After years of having one bin, Nottingham went recycling mad and introduced a system where we had a bin for everything. It took me two weeks trying to find a place to store them, but eventually I had them set up where those that are used less are hidden away and those that are used most are to hand. It was looking good and I was pleased with myself…………time to save the world.
We threw ourselves into it with gusto, and sorted everything out into what bins they should go into. Rinse the tins and bottles before putting in the bin, we soon got used to it. This had been going swimmingly until last weekend.
That weekend we decided to do a garden tidy up. So the garden was weeded, the flowers were dead headed and everything put in the brown garden waste bin. Alex decided that the old bench and chair was past its best so it was disassembled by banging the slats off with a hammer and then unscrewing the body. These were placed next to the waste food bin ready to take to the recycling centre. I warned the kids to stay away from the slats as the nails were sticking up. I took them to the slats and showed nodded and understood that this was a dangerous area and they were to take great care. I looked at them and was proud at how quickly they take things in and listen to their Dad. The next job was to help Alex to pot all her new plants. This took about half an hour and these were all laid out on the patio. A quick build of the new bench and all was looking good. That was the morning done, I made a cuppa and we both sat on our new bench and surveyed our tidy garden. All nice and green and we were being green by helping the environment. I felt smug.
We finished our cuppa and Alex decided she was just nipping over to B&Q to have a nosey. While she was away with the kids she asked if I would just empty the little food bin into the big food bin in the garden while she was out. Not a little bag, tie it up and place in the bin. What could go wrong?
I was dressed in shorts, t-shirt and slippers as it was now my relax time with Alex and kids away for 20 minutes. So I took the food bag out of the kitchen, tied up the bag and went into the garden. Just place this in the bin and I can lounge on the sofa for the rest of the afternoon.
I lent forward, with the bag in my hand, and opened the big food bin. At this point it felt like a heavy weight boxer had just landed an uppercut under my chin. My head flew back in recoil and my nose, mouth, throat and lungs filled quickly with a stench of feck knows what!!!!! My stomach started doing yo-yo’s and couldn’t make its mind up of whether to void my stomach or just leave it in. My eyes started watering and my vision got a bit blurry. I staggered back involuntary and started gasping for air. This is when my slippers slipped off as they do not have backs to them……only proper slip-ons for my heels came into contact with the bloody nails, still attached to the fecking slats that I had warned the kids about not touching or going near to. So a delicate heel coming into contact with an upturned slat with two nails protruding and add 16 stone of bald, fat git results in said nails piercing skin and attaching slat onto the bottom of my foot. At this point I lose my balance and start the downward spiral to the ground. This was as graceful as a duck that had just had a twelve bore pepper it at 50 yards. I was gagging, retching and screaming in pain all at once. The sound that emanated from my mouth was similar to getting a bull elephant and whacking its bollocks with a pair of house bricks. This is where my luck changed. My fall was broken by landing on something soft…………Alexs’ newly potted plants. With my back flop and flailing arms I managed to take out over 80% of the plants in one go, then with my rolling over and trying to get to my feet I managed to step on another 10% of the feckers. I hobbled into the dining room and got the first aid kit out of the cupboard and started to dress my heels. At this point the kids bounded in, with Alex walking in behind. The kids ran outside and quickly came back in and shouted in unison “MUMMMMMMMM, Dads wrecked your plants”. Alex looked at the mess, rolled her eyes and said “I don’t want to know”.
So what was it that started this sorry episode?
Well………one of the cherubs had been asked to put two, out of date, chicken fillets into a food bag and put it in the food bin outside. They didn’t tie the fecking bag so it was loose in the bottom of the bin. Add to this one glorious, hot, fecking week and a closed can guess the build up of that smell. Even mustard gas wouldn’t make you gag as much ffs
So my tip for today is..........don't let the kids put the food bags out.