I've heard a lot about this site recently, just wanted to join, say hi, etc
Im 26, a guy, Bi, Living in Worcester in the Midlands, met a few people up in Birmingham (on another site - yikes!) and they pointed me in this direction.
Gotta post an ad yet, just wanna meet a few people especially in the Midlands area,
Thats my ramble
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cheers Guys, been using this long?
:welcome: to :swingingchair: Heaven i hope you have a good time on here, there are some great people on here so get posting, and good luck.
Hello and welcome, hope you have fun!
Look out sex mad folk, too right I will!
Oh and I hope that I'll do well here, but i'll be fine because I'm ace!
(wow ....I haven't used that word in about 10 years....)
Hi and welcome members time on here is under the little pics over there ..
:welcome: to the nuthouse from us as well
Welcome to the nut house
Enjoy and forget about the real world out there - its more fun on here.
I don't think it's a nut house. It all looks perfectly normal to me
But welcome from a part time member
Cool, Thanks all,
Finally got my pass link email thingy to activate the account so if you see me say hi....and be gentle!!!