the clocks have gone back a hour making the nights darker earlier,making kids walk home from school in the dark,lights go on earlier,more time for the burglars to burgle and more car accidents seem to occur at this time off year....on teletext yesterday local goverment authorities are suggesting that the clocks shouldn't go back,but infact should go forward so in the winter time it would be gmt+1 and in the summer time it would be gmt+2..i like this idea as i think most people will..but they say the scottish would strongly resist this,why???...would other people like to see this happen or would they like it to stay as it is
Real time only please.
Oh. do know how short the days are in Scotland?
Stay as it is we reckon, nothing better than getting in from work, central heating on, nice bit of tea and a warm cuppa, sad i know but we love these dark old nights!!
i've never understood why the clocks need to be fiddled with twice a year?
It was to be able to keep people at work longer in the summer. Winter is the real time. Double summer time came in the existence in WW2. It was used to make the summer's day longer. Today if work needs to be done in the dark we switch on the lights. Not allowed in the war. The bombers you know?
if the winter nights got darker later....would that mean people wouldn't suffer from the seasonal affected disorder (sad)...personnally don't no anyone that suffers from it so don't no how bad it gets....
I wish they would leave them as they are - all dates back from the war for the farmers and crops - so o.k the wars over please lets have summer time back - carnt see the misses in the dark - lol
I have never met so many like minded people disapproving of changing the clocks - perhaps we are more sensitive to our rythms being changed?
Anyway, it started in WW I to ensure that more work was done in daylight hours, less energy used etc. Double summertime in WW 2 for similar reasons.
Modern working means lights have to be on nearly all year round anyway and if you are a Scottish farmer there are not enough daylight hours to fit a working day into anyway.
Its major effect is to kills an extra few hundred people on the roads because of the changes!
There is no reason to justify it and I hate being given jet lag twice a year by civil servants.
In fact if you want a conspiracy theory - it is actually to keep people disorientated and the crime figures down.
last bit of rant - we are not alone Most of Europe, USA and Australasia do the same not to mention some other countries where there seems to be even less need - why????
Keep the campaign going!
We should have a different time zone to scotland then.