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Design my new tattoo...

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Quote by Omar The Wünderhorse
If your lookign for something special then this in the year that the mighty Liverpool won their 5th European Cup.
Very amazing.

Now thats what I call a tattoo!!!!!!!!!!
:thumbup: :thumbup:
Sex God
Oh no... just when it can't get worse Miserable Cat Bastard turns out to be a scouse FC fan.... lol
and YOU will walk alone... cos you have no friends.. hehehehe
Quote by postie
Oh no... just when it can't get worse Miserable Cat Bastard turns out to be a scouse FC fan.... lol
and YOU will walk alone... cos you have no friends.. hehehehe

Postie, I predict the hammers will last 3 seasons in the premier league!
autumn, winter & spring!
Just by way of possibly fulfilling the original brief , are either of these any use ? Theyre tribal in the stricly line work sense , but I dont really go for the swirly completely meaningless celtic nonsense . Hope they help as a starting point anyway
Quote by farmersboy
sorry bailiffs got to agree tatoos on the hand no matter how nice equates with doing time pleasuring her majesty

hmmm..............i dont know things are now different, and to be if i had done time, then i suppose its all down to personal taste.
Tatoos?? a good idea at first but dont most people regret them afterwards?
I dont mind them but wouldnt have one myself like has been said b4 personal choice n all that I do see a few which are very poor and to be honest they shoul just have twat tatooed instead of awhat theyve had done lol but there are tatooes which do look good!! like i say theres good n bad in everything lol
Mrs goodtimes had a fake one on the bottom of her back as a joke ( she hates them really) but I found it a big turn on!!!! and ive seen a few others on closer inspection on other ladies which did look ok wink
just a bit of input 4 you lol
Mr goodtimez
Laura you have tastefull and good looking tatooes wink
Mr goodtimez xx
i've got two, one i really like (but wish i'd chosen a better artist to do it) the other i hardly notice and could probably live without. so it's a fair point and like i say to people make sure your 110% sure before you get it done.
I did see a program several months ago where some woman was bleating on about how she should get hers remover on the NHS because she got them when she was young, and now gets depressed when she sees them. This is something i cannot disagree with more, if you can pay to have it done then you can pay to have it removed, so stop whinging.
Quote by goodtimez
Laura you have tastefull and good looking tatooes wink
Mr goodtimez xx

thankyou very much!!!
they look better "in the flesh"! ................... honest! :wink:
Quote by goodtimez
Laura you have tastefull and good looking tatooes wink
Mr goodtimez xx

I also agree with the above :wink:
Don't have any tattoos myself though, I have a slight thing about pain, but I think if they're done to a high quality, they look really good, especially on ladies
Sex God
Quote by meat2pleaseu
i've got two, one i really like (but wish i'd chosen a better artist to do it) the other i hardly notice and could probably live without. so it's a fair point and like i say to people make sure your 110% sure before you get it done.
I did see a program several months ago where some woman was bleating on about how she should get hers remover on the NHS because she got them when she was young, and now gets depressed when she sees them. This is something i cannot disagree with more, if you can pay to have it done then you can pay to have it removed, so stop whinging.

Nah... you're wrong M2PU... if someone thinks we should cough up because they have become slightly depressed at a stupid choice of tattoo, that they got when they were young... then weshould remove it.... with a rusty old knife and no pain killers..... seems fair enough to me..
If you don't realise a tattoo is for life then you are TOO bleddy stupid to have the NHS fork out for an operation it can ill afford.... live with it.. or get it covered by a better tattoo... dimwits.
Sex God
Postie have you seen a design you like yet ,that suits your original brief?.....I ain't no artist so wouldn't be any good at trying to design one, but I am interested in tattooing and tattoo's and have been scanning all the available sites and havn't seen that many wild boars that are running and are done in a style that fits in with a celtic theme. I've seen a couple of very good boars heads but nothing that fits your brief. I'd be interested to see your final choice.
Quote by postie
i've got two, one i really like (but wish i'd chosen a better artist to do it) the other i hardly notice and could probably live without. so it's a fair point and like i say to people make sure your 110% sure before you get it done.
I did see a program several months ago where some woman was bleating on about how she should get hers remover on the NHS because she got them when she was young, and now gets depressed when she sees them. This is something i cannot disagree with more, if you can pay to have it done then you can pay to have it removed, so stop whinging.

Nah... you're wrong M2PU... if someone thinks we should cough up because they have become slightly depressed at a stupid choice of tattoo, that they got when they were young... then weshould remove it.... with a rusty old knife and no pain killers..... seems fair enough to me..
If you don't realise a tattoo is for life then you are TOO bleddy stupid to have the NHS fork out for an operation it can ill afford.... live with it.. or get it covered by a better tattoo... dimwits.
bit harsh Postie, this is the 21st century, in the interests of infection control i prefer this method
Sex God
Quote by davej
Postie have you seen a design you like yet ,that suits your original brief?.....I ain't no artist so wouldn't be any good at trying to design one, but I am interested in tattooing and tattoo's and have been scanning all the available sites and havn't seen that many wild boars that are running and are done in a style that fits in with a celtic theme. I've seen a couple of very good boars heads but nothing that fits your brief. I'd be interested to see your final choice.

Thanks davej, for asking, and for having a look around the t'internet too. I found that also, when i looked, that there isn't that many wild boar designs around at all...
And to answer your question, i REALLY like the the first design, "runnin' hog" that Big G has produced... it's an original too... am currently having a pm discussion about details and stuff...
(and if you read this Big G... incoming pm!)
BTW Davej, are you going to be having a tattoo, or are you already tattoo'd?
Sex God
Glad you've found one...pity you didn't want an elephant or rhino cos for some reason there was a cart load of them dunno
I'm already heavily tattoo'ed postie in areas that include arms, legs, back, rib cage (fuck did that one hurt)
Mine were done at a time when the fashion was for individual pictures rather than a single theme. I much prefer the single theme style thats popular these days where the tattoo's are either one big design or where each design relates to, or is sympathetic to the next, which goes to show that these things do change over the years and further reinforces the message that folk really need to understand that these things are for life and that what you are getting now, may well be primative and old hat in years to come, so it's something that needs thinking about before jumping in.
Sex God
Quote by davej
Glad you've found one...pity you didn't want an elephant or rhino cos for some reason there was a cart load of them dunno
I'm already heavily tattoo'ed postie in areas that include arms, legs, back, rib cage (fuck did that one hurt)
Mine were done at a time when the fashion was for individual pictures rather than a single theme. I much prefer the single theme style thats popular these days where the tattoo's are either one big design or where each design relates to, or is sympathetic to the next, which goes to show that these things do change over the years and further reinforces the message that folk really need to understand that these things are for life and that what you are getting now, may well be primative and old hat in years to come, so it's something that needs thinking about before jumping in.

I see where you are coming from there davej... and the wild boar will be my 2nd tattoo... but it is part of a theme... of neolithic art-work, or loosly based on neolithic art-work. Sounds a bit poncy but it's something that really grabs my attention... and if i was arty enough i'd design my own life story based on Aboriginal pointilist art, with the Thames being the background.... mixed with British neolithic art... but thats for my back. For now, i'm just building up the background, the visible on show stuff...