Since the new chat software was introduced (which crashes every 30 seconds or so, rendering it as much use as a chocolate fire guard) the whole site has been crashing on us all the time.
We are using IE8, site seems ok with Firefox - is anybody else experiencing problems?
My view is, if only one or two people complain, it must be local - but if several do so, then it is the site.
I've had no problems like you mention although I have had the "sticking" that others have written about from time to time (so it must be genuine) and the situation very recently of things I posted "disappearing", which one person mentioned although in a different context and it corrected itself the next time I logged in!
A bigger problem I had earlier on, was of side bars doubling over the text in this Forum - this was rectified by changing my browser, which the Site Admin had suggested.
Probably doesn't help much!
Site still freezes often for me. For example when I hit the little Icon for reading newest posts in a thread the screen freezes and I can press anything in the main window. I have to press refresh then the intended page loads.
Tweeky, are you using Firefox?
I've had similar issues so did a bit of hunting and I think it was one of the extensions I had installed that was causing conflicts with the latest Firefox update, which just happened to come along at the same time as the introduction of the IM chat thingy (techie term ;) ).
Try turning off your extensions and see if things change.
similar problems for me the chat bit pleases itself wether it wants to show me online or offline no matter how much i click it and insist i am online and the site itself just lags me out
I don't have the site freezing but the emotes in the drop down list don't work for me anymore, only the 4 at the top of the message box :sad:
Hi Tweeky
The site keeps freezing on me as well. I'm using Google chrome.
If it freezes I open another tab and look at other sites until it unfreezes.
It's all a bit strange
The site freezes for lots of people, thought as much
site keeps freezing for me too..i use internet explorer ,have tryed firefox but still does it on here..only happens on swinging heaven though..bit of a pain i must say..
Could those who are still experiencing problems please to submit Support Ticket and submit the details of the system that you are using (operating system, browser name/version etc.) so we can gather more information.
Thanks, Admin.
I reported mine keep freezing and crashing last night... All seems as good as new with morning :-)
yup we keep freezing up as well
I thought I was the only one.
It's not that bad if I hit the refresh button but it's a little annoying with firefox. Got rid of IE a long time ago so I've no idea if it'll work with that or not
I thought it was just my end! I've put a support ticket in, shockwave keeps crashing on me in the chatroom. Never has done until tonight. Recently hoyed firefox for google chrome, as firfox was far far too slow and kept crashing. Google Chrome is way way faster!!
Miss C xx
I'm running IE8 on my antique lappy, it's more than a few years old, and on the whole it works well here. There are the odd occasion when things don't run as well as I would like but nothing that really concerns me.
The power supply cable is getting a bit iffy and causes numerous internal glithches that can crash my machine.
Another thing to consider is the vast number of processes actually running in a moden machine at the same time as you are on the web, including your anti virus and in my case spyware too, so it's not supriseing that our machines do have a hissy fit sometimes.
As individuals we all run our our unique collection of other programs so I wouldn't be at all suprised to discover the occasional conflct.
Still it's pretty good when you consider that your processor is made out of a mineral dug out of the ground.