NO you have got it wrong you are not deleting the file you are removing it content, the contents that YOU have put there, the file Will always be there, and log every thing, just the contents are removed.
And am not say that every . dat file is bad, this file is not bad, BUT it tracks everything you do, were you go watt you down load, the hole job lot.
And does it matter if it removes your last enter of say watt you last open in MS WORD i.e. the last letter u opened, your letter is still there you would of gave that letter a file name so it doesn’t matter,
All that it will do is to make your PC look like it’s never been on the net never had a key pressed just like a Virgin Machine
When you run the program it will put up every .dat log file and will be displayed in Black, with a tick box.
It will then show a log files in RED, leave this one aloan, Look up top of the program you will C a Black ICON, click this to generate a Batch file that will run when you reboot Windows
If any one want to see inside there own .dat file, let me know and I will send you a Viewer or get one of the Net
And watt marketing bull sh*t, this site is there to help people who KNOW jack I never meet him personal
Ever wondered Y you can work off line and still read a web site, it all in the dat file
Well i best get back to fixing Teles