About time too, Love it
Just need it to happen to every phone it is on
Bugger - I saw this a few months ago, on another forum, never thought of posting it here :doh:
Still funny as fuck!
awwwwwwwwww the poor frog
bring back the frog
Oh dear, he's found the Photo Ads!
its true then the crazy frog is a w#@ker
Do they do the train-smash t-shirt too?
Think I'll replace the crazy frog shirt kit-off bought her daughter today for that red and blue/grey squishy thing instead :mrgreen:
No wonder his eye is rolling moving at that speed, time for the fireproofed gloves....
I have just rigged out my car with very extra wide tyres in the hope of squishing this annoying little feckbag into the tarmac
to all the other frogs............... i apologise sincerely
it must be a hoax, as the last i heard and read was he was about to become the uk number one this weekend. ding ding
Horray.......at last i can watch the adverts and not turn off the tv....
soooooo annoying
bonnng binnnnng binnng bing This is the crazy frog!!!!
Check how much the Crazy Frog has affected your mental health: