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Decider for best avatar

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42 replies
1 watcher
Right as we had three winners all with six votes,were running a poll to get the overal winner from them.
This will run till 6pm Monday,get voting!!
look at the effort i put into polishing the brass! ive a mean rubbing hand action.
Thought id put this back to the top
(not like im gonna get any voted or anything!!!)
come on wheres the votes for my lovely wife,she came joint top before so someone has to like her :cry: :shock:
Quote by Steve_Lincs
come on wheres the votes for my lovely wife

I thought we were voting for the best avatar, not the loveliest wife dunno
Quote by Steve_Lincs
come on wheres the votes for my lovely wife,she came joint top before so someone has to like her :cry: :shock:

Well, I stayed true to my original vote and voted for Clare biggrin ... of course, that's probably what's swung it the wrong way ... soz! confused
Back to the top we go................
Keep voting you lot!! biggrin
The best avatars on the site - EVER!!!!!
He's got no boobs or sexy smiles
All he's got is a bad case of piles
How does that sound as a campaign slogan - Pretty damn good!!!
BTW - Have we to vote for davej in traditional head up arse mode or davej does lillte Mal!!!!!
Quote by celticq
He's got no boobs or sexy smiles
All he's got is a bad case of piles
How does that sound as a campaign slogan - Pretty damn good!!!
BTW - Have we to vote for davej in traditional head up arse mode or davej does lillte Mal!!!!!

Well - looks like you can be in charge of his publicity material CQ!!!!!
'Davej DOES little Mal'?????? :shock:
Well there has to be a skeleton in every cupboard doesn't there!!!!!
Right come on back to the top,keep voting peeps!!
I voted Clare!!!
Quote by Alexandra
The best avatars on the site - EVER!!!!!

My vote tooooooo !!!!!!!!
He can't look sexy - unlike some!
All he's got is a (window) pain in the bum!
Quote by celticq
He can't look sexy - unlike some!
All he's got is a (window) pain in the bum!

Ahh - but the vote is for the best, not the sexiest!
I still say Clare!!!!
Quote by dazandlou
I still say Clare!!!!

Ahh but you can only vote once"
Who wants to buy my vote???????? :twisted:
ME ME ME!!!!!! I'LL BUY IT STEVE!!!!!!
Quote by steveg_nw
Who wants to buy my vote???????? :twisted:

I think he means sexual favours Alex , and that deffo rules me out .Over to you....
Quote by steveg_nw
Who wants to buy my vote???????? :twisted:

Now I'm confused. rolleyes :roll: :roll:
You tense your bottocks like someone I know..........and I feel the need to vote for you............... :roll: :roll: Help !!!!!!! No more choices...... sad
My avatar never got a mention so I'm not even in the running.........but I do have a vote going spare. :twisted: :twisted:
i asked first
Well Steve
I don't believe in cheating rolleyes so I cannot offer to purchase your vote.
But, if your about next time I drive past Blackburn, - fancy a bevvy?
But - be strong man!!!!!!
Don't let these offers of sexual favours influence you!
Rise above it!
I'm still not sure where to put my vote.
Clarelincs picture is of the correct size which shows due to the lack of resizing and pixel clarity. Good colour definition, no blurryness. All in all I would give 9/10
Calista. Black and white. Very artistic. I do have a question about the blurred edges. The shadows look like they are merging in and makes the picture appear to be taken in bad light. I think it may just be the focusing that may be slightly off. Very good though. 7/10
I like the brown, black and white. It has good light - dark definition. Very clear picture and looks like it may have been taken professionally. Excellent quality. 9/10
So that means I'm tied and I can't cast my vote.
I'm open to bribes of any kind but I must have payment first rolleyes wink
Quote by mattmoleman
I'm still not sure where to put my vote.
Clarelincs picture is of the correct size which shows due to the lack of resizing and pixel clarity. Good colour definition, no blurryness. All in all I would give 9/10
Calista. Black and white. Very artistic. I do have a question about the blurred edges. The shadows look like they are merging in and makes the picture appear to be taken in bad light. I think it may just be the focusing that may be slightly off. Very good though. 7/10
I like the brown, black and white. It has good light - dark definition. Very clear picture and looks like it may have been taken professionally. Excellent quality. 9/10
So that means I'm tied and I can't cast my vote.
I'm open to bribes of any kind but I must have payment first rolleyes wink

What is it with you men????????
Another one after sexual favours?
I think you're right Alex.
I now renouce my previous offer of being open to bribery but if you think you could sway my judgement with wisdom and words then that will be great.
Quote by mattmoleman
I think you're right Alex.
I now renouce my previous offer of being open to bribery but if you think you could sway my judgement with wisdom and words then that will be great.

Wel slip over here and let me whisper in your ear then as I give you a relaxing back massage with this warmed baby oil.