Perusing the threads in this section (Let's Meet Up) I am dismayed at the the 'holier than thou' attitude of a few who constantly respond to folks posting general "Hey lets meet" one liners and the like.
Not only is it more tiresome than the one line acts, it makes this particular forum unwelcoming. I know there has been a debate about the quality of threads that appear on here, but there is more than enough advice plastered across the site for any who wish to stand out from the usual crowd, so why continue to heckle? It's boring folks...jack it in and let the threads rise or fall on their merits, not your tiresome 'holier than thou' comments ( and I am not referring to the excellent thought out advice offered by Mods like Harry O etc, who actually offer sage advice and intuition, I mean those who respond with the sarky one liners...go and find something better to do you guys!)
It is a "Let's Meet" section, people may post their invites etc as they see fit ( as long as it is not against AUP or containing insults ect) and though it may not be for you, someone somewhere may just be intrigued by the one-liner and respond and begin a line of communication.
Back off....relax....enjoy....and let others do so in the way they feel appropriate...after all what the f@#k does it matter to you if they fail in their efforts?