, I am intrigued by the reference to "Digby" - what sort of pet is he? or does it refer to Mr DG being a vegitarian?
' yes son'
' please can you get me some large condoms as they won't give me them at the c-card place and they just look at me funny'
' oh, ummmmmm when you say large...ummm do you need wider or longer?'
'both mum as the normal ones nip and are too short so I can't grab them when I am pulling out'
grim grim grim grim
My olds are building a house at the moment, visited them last week.
"Dad, what is the reinforced beam with a pully for?"
"Oh, its your Mum, she wanted one of those swing seat things in the bedroom"... I didnt delve any deeper!
I'm all chilled on my bed....
Mother Walks in to bedroom.... Looks down on the floor
Me: 'Mum, What Are you Looking at ??'
Mother: 'Oh I thought that was a small vibrator on the floor but its only your mascara !!'
Me: ' Well i wouldn't leave things like that laying on the floor!'
Mother: 'I know you have a suitcase'
Me: 'GET OUT !'
when ever there are suitcase in a shop she just looks at me and smiles !!!
Dear O Dear Me !!