noooooooooooooooooo ................ we have heard about a whole family who go to clubs and parties together though ... grandparents, parents and kids (adults of course)!!
Would you sell your home for triple the market value if you knew the developers intended to build an animal reasearch/testing centre in its place?
DEAL.... not only do i need the money but where would we be without animal testing (sorry)
Would you convict someone in court if you knew they were innocent on this occaision but knew they were guilty of something else
Deal...if punishment the same.
Would you wash your neighbours car naked so you could watch them have sex?
no deal
So you've been playing poker with your good friend and neighbour and they wagered their new car and lost. Would you claim your winnings at the cost of your friendship?
yes i would as i would have stood to loose something of similar value in winnings!
would you take points on your licence in to save someone else losing theres?
Nope if they get points then they obviously did something to deserve them which probably involved putting someone's life in danger.
Would you stab your collegues in the back to get ahead in your career?
would you fuck your boss for a rise?
Ah, now that I could do, and my wife says she thinks I am a nice man....but we do have a rule about not fucking at work. So, much as I would like to , no.
Would you fuck your partner's dream fuck's partner, so your partner can have their dream fuck?
Well I'm not sure who Jenifer Aniston is shaggin at the moment but I'm sure he'd he half decent so I guess I would!!
Would you try to persuade your partner to take one for the team so that you could fuck your dream fuck?
It was one dream fuck, she said yes, but it never happened, it all changed on the day.
Would you fuck your dream fucks partner to have you dream fuck?
yeah probably.
Same question right back at ya!!
Not this year. I have no idea if I would be up for that next year, but think not.
Would you do a moresome for a dream fuck?
I'd do a moresome anyway and do quite regularly so that would be a yes!!
Would you pay for your dream fuck?
Hell yeah! (If you're reading this Mark Salling my cheque book awaits)
Would you fuck your partners boss without them knowing to save their job?
Oh, yes and I may just tell them, wait a second we have a rule about fucking at work, I think I would have to ask.
Would you ask your partner to fuck your boss for a promotion?
No but I might ask him to shag some of my colleagues to put a smile on their miserable faces!!! :giggle:
Would you fuck the judge to get a 'get me out of jail free card' for your partner?
That depends on what she did.
Would you fuck the jailer to escape?
Hell yeah (In my head he's half decent looking)
Would you wank in public if you were guaranteed your dream shag afterwards?
No, I would have to shag the judge, and face the papers.
Would you fuck the news paper owner to for a cover up?
How much? I, I , I No!
Would you shag the bank manager for a loan?
Hell yeah! (This thread is rapidly teaching me that I have no morals)
Would you shag a really ugly friend if you knew they were reeeeeeeeally down about still being a virgin?
Oh yes, wouldn't you?
Would you stop shagging to please your true love?
Not a fookin chance .... if he was my true love he wouldn't ask me to!!
A friend buys you a lottery ticket and it wins the big one!! Would you keep the money and loose your friend?
I think yes, I am desperate to to play with my wife in the room.
Would you go to Lady Heathers for a chance to fuck her?
I have risked it, it was a small risk as I was miles away from home.
Would you have sex with a member of parliament just so you could say you had fuck the government? ( well as we have been.)