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Declaration of war!!

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Tune, are you tuned in with me this morning?
I was just going to say that having being here awhile I've noticed that everytime there is a surge of new members invariably a thread about crap posts, spelling and grammer etc etc etc comes up because most of the regulars are fed up with trawling through what they consider to be trash. To the regulars who've known the board since way back when, yes it is all trash, but to others and the newbies it's not. They're finding their way around and being social.
I think guidance is the key and Mal has made a positive start at attempting to alleviate the problem.
Sarge, for whats its worth, I was 100% completely behind your plan to improve the standard of the posts within the cafe.
I say 'was' because that changed after I read Blondes post and realised that is what The Cafe is all about. A wide range of topics that members feel revelant at the time of posting, no matter what they are.
To a certain extent the posts moderate themselves, the dull, boring pointless threads quickly move out of the spotlight as they disappear rapidly down the pages. Whilst any that attract replies are left up on page 1, and if they remain on the first page, then surely that proves that they are NOT dull, boring or pointless to a lot of people.
So long as threads do not become racist, sexist or any other kind of -ist, or break AUP guidelines, then they are fine.
One thread that could be locked however is the kind when two people treat it like a chatroom and reply to each other in quick succession.
Other than this, I think things are fine as they are.
Master of Sex
Isn`t it this kind of thing that these people started to do.
Hitler Germany
Stalin Russia
Kim Jong 11 North Korea
Chairman Mao
Saddam Hussein
Papa Doc Haiti's
Maggie Thatcher
Fidel Castro
In fact these are what the USA called friendly dictators
Abacha, General Sani
Amin, Idi
Banzer, Colonel Hugo
Batista, Fulgencio
Bolkiah, Sir Hassanal
Botha, P.W.
Branco, General Humberto
Cedras, Raoul
Cerezo, Vinicio
Chiang Kai Shek
Cordova, Roberto Suazo
Christiani, Alfredo
Diem, Ngo Dihn
Doe, General Samuel
Duvalier, Francois
Duvalier, Jean Claude
Fahd bin'Abdul 'Aziz, King
Franco, General Francisco
Hitler, Adolf
Hassan II
Marcos, Ferdinand
Martinez, General Maximiliano
Mobutu Sese Seko
Noriega, General Manuel
Ozal, Turgut
Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Reza
Papadopoulos, George
Park Chung Hee
Pinochet, General Augusto
Pol Pot
Rabuka, General Sitiveni
Montt, General Efrain Rios
Salassie, Haille
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira
Somoza, Anastasio Jr.
Somoza, Anastasio, Sr.
Smith, Ian
Stroessner, Alfredo
Suharto, General
Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas
Videla, General Jorge Rafael
Zia Ul Haq, Mohammed Nigeria
Surly if any thread is within the guidelines set down they should be ok and different opions should be respected, after all if everyone made love the same we would have no need to be on this site .
Sex God
Crap is in the eye of the beholder !!!!!
for instance i found the office deeply un amusing 15 million people loved it
so long as a thread confines its self to being legal ,in-offencesive etc
it should be allowed to be judged by all on its merits and the weight of replies will stand to the popularity or lack of for each and every thread
Sex God
Quote by bushwackers
Isn`t it this kind of thing that these people started to do.
Hitler Germany
Stalin Russia
Kim Jong 11 North Korea
Chairman Mao
Saddam Hussein
Papa Doc Haiti's
Maggie Thatcher
Fidel Castro
In fact these are what the USA called friendly dictators
Abacha, General Sani
Amin, Idi
Banzer, Colonel Hugo
Batista, Fulgencio
Bolkiah, Sir Hassanal
Botha, P.W.
Branco, General Humberto
Cedras, Raoul
Cerezo, Vinicio
Chiang Kai Shek
Cordova, Roberto Suazo
Christiani, Alfredo
Diem, Ngo Dihn
Doe, General Samuel
Duvalier, Francois
Duvalier, Jean Claude
Fahd bin'Abdul 'Aziz, King
Franco, General Francisco
Hitler, Adolf
Hassan II
Marcos, Ferdinand
Martinez, General Maximiliano
Mobutu Sese Seko
Noriega, General Manuel
Ozal, Turgut
Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Reza
Papadopoulos, George
Park Chung Hee
Pinochet, General Augusto
Pol Pot
Rabuka, General Sitiveni
Montt, General Efrain Rios
Salassie, Haille
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira
Somoza, Anastasio Jr.
Somoza, Anastasio, Sr.
Smith, Ian
Stroessner, Alfredo
Suharto, General
Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas
Videla, General Jorge Rafael
Zia Ul Haq, Mohammed Nigeria
Surly if any thread is within the guidelines set down they should be ok and different opions should be respected, after all if everyone made love the same we would have no need to be on this site .

True, different opinions should be respected, and the opinions expressed here that you personally don't agree with should be included in that. They do not deserve to be ridiculously likened to armed conquest and genocide and slavery and all of that. I find your post grossly insulting.
In as much as safe sex is practised and practicable, there appears to be the need for 'safe posting'.
Quote by Ice Pie
Isn`t it this kind of thing that these people started to do.
Hitler Germany
Stalin Russia....
Surly if any thread is within the guidelines set down they should be ok and different opions should be respected, after all if everyone made love the same we would have no need to be on this site .

True, different opinions should be respected, and the opinions expressed here that you personally don't agree with should be included in that. They do not deserve to be ridiculously likened to armed conquest and genocide and slavery and all of that. I find your post grossly insulting.
I find Bushwacker's post typical of what Sarge is talking about. Here we are trying to have a serious discussion and he is stood on his desk with his fingers in his ears and his tongue out, refusing to listen to what is being said, like a five-year-old being told he can't get his willy out in class.
Sarge isn't a dictator. He is just a little bored. No need to liken him to a mass murderer.
I agree with some of you but how can you decide what is a crap post and a good post.
I don't start any threads of as i wouldn't no where to start and the hi i am new threads is just that... they are new and don't know any better they need you to help them and to show them what to post and not what to post.
Its not just the newbies though i have noticed people who have been on here for a while and open new threads when there is old threads that they could of posted in.
Different threads attract different people and if you dont want to post in them just leave them be or if you need to close them it would be nice if you put a quote in the thread saying why it has been to help for next time so we no why its been closed and not to do it again.
As i said before what is a crap thread and whats a good one? dunno
sharron mater what people think or say we would NOT want you to leave Sgt Bilko we love you kiss
Sex God
I'm right behind you Sarge and I've got my broom ready lol :lol: :lol:
Does this mean you're going to start threads again - go on you know you want to biggrin
I am not on here for long but what goes on my nerves (If I may say so) is every single day there are at least 5 threads of how do you like my avatar or similar. Isn't the avatar part of my own identification so unless it is offending what have other people got to do with it? From my short experience here if the avatar is crapp the punishment will come within seconds automatically by the comments of the others.
The next one is the size of the cock (may be 3 times a day open or hidden)
I feel also that some post just to post and not because it is of any interest.
I am sure that there are lots of other threads which bug Sgt and I agree with him but censorship is of course always dangerous and it might frighten some genuine people away.
If you came across a groupt of people having what you considered to be an unproductive, trivial conversation and suggested that they change it into something more itelligent and worthwhile.....
Well you just wouldn't, would you?
Sex God
Ice and Mark I really like the shit bin idea (for a start it would allow me to find my threads more joking I hope) because the banal and frankly boring posts have certainly increased.
i pop in to have a look but rarely find anything to reply to or that is of any interest.I miss the humour and notice not a few others feel the same.
thankyou for opening the debate sarge and incidentally surely better to put things somewhere else than lock them
Sex God
Quote by duncanlondon
If you came across a groupt of people having what you considered to be an unproductive, trivial conversation and suggested that they change it into something more itelligent and worthwhile.....
Well you just wouldn't, would you?

I would if I were in the room with them. As a matter of fact I do, every day at work when people talk incessantly about football and Big Brother. I'm much more restrained in here.
Anyway, I don't think the private converation is a fair analogy, because when you post on a forum site you are addressing a far wider audience than the people you are directly addressing in the pub or whatever, and not taking that into account, or posting willy nilly in spite of it, strikes me as a bit selfish.
Incidentally aren't the current threads Steam Room and Declaration of War, more or less hitting on the same thing?
Quote by duncanlondon
Incidentally aren't the current threads Steam Room and Declaration of War, more or less hitting on the same thing?

Yes, but in the steam room you can have your say and nobody will correct or try to convince you otherwise, where as here it's being debated.
Which tends to suggest that there is some point in having several ways of discussing the same thing?
Warming the Bed
Can I say that the thing which really gets me irritated is when there IS an interesting thread going on, and it gets "threadjacked" (is that the word?) by folks being "amusing". So you get half a page of thoughtful contributions, then someone says something witty and someone else caps it, and before you know where you are it's a lot of bored mates having a "quote-within-quotes" laff among themselves..... and the original point (which might actually have HELPED somebody) has been lost altogether. It's nice that folks make friends on here, but the I'm-in-with-the-in-crowd stuff is very irritating to the folks who don't WANT to be part of the Inner Circle.
I do agree that the reader can easily ignore stuff that he/she isn't interested or involved in.... but hijacking threads like this makes it almost impossible not to step in the cack. Also.... maybe there could be a bit more discipline in the original headers. "You must read this" (and similar) gives you no idea what it's about, and it's usually an unfunny witticism of some sort. Must drive the folks on dial-up mad.
Sex God
Quote by Ice Pie
If you came across a groupt of people having what you considered to be an unproductive, trivial conversation and suggested that they change it into something more itelligent and worthwhile.....
Well you just wouldn't, would you?

I would if I were in the room with them. As a matter of fact I do, every day at work when people talk incessantly about football and Big Brother. I'm much more restrained in here
Exactly, if I was having a conversation with people that I know which was boring the crap out of me, without a doubt I would have said "shut the fuck up will ya" Sorry, but I would mad
Sex God
Quote by duncanlondon
Which tends to suggest that there is some point in having several ways of discussing the same thing?

No, not to me it doesn't
The steam room is for having a bit of a rant, not provoking a discussion. Some rants may be about the same thing but it still doesn't make it a discussion.
So which of them qualifies for approval?
Sex God
Quote by duncanlondon
So which of them qualifies for approval?

For what?
Quote by blonde
So what constitutes a decent post ???? and in who's opinion ????
I thought the point of the cafe was to allow people the opportunity to say what they wanted to say .................. the fact that you dont want to hear it .............. or dont want to comment on it ............. doesn't make it crap ............ it just makes it irrelevant to you !!
I know this is gonna make me as popular as a hole in the head ............... but leave the threads alone........... unless they break the rules !!!
Everyone on here is entitled to say what they want .............. if we were all the same wouldnt the world be a boring place ???
Your humour might not be mine........... and mine might not be yours ................. but does that mean that my humour has no place on here and yours does ????
I enjoy my time on this site coz of the diversity of the people on here..................... and that includes the silly, boring,not my taste threads !!!
Getting off the soap box now and going to hide in a dark dark corner !!!! lol

i agree with you blonde some people are just not interesting ( like me :P ) and i think that different people enjoy different people's and this is just my oppinion if threads are deleted then this my cause some controversal issue's.
i admit i am one of the people that really enjoy posting on here, maybe 9 times out of 10 its complete bollox, but sometimes in life you have to chill and not take things so seriously (hears practice what you preach).
people have different views and oppinions and this makes life controversal anyway, but who is a mod (with the greatest of respect) to dictate that they find a thread boring????
ive seen many a threads that i think " what the flucking hell they talking about?" but i just dot participate in them (not that theres many).
everything is down to personal interpretation, taste and personality!!
And i think that sometimes people are abit harsh on threads when a simple pm to the person would be a little less in your face??
but hey thats my oppinion feel free to interperate it as you want.
but your still gr8 sarge!!
While we're on the topic of what constitutes boring or not....
I personally find the GFZ kinda threads boring. To me it's grown-ups playing make believe. Why? dunno I don't get it. But don't explain it to me please. Just making a point. GFZ seems kinda popular, but that too is not to everyone's taste.
Warming the Bed
Firstly Hi eveyone smile
I've been on a few forums and I get what Bilko is saying - "If you ain't got anything constructive to say don't say it!". But on the other hand you can't ignore Blonde as she has made some very good points - it can be just as annoying when moderators enforce their own rules onto a forum (I'm not saying that anyone here does it - I havn't been here long enough to know anyway!). At the end of the day it is a general discussion room and ppl should be free to have a general discussion about whatever they like (within reason) and if no rules are being broken I don't see the problem.
I'm just a newbie so i'm gonna shut up now wink
The reason I asked these questions is that both threads are closely related, and conversation being what it is, likely to have considerable overspill. Conversation in the forum varies from rants and moans to itelligent discussion, weaving in and out of the thread topic.
So I just wondered what selectivity is in place to differentiate between the two.
As both threads are aimed at reducing irrelevancy and redundancy, they appear to be more or less designed for the same purpose.
The aim of both threads is to reduce work overload for the mods.
Sex God
Quote by 3someinpreston
And I have another proposal! The board should run a badge scheme. The "Animated Avatar" badges are a start, but there should be more, like "Most Consistently Interesting" and "Most Humorous" and "Most Convincing TV" lol

I'm lovin' your ideas........ can't wait to see the piccies :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I've only just seen this thread and haven't really given it much thought yet... but yeah, increasingly and in fact for some time I do not bother reading much of the cafe unless I am toitally totally bored rolleyes ... This never used to be the case. I used to think the cafe was one of the most entertaining places on the whole of the Net.... OK, I'm sad redface :roll: wink ..... But it illustrates a point.... the style of the cafe is different now.... and not for the better.... confused
To be honest, I don't mind the majority of the trivial threads.... there has always been threads about trivial subjects, such as broken guns, or being unfit :? :? :? :? .... I think what IS different is that there used to be a greater proportion of serious subjects that people could get their teeth into in between talking shit! That is what I used to love about the cafe - that I could go from talking deep and meaningful in one thread and then click on the next link and talk crap, all within about 30 seconds! Maybe most of the serious topics in the world have been covered........ :? ...... or maybe you all need to have more imagination :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm not convinced a shit bin forum is the real answer, I personally think it will give us mods more headaches, but I am happy to go along with it if the majority think it is worth a go. I am also not keen on Tune's idea of a cooling off period for new posters. Yes, it would stop some of the crap on-liners in LMU, but I don't think it would solve this particular problem as the shit thread problem is mainly perpetrated by regs ! surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :wink:
I don't want to have to start laying down the law as a mod to say what people can post and what they can't. I like the diversity and I like to read all sorts of things (to a point). But I agree that something does need to change. A while ago us mods got slated for locking lots of threads in the cafe, and to a certain extent I can see the point that people made about that at the time. But if we don't lock threads, and people don't think about what they post, we are bound to get ourselves in this catch 22 situation..... :?
So.... it's up to you what the answer to this is guys... it is the responsibility of everyone who uses this forum..... keep talking! :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink:
we could make it a collective decision type thing. let anything be posted & if you think its crap then just respond with 'Lock' if the thread gets 3 locks on a page then the mods know it's not really wanted, can shut it down without too many compaints and it will soon drop off the page.
sorry but if you bring up a interesting thread 9 times out of 10 its been done before and you get remarks like the search button is your friend.
After the majority of things have been discused what do you talk about without people jumping down your throat, you talk more about things that relate to you, and whats going on in the world.
I am all in favour, but with a certain amount of moderation" on what Sarge says.
Enough said on that.
Why was Godwins Law not involked on this thread for the use of a dictators full name (bushwakers post) and yet yesterday a post was locked for just the one word (Adolf) in the "National ID Card" thread.
What is Good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
I await both the reason, the excuse and the retributaion I may get.
Sex God
What is godwins law ????????????????