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Dangerous Foods Club

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Quote by LondonPlaything
eat it raw!
Founder Member; Dangerous Foods Club!

rotflmao :rotflmao:
After I'd finished laughing I started thinking about some of the dodgy stuff I'd eaten over the years, as a very young kid, the odd sweet picked up of the street, when I was about 12 we caught some small bass on the beach, built a fire in the dark and cooked the fish on sticks and ate them scales and all.......
Then there's the weird stuff that you get to eat on holiday after a few beers, the peanuts on the bar :scared:
Maybe the peanuts were the most dangerous thing, or one of those kebabs dunno although maybe tame and probably not enough to get into LP's club lol
So, what have you done to qualify, maybe LP will drop by and offer certification smile
When I was little in winter, we used to break off the stalagtites that formed from the overflow of people's toilets in the back entries and suck them like ice lollies :silly:
blimey St3ve... when I saw this I thought I was in trouble :shock:
but in the context of the Dangerous Foods Club, it could possibly bring a whole new meaning to the phrase
Eat Your Greens!
Quote by Cherrytree
and suck them :silly:

sucking icey back entires has to have a certain cache here I'd have thought... though allowing a little thaw may be considered a tad more dangerous!
Being a lover of seafood, I was a tad shocked as to how rank whelks tasted :shock:
On the surprisingly nice end of the scale was horse meat :shock: Went over to France a couple of years ago and tried it for the first time, was rather nice I thought :uhoh:
For the 'Whoops, didn't mean to eat that' award was raw chili, not even the chili actually, but licked my finger or something afterwards :shock: my mouth was on fire for hours!!! .......... although that's not as bad as when me and my brother were kids and I made him eat a desert spoonful of chili powder :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Although I only saw the full effect for a little while, cos got scared he was gonna tell mum, so I legged it to my room in advance confused
Whoops!!! Got the wrong end of the stick there :undecided: redface
The only candidate for my entry to Dangerous food tasing, is my brother, who was forced confused :?
Don't know about eating, but I once had a shot of some kind of alcohol (flavoured like nail varnish remover and probably at least 99.9%) which had a dead lizard in the bottle....
Kind of like your tequila worms, but wee lizards floating about!!!
Can't say I remember much of the incident due to the high alcohol content!!
Den once tried to eat year old jamaica ginger bread because he thought it would keep in the packet! rolleyes
Last Saturday night in Manchester ........... Girlies night out!
Sausage and chips bought ..... and sausage dropped on the floor 2 seconds after paying for it ............ YES we picked it up off the pavement ........and ate it! :scared:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Talking of slugs... I have quite an infestation at the moment.... who fancies a quiet night in... I'm cooking:shock:
Missy... can members be forced into a club?... ah, why not eh? a sort of Abduction Food Fantasy, Special Members Section!
Bangers on the floor Blonde?... errrm
Pickled worms and lizards.... has potential... But Jamaica Ginger Cake, Year-old or otherwise, has to be risky at the best of times MazandDen!!! Commendable
oo blonde i can picture the scene only too well- come on, hands up, who's done that before?!!? lol
m xx
Can you tell which one belongs to st3v3? :giggle:

Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
Last Saturday night in Manchester ........... Girlies night out!
Sausage and chips bought ..... and sausage dropped on the floor 2 seconds after paying for it ............ YES we picked it up off the pavement ........and ate it! :scared:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I thought you were going to tell the story of the "plastic" pizza's again.... bolt
Quote by fabio

I thought you were going to tell the story of the "plastic" pizza's again.... bolt

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Fabio ......... don't ....... I still giggle about the night I cooked Pizza (still in the plastic wrapper) for you lot :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
On holiday, middle of nowhere (literally), ordered a meal in the cafe.
I needed to use the toilet and I was directed through the kitchen to an outside hole in the floor job. There was no running water. As I wandered back through the kitchen it occurred to me that the kitchen staff used the self same toilet.
NO RUNNING WATER!!!!!!! confused
Filled with dread when the meal arrived I was overwhelmed with hunger and the sure and certain belief I was about to die. :cry:
Lovely food, no ill effects, lovely holiday. biggrin
A salad in Turkey!.. yep and I paid for it for the rest of the week :cry:
Picking chewing gum up off the ground as a small child.. :shock:
Quote by blonde
Last Saturday night in Manchester ........... Girlies night out!
Sausage and chips bought ..... and sausage dropped on the floor 2 seconds after paying for it ............ YES we picked it up off the pavement ........and ate it! :scared:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In Catering (disclaimer - apparently!).. there's a 5 second ruling on things that have dropped on the floor.. ie., pick up within 5 seconds and you're safe, other than that the spours are starting to develop! confused
can i add any pie from greggs to the list of dangerous food....
i use to love them..... but then I had a dodgy mince and onion one that gave me a lovely dose of food poisoning for 2 weeks....
haven't had any since....
I'd like to add onein the *enforced*, or maybe *coerced*>sp?< sub-catagory B:
not me, a relative.
when young, times were hard, and food niether luxuriant, nor plentifull.
In a local park... said relative, with a friend (poorer than she) spotted a lovely piece of cheese, must have been left after a picnic. And on pointing this out to her friend, descended on it with gustow, only a small piece, but wolfed down sharpish!
transpires it was nothing other than a white, chalky dogs' turd!
personally I like cheese, though even here in the Dangerous Food Club (exxxtreeeeme!) I's steer clear of baa baa baa, baa baby bel.... that's just madness!
When aged about 16 and working as a waitress during the hols, at end of shift, the chef has said our lunches were plated and in the fridge.
Goes in fridge find a crab salad, it didn't look presented to his normal standards, but never mind I was hungry, so got on and ate it, from what I can remember it didn't taste too fresh.
Food poisoning in a major style, blames the chef, only to be told, the crab was off and was waiting for the local fisherman to refund!
My salad was on the other side of the fridge!!
Quote by jaymar
Last Saturday night in Manchester ........... Girlies night out!
Sausage and chips bought ..... and sausage dropped on the floor 2 seconds after paying for it ............ YES we picked it up off the pavement ........and ate it! :scared:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In Catering (disclaimer - apparently!).. there's a 5 second ruling on things that have dropped on the floor.. ie., pick up within 5 seconds and you're safe, other than that the spours are starting to develop! confused
I was brought up on the '3 second rule'......if you drop food, it's fine as long as you pick it up in 3 seconds, never done me any harm...... biggrin
Quote by poshkate
Last Saturday night in Manchester ........... Girlies night out!
Sausage and chips bought ..... and sausage dropped on the floor 2 seconds after paying for it ............ YES we picked it up off the pavement ........and ate it! :scared:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In Catering (disclaimer - apparently!).. there's a 5 second ruling on things that have dropped on the floor.. ie., pick up within 5 seconds and you're safe, other than that the spours are starting to develop! confused
I was brought up on the '3 second rule'......if you drop food, it's fine as long as you pick it up in 3 seconds, never done me any harm...... biggrin
Den always says 'God kissed it, the Devil missed it' for some reason....He will eat anything off the floor, as will my cats, who have even taken to eating orange peel (cats are supposed to hate citrus) all my house plants, and licking plastic bags.
They will manage to eat anything- packaging is not a deterant!
ah well... if we are bringing an amimal-element onto the Dangerous Diners Menu...
once upon a time, lp had a dog.. spaniel...springer... nuts!
what he ate was niether dangerous, or particularly exciting... though an element of surprise ... packaging was the result!!!
the dog had a Labrador-esque taste for toilet roll...
inner tube and all...
the little pup presently left a parcel in the park of a fully enclosed cardboard tube of poop!
clever little chap. aww
>i seem to be mentioning dog-doo a tad too often this evening :shock: <
When first leaving school hmmmm..........that many years ago there was of course the others who stayed on. As the next year progressed there were a number of sixth former parties that went on. Having a few friends in the sixth I got duly invited to them.
Well there was the ubiquitous ciders and cheap beers and of course the legend that is Pernod cool(not cheap though sad ) and whatever could be broken out of the house holder/parents drinks cupboard (mistakenly thought securly locked away) rolleyes
Not having a lot of money my mate and I sussed a very dodgy thing - we took a bottle of surgical spirits added neat squash and whatever else was available put fruit in PUNCH biggrin !!! well it did the trick within 20 minutes or so everyone who had partken was as drunk as lords evil and as sick as dogs :shock: . Something we did only the once

one person was really very very ill and was hospitalised later that evening so for what it's worth don't do it.
1) Pick correct eating mushrooms at 6am from local cow stalks yummy! smile biggrin :)
2) Leave in hot sun for 6 days, till they look a little slimy, green and shrivelled. confused
3) Talk notice when said husband says they are ok to eat.. rolleyes :? :?
4) cook slimy, green shrivelled mushrooms for said husband :? :P
5) Prepare hole with appropriate gardening tools in surrounding woods :P
6) Pack case :)
7) Wait patiently>>tapping fingers!! :?
8) Book ticket abroad! :P :P
9) Two weeks later the bugga's still breathing! But only just!! :? :?
As a bloke who lives on his own,
every time i cook
it could be my last meal.
Quote by never_satisfied
As a bloke who lives on his own,
every time i cook
it could be my last meal.

I cook a mean mushroom stroganoff? Very welcome one evening lol :lol:
Quote by anais
) Pick correct eating mushrooms at 6am from local cow stalks yummy!
2) Leave in hot sun for 6 days, till they look a little slimy, green and shrivelled.
3) Talk notice when said husband says they are ok to eat..
4) cook slimy, green shrivelled mushrooms for said husband
5) Prepare hole with appropriate gardening tools in surrounding woods
6) Pack case
7) Wait patiently>>tapping fingers!!
8) Book ticket abroad!
9) Two weeks later the bugga's still breathing! But only just!!

Quote by anais
I cook a mean mushroom stroganoff? Very welcome one evening lol :lol:

Quote by never_satisfied
it could be my last meal.

Your probably right
Quote by Mallock2006

) Pick correct eating mushrooms at 6am from local cow stalks yummy!
2) Leave in hot sun for 6 days, till they look a little slimy, green and shrivelled.
3) Talk notice when said husband says they are ok to eat..
4) cook slimy, green shrivelled mushrooms for said husband
5) Prepare hole with appropriate gardening tools in surrounding woods
6) Pack case
7) Wait patiently>>tapping fingers!!
8) Book ticket abroad!
9) Two weeks later the bugga's still breathing! But only just!!

Quote by anais
I cook a mean mushroom stroganoff? Very welcome one evening lol :lol:

Quote by never_satisfied
it could be my last meal.

Your probably right
OI YOU!!! smackbottom :smackbottom: that was my generous nature coming out!! I was being helpful :lol2: :lol2:
Quote by anais
I cook a mean mushroom stroganoff? Very welcome one evening lol :lol:

Thats a very kind offer.
and i love mushrooms cos i am a bit of a fun guy.
fun guy! Gettit?
Oh never mind.