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Derren Brown

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2 watchers
Hi guys,
Went to see Derren brown at the Weekend, Wow :shock: i thought the TV shows where good, but was a bit sceptical but to see him perform live was a real eye opener i am now interested in learning the techniques he uses......!! could proove useful :twisted: :twisted:
Anyway if anyone gets the chance to see his show jump at it it was a fantastic evenings entertainment.
Looks like he must have been working on us already I was just thinking of starting this same thread today...came home checked the forum...and...someone beat me to it...maybe a coincidence...wierd tho!!! rolleyes
I went to his show a liverpool a few weeks ago...WOW!!!
He is the Man...incredible!!! Worth every penny :thumbup:
Tv show on E4 Mondays repeated on Fridays Channel 4....
You have been Derren'd!!
I am working on learning how he does some of his stuff, its very very clever.
Watch out ladies (joking) wink :wink:
i wonder if he uses his power to get the ladies to shag him
ooooooooo yes lower the tone
i read an interview where someone asked him this.... he said he could but chose not to as he felt it was morially wrong. Good on him he does seem to genuinly a "nice" bloke. Too bloody cleaver though.
NCB biggrin
I saw some of this on tv the other night and it's pretty fascinating stuff.
I'm not sure if it's power of suggestion or somehow he tricks people it's very strange.
Was especially good the other night when he ended up getting a guys phone, wallet and watch and just walked off with it.
The guy walked several yards and then looked puzzled and realised what he had done hehe.
He uses lots of techniques blended together including suggestion hypnosis NLP and misdirection.
whos darren brown?. Is he a high brow version of paul daniels? :shock:
I really fancy Derren Brown and love his programmes. He's a really odd kinda guy though - bit of a loner I think.
Just to add my bit and say we saw him in Nottingham.
A really great show -well worth going !!
Quote by poniella
I really fancy Derren Brown and love his programmes. He's a really odd kinda guy though - bit of a loner I think.

crikey Poniella...I must be your type too then, based on that criteria lol :lol: :lol:
Well, that's not why I fancy him! I just like his face and the way he talks and that he's soooo intense.
I'm sorry but my vote goes for David Blaine. FAR sexier and he does better tricks. Derren, in my eyes, is a poor imitiation.
Quote by SunBunny
I'm sorry but my vote goes for David Blaine. FAR sexier and he does better tricks. Derren, in my eyes, is a poor imitiation.

but you've forgotten the sexiest magician of all time...David Copperfield (bleuch!)
Quote by SunBunny
I'm sorry but my vote goes for David Blaine. FAR sexier and he does better tricks. Derren, in my eyes, is a poor imitiation.

Totally agree with you there.....David Blaine is very nice....and Derren Brown is just plain creepy!!
Once saw Derren Brown at Walthamstow Dogs telling cashiers that losing tickets were winning ones! ........ and they paid out too!!! ....... now where's me lottery ticket!!
Quote by poniella
I just like his face and the way he talks and that he's soooo intense.

I'm with you. Derren Brown is very sexy and so clever. He can manipulate my mind anytime.
Wish I could do half the things he does, but that's the real trick - anyone can do it. It's just psychology and stuff innit?
David Blaine is totally shaggable but a feckin weirdo. I'm not impressed with the buried alive, in ice, in a glass box thing at all. That's just endurance. I'm not saying I could do it but many people could, given the training.
His 'tricks' have too many flaws to be that impressive, whereas derren is really clever ... have I said that already?
Look into my eyes .. not around the eyes ....
David Blaine!! Are you people crazy? That guy is sooooooo gross. Derren is trying to be like him - he's got his own style and frankly, way way more talent. Wow, didn't realise I felt so strongly about this...