Hmm... I'm not convinced. Surely the word 'Fat' is almost universally understood to be an insult - as visit to any school playground will confirm?
BBW has a much more positive connotation for me, much closer to 'Voluptious" than "Obese".
Oh and just for the record, I found out two things at the weekend... firstly that I'm a size 14, and secondly that I temporarily wished I was size 10 :shock:
Come on ladies, I'll take you one at a time, you're all fine examples of the female form to me.
(I'll now duck the flying "not on your life responses" and go to LMU to see if I can pull a rabbit out of the hat)
personally i feel that people who use the term BBw to describe themselves may be lacking in confidence.
to me how big i am is just one part of my description, no more or less important than my eye or hair colour.
i do not feel the need to make a big issue out of it.
i believe that by using the term BBW the person is trying to persuade themselves and other people that they are sexy "despite" being fat! in effect drawing more critisism to themselves than they would be if they had not made a statement about their size.
well whats the are either sexy or you are not, being fat or thin does not define you, its just a part of the overall package!
i guess this does not make sense, but I know what i was trying to say lol
seems like this discussion has really churned things up
Nothing wrong with BBW - I love em - one and all - bring it on !!!!!!
at risk of throwing myself back into this thread head first.....
I hate being called FAT. I may be fat, that's a given, but it comes down to self-perception. I see fat as what we have excess of, - we're not made entirely of it! - but again, this is where other people's attitudes come into it - because those who see fat as unattractive/unsexy, usually only see the 'size', they dont see the heart or the soul, they see the outside excess fat and it clouds their perception of the actual person.
'Fat' is a derogatory term used in name-calling or self-piss taking (usually done before anyone else can do it for you)
'Fat' implies obese, unhealthy, unattractive, unsexy, low confidence, unhappiness, low reinforces stereotypes that fat or big is bad and underlines negative body image.
I may be 'fat' size wise, but in attitude I'm a BBW.
Labels, like em or not, can be negative or positive, necessary or unnecessary, but I'm sticking with mine.