If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
Should Vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?
If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Dind't mean to be insensitive. In times like these I'm one of those people who handle things with a warped sense of humour. If I didn't I'd be hanging from the rafters.
But I'll take my foot out of my mouth and leave.
lol @ Dave
I bet Libra is totally confused now!
Regarding your comments - my strong suspicion is that is it a conspiracy between Warwick 2 & 3 - they have always been jealous of him.
I have never liked Warwick 3 - I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. He's one of these 'jump on the bandwagon' types - never a thought of his own.
Then again - he could be just quietly evil - always making bullets for someone else to fire.
So Warwick is on the bridge (river or railway?), Warwick is pointing a gun containing bullets made by Warwick. But which Warwick is Warwick pointing the gun at?
If he shot one and pushed the other off the bridge - is he guilty of a double murder or a single homicide?
My brain hurts!
Why is it that when we talk to god it's called praying, but when he talks to us we're called schizophrenic?
Would sleeping with Warwick be classed as a gang bang?
Why is it that when I blow in my dogs face it goes ape shit, but when we get in the car it stcks it's head out of the window?
And where the hell is Jeopardy?
Everything that's good is there!
Why is there only one Monopolies and Mergers Commission ??????????
Why is it, that if while cleaning your teeth with an electric toothbrush and looking at your pc monitor - the screen goes all funny ????
Why did women get
(a) the g-spot and
(b) multiple orgasms and
(c) I'm coming back as a woman next time.
and why can't we have an Indian Winter?
Why when a person farts do they sniff to see what its like, yet when someone else farts they run screaming from the room?
why is the word dislexi, dislexe, why is the one word telling you you have problems seeing spelling mistakes so blody hard to spell?
no matter how blunt or soft an object is... why does your mum tell you to put it down before you have someones eye out with it?
is it safe to go back in time and change something, because surely youd have alredy gone back in time and changed it anyways so your not actually changeing anything <<< a reallly good one to discuss after plenty of beer or some waky backie, lol.
If most people miss-spell certan words, shouldnt we change the way its spelt in the dictionary to the way people actually spell it?
why do we teach kids to read phonetically, yet so many words are not spelt phonetically, and neither are the letters said phonetically?
How come kids will run arround and never sit down all day long, yet ask them to walk more than 10 steps and their feet get tired?
how come the more labour saving a device is, the longer it takes to set it up or clean it afterwards?
why cant we be given all the money we will ever need, then by the time we die we will have nothing left as we wont need it by then?
if I look after the pennies the pounds are ment to look after themselves, yet every time I change the pennies into pounds I spend them?
Why do kids eat their boogies, yet adults blow them into tissues and look at them?
How come that if the good old days were so good, that adults always recon that kids dont know how good theyve got it today?
if a car is traveling at the speed of light, how does it light the raod ahead in the dark?
who decided that the north pole is at the top and the south at the bottom... what if they've got it wrong and we are upside down and the austrailians are actually walking the right way up?
if a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, surely we should not teach anything at all?
why do we tell our kids to grow up, when as soon as they do we wish they hadnt?
why do we have to put out heads between our legs and kiss our arse goodbye when we are about to die in some form of impending accident/crash, when none of us can (excpet tigger, lol) also what is so wonderfull about our arses that we even need to say good bye to it?
If a tree falls down in the forest and nobody's there to hear it, does it make a noise?
(That's one of those questions that really gets people worked up!)
sorry havent read them all but
How do you know if the invisible man is invisible if you cant see him?
Whenever I close my fridge, I wonder if the light really does go out.
And why don't freezers have lights?