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Dear Marj...

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Sex God
There's this bloke - mature in a 'silver fox' kind of way, widowed 10 years ago, works in my local supermarket.
The things I could do with him would make a whore blush. :twisted:
The problem is this bloke is dead from the waist down. I've tried engaging him in conversations about lingerie, naughty programmes on channel 4...
How does a girl let a guy like that know a casual shag is on the cards without coming across too pushy?
Answers on a postcard.... I shall be in my office awaiting your collective wisdom.
Many thanks
Warming the Bed
So sad
Lots of odd guys out there
Needs some blue pills
Warming the Bed
Well, I'm not quite at the "silver fox" stage, although there are definitely some silver threads amongst the brown, but FWIW I would respond favourably to "fancy a shag" or words to that effect. Subtlety doesn't always work with us guys - we're too thick to spot it!
Sex God
Hmmm, tricky one this... my first thoughts were akin to Geoffs - be direct, ask him out-right, etc etc. but then I reconsidered...after all, you don't want to give the old boy a heart attack do you?! He may be one of the old-school, "true gent" type. In his day women weren't meant to be forward and ask blokes for shags, for meals, beers, or to take rude pics of them wink We all know times have changed (thank god :twisted: ), but he might still be stuck in his ways. You see, he might be trying to pluck up courage to ask you out, and because he doesn't quite believe his luck he might be very shy about it. Either that, or as Geoff says, he might just be a bit slow at noticing you flirting. Maybe you could approach both possibilities by asking him out for an innocent drink/meal, or something like that - that way he knows you're interested, but it gives him a chance to "be the gent" or at least to get his head round the fact that you're after him big style :wink: . That way, hopefully the heart attack will be avoided - well until you show him those pics :wink: :wink: :wink:
How does a girl let a guy like that know a casual shag is on the cards without coming across too pushy?

Pete stays - stick to pushy. Hit him over the head with a club and drag him to your cave - bonk his brains out and dare him not to come back for more.
Marie says - Ask him which wine he would recommend as a gift for someone very special, who you were trying to get to ask you out. When he recommends one. Buy it and give it to him.
P.S. If the wine does not work you can always hit him over the head with the empty bottle, drag him etc etc
Sex God
Some excellent suggestions, guys. Don't know which I'll go with yet...
I'm a little worried because if I cock it up he'll A) Send for the cops and get me arrested for something and I'll have to find somewhere else to shop or B) He'll assume I'm trying to ask for his hand in marriage.
Sex God
Don't you long for the days when the rules were clear, we lived in caves and couldn't articulate more than a grunt???
x x
Sex God
Let us know what happens! Better than watching the Soaps, this is! :P
Warming the Bed
Hi There,
In my opinion and experience, the more senses that are used, the better the communication.
When you talk to this guy, subtley arrange your clothing ie adjust your skirt or blouse.
Engage him in conversation about how well he looks and how he keeps his appearance.
Tell him that you once had a boyfriend who looked like him and how much you like to see him again. Tell him your ex boyfriend knew whick switches to flip in order to make you happy. (by this, you are telling him that you want your switches flipped again).
While talking to him, make subtle body contact.
finally, ask him if you can come around and use his pc ( or any other appliance that women are supposed to find difficult to use) or ask if he will come to your home and show you how to use something. (make sure that during the conversation he has said that he is adept at using/operating something.
When he gets there......turn on the charm, greet him with a kiss and make sure that you breast engage his body.
If that don't work, he is dead from the waist down and is undeserving of you attention.
All the best
Sex God
Shorthand for all that is 'flutter your eyelashes' - but make sure they're heavily mascarared first!!! Aren't some men just blind???
x x
Warming the Bed
Quote by Jags
Aren't some men just blind???
x x

Not exactly blind, just unable to spot anything more subtle than being dragged back to the cave!
Works the other way too - sometimes we men can give the wrong impression because women look for subtle implications in what, to us, is a perfectly straightforward, innuendo free conversation.
Sex God
Geoff - a straightforward conversation with a man??? Don't think I've come across one of those yet?? lol
x x
Warming the Bed
Ummm have you tired the direct approach like "hello i think your a real hunky guy if you ever want a shg heres my phone number" direct but will get a response wot you got too loose ???
maybe he will go red every time he sees you or maybe it works out
David XX
Give him to aspirin (can't spell paracetamol)
When he says, "I don't have a headache"
Answer "you won't mind if we have a shag then"
Am I right that you were actually after sensible advice and we are not helping very much?
I shall be in my office awaiting your collective wisdom.

Bit like planting a feather and waiting for the chicken to grow that.