Mine's 2002.
Aawww shit!!!
don't you just love these happy go lucky type of threads....well i got till 2034 anyway.
june 7th 2024
which gives me just another 19 years and kills me off just a few months after hitting 65. It's probably a bit optimistic, but I will take it.
2068 And I smoke :shock:
Obviously the secret to longevity is to be as obnoxious as possible at all times :mrgreen:
I do apologise.
Aww bolloxs I fucked up on the smoking make that 2044
Another 24 years to be obnoxious is definately worth quitting for :mrgreen:
sometimes i can be optomistic 2044
sometimes pessimistic "your time has already expired have a nice day" :shock: :twisted:
second time around with the same details and now I get to live until August 2038 thats an improvement of 14 years, fucking amazing how much fitter the body can be after just 5 minutes browsing the cafe, scoffing a Crunchie and drinking a cappuchino, I need to do this more often.
So I may live to the year 2040, when I will be 73. This means I am over half way there and middle aged, lol.
that death clock has just freaked me out it gave the date 4th may 2000
there was a clock you could buy that was set in stone from the states ( where else ) that was set at you time of birth and life expectancy , and me being the twisted cow i am really wanted it as a kick up the arse to keep me moving like a race horse in life and never take each second for granted
Shit ...........thats better
865000 seconds ,and counting lol
Sunday, January 30, 2067
I'm going to be here forever !! :shock: I will be 110 :shock:
Looks like i've got a long life a head of me!
so by my calculation i shoud be 93 years old
i feel sorry for the rest of the world that as to put up with me till then!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
do I start saying my farewells now or just say sod it and get out and have fun while I can ?