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Crap Day

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I have had a right crap day to day, is there any one in this world that has a kind word and some TLC or am I doomed to sit at the bottom of this pit?
We all have them at some point.
Have a hug :therethere:
Quote by Wilki

So nice to see the cup of compassion overflowing rolleyes lol
that as hard as it gets think positive and smile
life has a habit of kicking u bit if u don't get up and brush yourself down because a kick when your down is a lot more painfull
so next post stick a smile on the end and a wink at the leprechaun
I think it must be national shit week week this week!! hahaha I knwo that sounds sad but it must be true!
Its been a shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit week! Hopefully it can only get better from here!!
It's the start of the weekend tomorrow...friday always brings :happy:
Thank you one and all even wilki you must be having a bad day as well wave
Actually ive had a brilliant day.
It started with one propositon and then work went great, got taken out for lunch and that was beautiful and got home to find id got another proposition, so altogether a lovely day!1 :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
So ukkeith i ll offer u sympathy and a hug sounds like you need it kiss :kiss: :kiss: :therethere: :therethere: :therethere:
Foxylady thank you it makes me feel much better to know some one is wining kiss
Keith you've got to experience the bad sometimes to appreciate the good when it happens.
Hey keith I've had a bad day too, I don't know how it compares to your's but.....
My boyfriends brothers girlfriend confused turned up at his mums house yesterday while I was there, she arrived with her youngest daughter who hugged me on arrival, we sat there chatting over a cuppa when the daughter came back to sit on my knee, it was at that point I noticed her hair was crawling, I jumped up with the pretence it was cramp redface but too late I'm afraid to say. Today I woke with "visitors" in my hair :!: I had a hair appointment booked for today as bf is due back from holiday at midnight tonight which I had to cancel & run off to the chemist for a remedy sad
Had got the rest of the day sorted, pick his daughter up from college at 4 to take round the shopping I had got in for him, drop her off at home then pick up my daughter from work at 5 (trainee hairdresser) to dye my hair & blow dry it.
Got in the car to go & buy the dye, drove it round the corner & could hear it making a strange noise, so turned the music down, then turned the music off, not a nice sound :? Got out of the car to see that I was driving on the rim of the front wheel, ok I can drive, I can put petrol in, I know my car is a god dam sexy looking thing wink but thats my limit :!:
Started to call ppl to see if they could change my wheel coz I haven't the faintest but no-one available, panic set in
Rang bf mum had she a key to his house so I could get his car keys??
His brother was home so came around to give me lessons on how to change a wheel rolleyes
Earlier in the week I have had to give my daughter £200 to help her out so the last thing I need today is to have to get a new tyre (jam butties for me then this week)
Daughter does my hair, gets dye all over the place, applies too much serum so look like chip pan head :shock: then throws the dinning chair back & breaks the leg off it
Just had a phone call off bf mum she asked me to get flowers for the other brothers girlfriend for her birthday, she is having a party tomorrow night so I order the flowers for tomorrow morning, her birthday was today :cry:
Grit your teeth and smile Keith,i wanted to find a shovel,dig a very large hole and bury myself in it today.
The story goes like this:-Once upon a time,there was a delivery man,a happy smiling chap who always waved to people and said is until he changed his round and started to deliver in a different town.
Said town is in the Midlands,beyond the end of a motorway and is very is at a premium at the best of times but its virtually one way all the way around the town course people dive into the loading bays and park there cars and 4 x 4`s in so above man can park his van.
One morning a woman parks her people carrier in a bay and then proceeds to stuff her face full of danish pastry whilst exasperated Tonguey tries to park to avoid a 1/4 mile uphill trek with 15 heavy boxes.
"Excuse me nice lady,you do realise that you are not allowed to park here.I need to park so i can do my work."
"Why are you picking on me?"
"Because you are the only person who is in their car,would you please move"
A muffled reply is heard but she begrudgingly moves 10 yards down the road and promptly parks on the path.
After passing the said lady (who is still stuffing her face) see mouths what appears to be an obscenity at me.
So i walk over offer her my keys,clipboard and scanner and ask if she`d like to try and do my job,and then she may realise why i was :cry: She declines the offer and eventually leaves,oh btw the lady has an American accent.
Mr Tonguey forgets all about the above until today when on his rounds he rings a bell to deliver a computer,and whooosh whose there?you guessed it.
The lady with the American accent,i just wanted to curl up and die,run away,anything not to be there.I was like ohhh shit i hope she does realise it was me.
Time for as sharp exit me keep your chin up m8,you never know whenb the next piece of shit is gonna hit the fan or just miss as in the case today.
Do you know i was feeling quiet sorry for said lady , in your story, thinking she might be pre mestural or menstrating or something.
And then you mentioned one word, "American" (sorry Sean and Reese) and then i felt sorry for you!!! Just be grateful hess didnt bomb you!!
Quote by foxylady 123
Do you know i was feeling quiet sorry for said lady , in your story, thinking she might be pre mestural or menstrating or something.
And then you mentioned one word, "American" (sorry Sean and Reese) and then i felt sorry for you!!! Just be grateful hess didnt bomb you!!

lol @ foxylady,i wouldnt mind a squadron of Abrams tanks running over my house,i could have a new 1 then wink
Quote by the_tongue
Do you know i was feeling quiet sorry for said lady , in your story, thinking she might be pre mestural or menstrating or something.
And then you mentioned one word, "American" (sorry Sean and Reese) and then i felt sorry for you!!! Just be grateful hess didnt bomb you!!

lol @ foxylady,i wouldnt mind a squadron of Abrams tanks running over my house,i could have a new 1 then wink
But knowing the Yanks it you wouldnt get a new house cos you would be inside it when they ran over it!!!
Oooo me Number 1 Tonguey :therethere: come and let Debbiwebs give you a big smackooroonie kiss
And poor Uk keith................. we all have them babes! :therethere: :kiss: