Quote by GenHertsCpl
Do I get a say in this?? or are you going to volunteer my services to all and sundry????
C x
Oh, I see how it is. I`m `all and sundry` now am I? Hmmph!
Quote by morbiusUK
Who's that then??? another new member i havent heard of??? bet its a bloke, you never go pulling the women:upset:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Would you like me to start a queue?
C x
As long as its of ladies, yup

Ladies??? Where??? Certainly werent any ladies at Blues Party

Well you werent there, saw someone who resembled you but she kept disappearing into bedrooms :twisted: :twisted:
....... and then theres the 'prize' for guessing who the pic was of. The person at the party didnt pay that so it couldnt have been you