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cum on guys u not gona share ur sexual experiences?

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8 replies
1 watcher
we r in a swingers room and no 1 has any exciting sex encounters? strange places etc??
Well I am all too shy to tell a stranger...
unless the lights are out of cause....
Your a saucy mare aint yah....!
It sounds a bit too much like kiss and tell to me.... redface
Sex God
Seems to me, Benito dearest, that you're after a quick fix. Yes, you're on a swingers site, but still, why should we tell you our experiences??? We don't know you from adam. Would you go up to someone in the street and ask them the same question? Probably not, and if you did, I hope you would get a bloody good slap! If you give people a chance to get to know you, rather than just expecting people to spill all immediately you might have more success.
Let's just say, I have my eye on you, Benito confused :? :?
blue i really apologise it seems every 1 else is asking similar questions i thought it was the norm i do apologise
Sex God
No problem. Like I said, let people get to know you and then people probably wouldn't mind the question, in fact they'd have a laugh with it lol
an old addage is to walk b4 you run. Everyone is welcome, but more polite to get to know folks.... new faces are ok, but accept we get loads of weird people on here, and that is just the regulars...!