just to add me tuppence worth,
when we first joined this site there was the "we'll meet again thread" that everyone would just talk cack in it was great, but unfortunately ppl complained cos it was always off topic and it got shut down.
but at least all the crap was kept in one place so maybe if we just had one thread for random bullshit it would keep everyone happy.
ppl still got freedom of speach and mods would have an easier time as it would all be controlled in one thread causing less work for our mods?
where is sarge???? hope he's okay!!!!!
How about we all have a holiday?
You know a good old fashioned works shutdown, charabancs and beanos all the way from Blackpool to Margate.
Turn the servers off for two weeks.
dont be so silly duncan
where would we bitch,moan and spout irrevelances ?????????????
A similar situation arose a year or so ago on a sex-oriented US forum we belong to.... the whole original point of the site was being lost under a hopeless welter of look-at-me stuff. It was getting to be completely inaccessible - even outright unfriendly - to the "ordinary" members. The mods on that site imposed a limit of one "off topic" thread per day, simply deleting anything they considered to be serving one small self-selecting group, rather than the community as a whole. And they changed any headers that they thought uninformative about thread content. It provoked a storm of outrage among the Nicky-Nomates bunch, but it seems to have worked pretty well.
I think trolls should be blocked, yes....but for the rest it's a difficult subject. As a newbie I'm trying to gently enter the online community and the advice that clearly comes forward is to make lots of posts on the board. Getting the balance right between being too vocal and too silent is difficult when seeking to promote one's self in the hubbub, as is determining what's meaningful and what's drivel. I'm doubtless already guilty of putting up some pointless posts.
IMHO, any community of this size is going to generate a large amount of traffic and the most effective way of dealing with it is to further split the board and make sub-communities. I'm already amazed that the mods can keep up with it.
Sorry Shead, not having a go but yours was the nearest example that i could find.
The thread "what ca i do?" gives no indication as to what it is about and the subject matter is something I find unpleasant.
It may not be to others, it is a swinging/sex related subject and a perfectly valid question, its just that I wouldnt have opened the thread if I had known what it was about.
As I say, it is not having a go and certainly not questioning whether the topic should be raised.
i agree with blondie and with sarge and ice on a few things. but a shit bin is not a good thing, im sure everyone has posted something shit at least once, for me about 994 times.
what will happen is people leaving the site in droves me aswell. yes at the moment ive found things utterly boring at times, how big is your knob, who cares? i couldnt give a dam how big someones knob is. do women find bi guys sexy, does it matter? do we like science from bb? who gives a fook, he,ll be back off twocking cars and in prison when the shows finnished hopefully.
ive posted so much nonsense at times but ive ive also posted a few sensible things and injected a few things from my life that you wouldnt have never known about, ie things i have to do to be myself and the crap i have to deal with sometimes.
i dont look or never will look for hugs and sympathy, but over the past few weeks ive been really crap and a few on here have saved me from going totally mad and made me think about myself for once, hence the whole new me and name change etc. without the crap posts and sometimes adding to them i doubt i would have made those friends.
ive only been here since feb and i was new and im sure i asked infact i did ask some stupid questions because i was new, and so because of that i let the other newbies make the same mistakes, its a learning curve.
i like to look at the jokes or the links on here sometimes, they make me laugh.
things come in waves your bound to have crap sometimes, just like good days and bad days. im sure the posts will get better again soon.
i enjoy the cafe as its the only place ive really ever had such a giggle on the net, sometimes nearly falling off my chair in hysterics. yes its a swing site and its about sex mainly but theres the lets meet up, the ads, the chatroom, if all i did was talk about sex constantly to be honest id be bored shitless and i wouldnt be here.
threads are already locked for many reasons but because someone with the keys dosnt like a thread because it dosnt entertain them and to decide whether they will lock or goes to a shit bin is not good
With all the ramblings (in a good way :P ) above, and seeing as one of the multiple small problems seems to be newbies starting out, saying hi etc.........should we not myabe have a sticky hola section ????..........then when they come in, they all say hello there, sticky intro's or something we could call it?
just an idea..........................shoot me down in burning flames if you wish, but have got me chute on :twisted: :P
Sensible suggestion Colts.
Okay 'elbowing' our way in... that is not a very nice comment to make, also i would imagine for the most part it is incorrect! It is only being sociable and showing general interest in the conversation at hand.
If you want to make conversations exclusive in that way there is little point in it being a public forum!
But I have read a fair few 'i'm new' threads and i cannot really see what they achieve apart from extending the hand of friendship.. which is how i see taking part in a conversation that interests me!
Claire xx
Remember "the search button is your best friend!"
How about? "the back button is your best friend"
I mean that in the context of, you're typing a reply,you read it back to yourself and decide that it is shite or adds nothing or isnt relevant or funny and you press the back button and dont post.
We all post shite etc but a mind set of "the back button is your best friend" might cut down on some of it.
i still say bring back the "we'll meet again thread"
one thread just for the random verbal poo.
Whilst some of this argument has been fevourously raging, I have been reading some of the old posts. Well mannered, polite, supportive and encouraging interchanges. Ner an unpleasant word seemed to be spoken back in those halcyon days.
Mods look up astounded, discuss whether I deserve brownie points, nice sticker or jamboree bag.
My perception is that the site is..............growing up. Tantrums, stamping of feet, holding of breath, refusing to eat broccoli etc.
So we have to get through this.