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Deja Vu - I knew you'd say that.

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It's a little off the beaten track this one but that's the kind of place I end up - no witty remarks about my map reading thanks. rolleyes
Just googled the term :
The term déjà vu is French and means, literally, "already seen." Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all.
Is this something that is believed in. In that respect I mean have you had to have experienced it to believe it. Is it just a fact that you may have subconsciously heard or seen something that can be connected with an event or is it just plain impossible ? confused
I ask because tonight whilst watching that wedding story thingy on a British channel ( third on the list ) it got to over half way through and although I haven't seen it before, something became familiar as if I'd seen that before. Not just that part as I don't see a lot of TV, but aware of what I was doing on the PC seemed familiar but all felt like it happened in a split second. Just everything happened all at once and was a little spooky to say the least.
So has this ever happened to anyone else ? :!:
Fact or fiction ?
Fatigue or the Vodka ? ( Except I haven't had any this time ! )
The feeling is real, I have felt it. I put it down to something like that happened and that is what triggered the feeling.
On the other hand we are all doomed to relive the same life untill we get it right. Déjà vu is just a peek at that reality.
Chris J Moulin at the university of Leeds was researching deja vu earlier this year. You may want to look into the Leeds Uni website for more information.
I've had feelings of deja vu quite a lot and it really can be spooky. I read an article once about it and it said that it could be just your brain shuffling the information you are currently taking in into the wrong slot so it gets registered a nanosecond before it should have been, therefore giving you the impression you've heard/seen/done that before.
bit like some of the jokes on here rolleyes
this is very heavy shit this one.
so many of us have felt that feeling....
many people share the same actual sensations.... others feel something else... but its all variations on a theme.
i tend to think that there is much cosmic energy around and elements of the science of space and time that we dont really understand........ and we're not quantum physisists !!!!! experts spend all their time looking at these sort of questions... and even they dont have all the answers.
because of this i tend to sit onthe fence ( moi?) and say that theres something very spooky/cosmic that affects the way the universe is an how fate seems to work.......... we're just incapable of understanding it properly......... maybe one day we will find the answers?
its definately a fact... its the interpretation of the facts that one should be careful of.....
Just watch those splinters DeeCee :dry:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Just watch those splinters DeeCee :dry:

how did i know someone was going to say that???????
spooky.................. :shock:
Thanks creosote for that - well it's early but I tried.
I was a little worried that when I read the thread this morning that I'd get a really mixed response, like :silly: and ok then ... bolt .....
It's a bit of a relief that others have not totally closed off to the theory. Seems like my sanity is still in tact - but it's early in the day yet I suppose.
Its all to do with the central nervous system. Sensory signals are passed to the brain via nerves, along the way they have to cross or jump something called the synapse gap. Sometimes these signals dont quite make the jump and only a part of the signal is passed on. The signal then jumps again and the whole thing is received by the brain, both signals are passed within milli seconds of each other but the brain tells you It happened before. You can think it happened a while ago but in reality it only happened the once
Its all to do with the central nervous system. Sensory signals are passed to the brain via nerves, along the way they have to cross or jump something called the synapse gap. Sometimes these signals dont quite make the jump and only a part of the signal is passed on. The signal then jumps again and the whole thing is received by the brain, both signals are passed within milli seconds of each other but the brain tells you It happened before. You can think it happened a while ago but in reality it only happened the once

:!: you learn something new every day. I used to get deja vu a lot but thinking about it have not experienced it recently at all. Maybe your brain is more susceptible at certain times. Fascinating subject.
pink x
Quote by mezagog
Its all to do with the central nervous system. Sensory signals are passed to the brain via nerves, along the way they have to cross or jump something called the synapse gap. Sometimes these signals dont quite make the jump and only a part of the signal is passed on. The signal then jumps again and the whole thing is received by the brain, both signals are passed within milli seconds of each other but the brain tells you It happened before. You can think it happened a while ago but in reality it only happened the once

Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.
Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.

Hey that means I am less tired these days - fantastic news, Tune you've cheered me up, thx.
pink x
Quote by blueandpink
Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.

Hey that means I am less tired these days - fantastic news, Tune you've cheered me up, thx.
pink x
.....And there was me thinking I was different with special powers and yet it turns out you think I'm just knackered sad
Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.
Hey that means I am less tired these days - fantastic news, Tune you've cheered me up, thx.
pink x
.....And there was me thinking I was different with special powers and yet it turns out you think I'm just knackered sad
pink x
Quote by blueeyes6969
Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.

Hey that means I am less tired these days - fantastic news, Tune you've cheered me up, thx.
pink x
.....And there was me thinking I was different with special powers and yet it turns out you think I'm just knackered sad
:laughabove: Well you certainly don't look knackered. In fact you do have 'special powers'. :twisted: I could déjá vu with you all day long!! wink
Quote by westerross
Its all to do with the central nervous system. Sensory signals are passed to the brain via nerves, along the way they have to cross or jump something called the synapse gap. Sometimes these signals dont quite make the jump and only a part of the signal is passed on. The signal then jumps again and the whole thing is received by the brain, both signals are passed within milli seconds of each other but the brain tells you It happened before. You can think it happened a while ago but in reality it only happened the once

Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.
you see, i fully understand how that could work. but i'm not sure how a deja vu experience telling me there's a windmill just round this corner on a road i've never travelled down in my life just so happens to have a windmill on it? confused i sure didn't see the windmill a mile distant? it's a trivial example, but then they usually are trivial. it's the only one off the top of my head anyways, and it was confirmed that i'd never been anywhere near that particular little B road some few hundred miles from my 'ouse at the time? ;)
i've had any number of deja vu experiences and premonitory dreams that i can't explain by a delay in the firing of synapses and neurons? usually very tedious ones that won't help me pick the winning numbers in tomorrows lottery, unfortunately! sad kinda glib that little explanation? dunno
neil x x x ;)
I get these feelings of i've been here befor quite often. I've never looked into it though.
The one i remember most was when i was in a park during lunch hour at school and i ran behind the swings and got hit on the back of the head by my mate on the swing. My initial thought was not again as i could have sworn this had happened just a few weeks earlier.
When i told him he did that before he said he hadnt and a few hours later it dawned on me it was de ja vous.
I just vividly remembers the moments immediatly after it happened as though id seen it before.
Quote by goose35 hit on the back of the head by my mate on the swing.

Hmmmm... now that could explain a lot lol
Quote by neilinleeds
Its all to do with the central nervous system. Sensory signals are passed to the brain via nerves, along the way they have to cross or jump something called the synapse gap. Sometimes these signals dont quite make the jump and only a part of the signal is passed on. The signal then jumps again and the whole thing is received by the brain, both signals are passed within milli seconds of each other but the brain tells you It happened before. You can think it happened a while ago but in reality it only happened the once

Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.
you see, i fully understand how that could work. but i'm not sure how a deja vu experience telling me there's a windmill just round this corner on a road i've never travelled down in my life just so happens to have a windmill on it? confused i sure didn't see the windmill a mile distant? it's a trivial example, but then they usually are trivial. it's the only one off the top of my head anyways, and it was confirmed that i'd never been anywhere near that particular little B road some few hundred miles from my 'ouse at the time? ;)
i've had any number of deja vu experiences and premonitory dreams that i can't explain by a delay in the firing of synapses and neurons? usually very tedious ones that won't help me pick the winning numbers in tomorrows lottery, unfortunately! sad kinda glib that little explanation? dunno
neil x x x ;)
Just the explanation that I was told when doing my psychy nurse training all those years ago,
There are probably many more unexplainable deja-vu type phenomena out there .
also neil !
Quote by cu3b4ll hit on the back of the head by my mate on the swing.

Hmmmm... now that could explain a lot lol
Oi i heard that :lol: hit on the back of the head by my mate on the swing.

Hmmmm... now that could explain a lot lol
Oi i heard that :lol:
doesn't change the fact he has IMO the best bum on here wink
pink x
I get this a lot, sometimes it lasts seconds - sometimes up to an hour, which can be fairly freaky.
But I also get the complete opposite, I can be sitting talking to someone and suddenly have no recolection of who they are - nothing else dissappears so it's not a memory loss type thing, it's that I don't recognise them.
So, that arm goes through there......
.....and that arm through there......
.......and they buckle at the back. I know the routine.
Quote by neilinleeds
you see, i fully understand how that could work. but i'm not sure how a deja vu experience telling me there's a windmill just round this corner on a road i've never travelled down in my life just so happens to have a windmill on it?

Aaah but did the experience tell you there was going to be a windmill 'round the corner - or did it say 'there you are I told you that there was going to be a windmill 'round the corner' after the windmill appeared?
Anyway thank you very much, Don Quixote, for your contribution to this thread!! :giggle:
Quote by blueandpink
doesn't change the fact he has IMO the best bum on here wink
pink x

Thank you pink redface . Have you voted for me in rear of the year see my sig lol
Quote by westerross

you see, i fully understand how that could work. but i'm not sure how a deja vu experience telling me there's a windmill just round this corner on a road i've never travelled down in my life just so happens to have a windmill on it?

Aaah but did the experience tell you there was going to be a windmill 'round the corner - or did it say 'there you are I told you that there was going to be a windmill 'round the corner' after the windmill appeared?
nope . . . .i said "there's a windmill just round this corner . . . . . " they laffed and said "yeah . . . whatever . . . " i said "OMFG a windmill!" . . . they said "OMFG so there is . . . . " (((( obviously without the "OMFG" cos i was only 6, and we didn't use such filthy language in my 'ouse ))) . . . . then . . . . we kinda looked at eachother, and thought . . . . . OMFG . . . . deja vu? confused :P ;)
Anyway thank you very much, Don Quixote, for your contribution to this thread!! :giggle:

Sure, they might be windmills, but They Might Be Giants... :shock: :scared: bolt

:karaoke: Saddle up and ride your pony . . . . . :karaoke:
*wanders off to find some more windmills to tilt at for a bit, and slaps choon about a bit with a large trout*
neil x x x ;)
Quote by westerross
Exactly, and they say it is more likely to happen when you're tired.

Hey that means I am less tired these days - fantastic news, Tune you've cheered me up, thx.
pink x
.....And there was me thinking I was different with special powers and yet it turns out you think I'm just knackered sad
:laughabove: Well you certainly don't look knackered. In fact you do have 'special powers'. :twisted: I could déjá vu with you all day long!! wink
Thanks for that Tune E, but I'm sure the feeling you have is quite different and maybe not classed as deja-vu - maybe just a second look rolleyes
Neil, have you been sniffing biros again? :dry: