This is a very well thought out thread Pololady. It really relates to the way that me and Joe having been thinking lately. Since joining Sh i have thought about and joined in with things that i never thought i would. I went on cam a few times and i could never do the things that i did in real life. Being in "cyber space" made it very easy to do. There are fantasies that we share too. Just talking about them with each other or writing about them gets us very worked up, but it becomes very scary to think about actually doing them. Not to say that we wont but i think that some fantasys are best left as fantasys and some are best if you slowly build up to them. Some of the fantasys that i have i just couldnt do yet untill i build up a bit more confidence. So for now they will remain Cyber fantasys. Cyber activities alone wouldnt fulfill me, so i guess its more about actually knowing that we could ( although we have indulged in a few fantasies) but we are working up to the others and some we will leave as our intimate special fantasies that are just between us.
I hope i have understood your question right.
Louise xx
Are we all saying that 'You get the best pictures on the radio.' That in our imagination we all see perfection. Since no one is prefect, reality will always be a disappointment.
...or is it that to escape embarrassment all we do is disconnect. That there is no danger. No, I think that is another level. Perhaps a reason for a different person.
I think you might be right on both counts there hunni :thumbup:
I still can't figure out my answer to this.
Very interesting thread.
I guess for a lot of people out there actual meets don't happen as often as they would like so they make up for it by having fun on cam or phone. Nothing beats the real thing obviously but theres quite a lot of fun to be had with cyber-swinging. It certainly can brighten up a lonely day!!
Thanks Polo for those questions. While I welcome meets and nothing beats the feel of flesh I too am interested in erotic correspondence as one can be inventive and there is a sort of meeting of minds. One can connect to someone who is a long way away and practical problems don't arise so much. I had thought of starting a thread inviting replies but they always seem the sign of someone desperate and I didn't want to be disappointed. Let's raise a cheer anyway for good erotic writing. If we can't find it here with the imaginations you all have, where can we find it?
I'm just looking to dip my toe in the water at the moment and don't really know if I could handle a meet.
I'm certainly interested but don't know how far I want to go so the cyber scene is helping me find out. All part of the learning curve I guess!
Of course the danger is that its a "virtual" thing which exists to a great extent in one's imagination and may not connect with reality so ISTM one must keep those fantasys under control and not make assumptions about people or the scene.
Anyway, at the end of the day, the chatroom etc. is fun and you get to meet people of many different backgrounds with whom you would never otherwise come into contact.