We woke up this morning to find our wee cat lying ill outside

Quote by Srne
Hi and welcome to the Forum!
Sounds like a pretty bad day, have had many of them myself.
Somthing similar involving a cat happened to me a while back.
Met a fantastic and very gorgeous girl, she had a cat, she loved it and spent like £400 to get it, was some type of designer cat? Anyway, we were going out on fine sunny afternoon and as we were about to leave her groundfloor flat, in a rush i might add, she asked me to close the window.
Now it was one of those open from the top, angle opening double glazed things, where it opens slightly at the top then gradually gets smaller toward the hinged bottom bit (sure you know what I mean?)
In the rush as she had been late getting ready I forgot (I know what your thinking and no, trust me it's worse)......
We went out and ended up arguing as she had taken ages to get ready got to where we were going and spoke hardly at all, other than the odd, yeah, no etc. On the way home we started to make up and I thought "ok good end to a bad day" (oh no how wrong.)
I dropped my lady friend straight at work and she asked me to go to her's and feed the cat, she didn't go out as she was a "house cat" so when I opened the door I looked about and she was nowhere to be seen.
I went to the front room and the window was open "yikes" the cat has escaped..........
I go out giving it "here kitty, kitty, kitty" and a neighbour opened the window and asked if I was looking for a small grey kitten (thinking thank god, she has found her and taken her in).
The girl comes out holding a small shoe box. The cat had got up on the curtain rail, slipped down and slid into the crack in the window (the one i left open) and choked to death and the girl found her on her return.
Horrified, I thanked her and thought about what I was going to do.
Now partly to cover my back, buit mostly to make it easier on my new girlfriend rather than her looking at the window and thinking horrible thoughts everyday she lived there I concocted a story that the cat had got out, had a fight with another cat and died. Much less traumatic right?
I bravely went to pick said girl up, explained the situation about the cat having been fighting and died, but not suffered as she had a heart attack, elaborated that i went to the vet and vet said the cat never suffered to ease the trauma.
She was shocked, upset but said she wass glad the cat never suffered, had a little cry and held onto me as I drove her home. The cat was in the communal garages in the box.
I got her home, ran a bath for her and said I would go out get us a bottle of wine and a takeaway, what a gentleman. Wlaking to the shops superboyfriend material I was thinking.
Anyway, I got back tried the door and it was locked. I rang the bell and the girl opened the door slapped me and screaming told me to "fuck off" as she "hated my guts" and i was a "lying bastard".
The neighbour had come down with a condolence card and explained what she had found, thus blowing my story to hell and holy water.
I tried to explain (to a slammed door) and then on realising it was to no avail, went to my car to go home (12 miles away). I got in and the car seemed odd, odd because she had gone out and popped my front tyre. No problem, change the tyre, and yes I had no jack. Day from Hell, oh yes, but my mate who picked me up (an hour later) thought it was hilarious!
True story!!!!