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Define Local

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37 replies
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I just had to share this one with you....
I have an ad which I thought was pretty clear. I have specifically mentioned localish (not really more than an hour away).
There have been a few who ignored this and replied anyway, even though they are 150< miles away.
But the one this morning topped the lot.... 2,443 miles away :shock:
Has anyone had one further than that?
It depends !
If you are a couple or single female placing an ad', then local means about 30 miles radius (or thereabouts).
If you are a single guy replying to an ad', then local really means 'anywhere outside the arctic circle'
Hehe - sad but true.
I very rarely get any 'local' replies. My own fault for living in a beautiful but sparsely populated part of the country.
On another site there was a couple who contacted me asking if I wanted to fly over for the weekend - we sort of lost touch after I asked if they would pay my air fare!
Ahh, but you can't help but feel sorry for the guy and certainly hats off to him for trying. Maybe he has his own jet plane?
I suppose local could be defined an algebraic calculus based upon:
Available transport
How horny he is feeling
How fit he is
Is she worth it
I am still trying to figure out what number divides into what, but I am sure there is a square root in there somewhere. :small-print:
For example, a guy who only owns a pushbike, he may define it maybe as 20 miles, dependant on how fit he is.
For a really lazy guy, it may be limited to feet rather than miles.
For the guy who owns a car, depends how much petrol he can afford
For a guy who reads a profile and feels a sudden attraction, a need to be with that one person, well that possibly could be 2443 miles confused
Although, that said, for the horny guy that has not had it in a while, probably about the same! rolleyes
In my case PL, I defiantly would say, local is defined as 127 miles
:twisted: :twisted:
I'll get the Harrier Jump Jet fuelled up and "local" is then anywhere within a 3 hour flying time wink
It depends on where the journey takes you. Fifty miles by motorway is nothing, fifty miles through a busy urban area, or twisty country roads is a different matter.
interesting question......
distance is all realative i
so i went back to when i lived in new york.. to where i use to consider cities that were local to me... just because i use to go there a fair bit.....
new york - philly......... 95miles.....(same distance-ish as london to birmingham/bristol or newcastle- manchester)
new york - washington d.c.... 215 miles.... (same distance as london-durham, manchester-plymouth or edinburgh-derby)
everyone who was good at anything in new york always wanted to go to syracuse university...the largest state university in new york..... still 195 miles away.....which really surprised me!!!
so i suppose for me... the larger the country the further i consider local... because those distances still really don't bother...probably because i was brought up with....
sean xxxxxx
Local roughly translated from a horny single persons dictionary! "As long as iam guaranteed a bit of action i will consider any distance local" Seriously though its like asking how long is a piece of string? can mean different to each individual.
Anyway hi Pololady hows you?
Quote by fabio grooverider
so i suppose for me... the larger the country the further i consider local... because those distances still really don't bother...probably because i was brought up with....
...The man from the galaxy far far away has spoken :giggle:
Quote by bisto kid
Local roughly translated from a horny single persons dictionary! "As long as iam guaranteed a bit of action i will consider any distance local" Seriously though its like asking how long is a piece of string? can mean different to each individual.
Anyway hi Pololady hows you?

I'm a horny single person... dunno Never seen that dictionary!
I've traveled over 300 miles to see someone... & up to now she is one of my best friends!
had to buy condoms after we met... coz sex def was not on the table - her words!!!
Horny or not... if it feels good then warp drive distances may not be an issue!
Quote by redpantherman
Local roughly translated from a horny single persons dictionary! "As long as iam guaranteed a bit of action i will consider any distance local" Seriously though its like asking how long is a piece of string? can mean different to each individual.
Anyway hi Pololady hows you?

I'm a horny single person... dunno Never seen that dictionary!
I've traveled over 300 miles to see someone... & up to now she is one of my best friends!
had to buy condoms after we met... coz sex def was not on the table - her words!!!
Horny or not... if it feels good then warp drive distances may not be an issue!
I will email you a copy in PDF format lol
Quote by bisto kid
I will email you a copy in PDF format lol
:happy: dont bother... im in a sharing mood today as I've just been certified by Sara!! :happy: post link here & we can share :happy:
Quote by natandh
I very rarely get any 'local' replies. My own fault for living in a beautiful but sparsely populated part of the country.

Ditto sad
I would define 'local' as 50 miles or so, which works out as more than a hours drive for me as I invariably get lost along the way confused
Saying that I would (and have) travel further for someone I really hit it off with.
Minx x x
:shock: natandh & binxy in south wales..!!!
Time to buy a shed & head on out to sheep country bolt
Quote by redpantherman
:shock: natandh & binxy in south wales..!!!

Up untill last year I was hauling into south wales 6 days a week but sadly no more. But I had some great night's out down there with friends so I can tell you it's a beautifull place to spend time. But as I'm no longer in that area all I can say is. You've all had a lucky escape otherwise you may have had a knock at the door from me. lol
Quote by redpantherman
:shock: natandh & binxy in south wales..!!!
Time to buy a shed & head on out to sheep country bolt

Hey! What about me ! :cry:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
:shock: natandh & binxy in south wales..!!!
Time to buy a shed & head on out to sheep country bolt

Hey! What about me ! :cry:
OK, time to buy a Seren and head out into Sassy country !
Quote by mik69
:shock: natandh & binxy in south wales..!!!

Up untill last year I was hauling into south wales 6 days a week but sadly no more. But I had some great night's out down there with friends so I can tell you it's a beautifull place to spend time. But as I'm no longer in that area all I can say is. You've all had a lucky escape otherwise you may have had a knock at the door from me. lol
what kind of mpg d'you get out of shiplap? (nothing to do with thread, merely curious)
Quote by natandh
what kind of mpg d'you get out of shiplap? (nothing to do with thread, merely curious)

mad mad mad I've told you before its tongue in groove only the best for my shed lol lol wink
As for the local thing I've said it before that i'm more than happy to travel a fair distance to meet on purely a social basis but hell 2,443 miles is too far even for me. confused
Quote by mik69
mad mad mad I've told you before its tongue in groove only the best for my shed lol lol wink

heartfelt appologies. My own shed's made of tongue in cheek. biggrin
As for the travelling, I usually have to bomb up the M5 to meet Nat anyway, so 'local' for me is a 2 1/2 hour drive.
Quote by Sassy-Seren
:shock: natandh & binxy in south wales..!!!
Time to buy a shed & head on out to sheep country bolt
Hey! What about me ! :cry:
redface So very sorry hump :twisted:
Quote by redpantherman
:shock: natandh & binxy in south wales..!!!
Time to buy a shed & head on out to sheep country bolt

Sorry RPM, Wales is closed this week... :giggle:
Minx x x
Quote by PoloLady
I just had to share this one with you....
I have an ad which I thought was pretty clear. I have specifically mentioned localish (not really more than an hour away).
There have been a few who ignored this and replied anyway, even though they are 150< miles away.
But the one this morning topped the lot.... 2,443 miles away :shock:
Has anyone had one further than that?

Yep......... Today ................ 2,497 miles away .......... He is in Turkey apparently and looking to meet English Lady for fun and massage ??????????????
Has someone deleted my profile ??? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just had a thought .......... it could be the same person ........... but you are south of me ... therefore slighty closer to Turkey ????
Quote by marriedmale
local really means 'anywhere outside the arctic circle'.

Oh :shock: Fussy bugger are you? rolleyes :P
An expression I picked up on is 'run across the road', originating from the USA.
Make of it what you want, but its fairly descriptive.
Quote by blonde
I just had to share this one with you....
I have an ad which I thought was pretty clear. I have specifically mentioned localish (not really more than an hour away).
There have been a few who ignored this and replied anyway, even though they are 150< miles away.
But the one this morning topped the lot.... 2,443 miles away :shock:
Has anyone had one further than that?

Yep......... Today ................ 2,497 miles away .......... He is in Turkey apparently and looking to meet English Lady for fun and massage ??????????????
Has someone deleted my profile ??? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just had a thought .......... it could be the same person ........... but you are south of me ... therefore slighty closer to Turkey ????
ohh i think i've had him, invited me over for a holiday :shock:
Quote by naughtynymphos1
I just had to share this one with you....
I have an ad which I thought was pretty clear. I have specifically mentioned localish (not really more than an hour away).
There have been a few who ignored this and replied anyway, even though they are 150< miles away.
But the one this morning topped the lot.... 2,443 miles away :shock:
Has anyone had one further than that?

Yep......... Today ................ 2,497 miles away .......... He is in Turkey apparently and looking to meet English Lady for fun and massage ??????????????
Has someone deleted my profile ??? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just had a thought .......... it could be the same person ........... but you are south of me ... therefore slighty closer to Turkey ????
ohh i think i've had him, invited me over for a holiday :shock:
ahhhhhhhhhhhh !! but did he offer you fun and a massage ? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
I just had to share this one with you....
I have an ad which I thought was pretty clear. I have specifically mentioned localish (not really more than an hour away).
There have been a few who ignored this and replied anyway, even though they are 150< miles away.
But the one this morning topped the lot.... 2,443 miles away :shock:
Has anyone had one further than that?

Yep......... Today ................ 2,497 miles away .......... He is in Turkey apparently and looking to meet English Lady for fun and massage ??????????????
Has someone deleted my profile ??? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just had a thought .......... it could be the same person ........... but you are south of me ... therefore slighty closer to Turkey ????
ohh i think i've had him, invited me over for a holiday :shock:
ahhhhhhhhhhhh !! but did he offer you fun and a massage ? :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

he even offered me his brother lol lol lol
We have had a reply think it was about 1800 miles away..... and were only asking for guys from leicestershire lol
hehehe i think somepeeps just don't know what the word local meens or just don't bother reading the adverts lol kind of funny really lol
like the age thing, we ask for up to 35 but had a guy of over 70 once bless him for trying lol
Its all good fun though lol
shaz x