W does, at least when things are going wrong, when they are going right she does not think about it.
I do not. Oh there are things I can do nothing about, but that is not destiny. Just things have no control over. Other things I do have control over.
The Saxons said that our life is mapped out, but we can define the colour of our life. I think that meant the big things are beyond are control, but we get to choose the other bits.
Come to think of it what is 'destiny'?
What's meant for you won't go by you. :mrgreen:
yes, I do. By my own definition anyway.
No I don't. And yes I do.
I don't believe in a pre-ordained, almost religeous interpretation of destiny, following a great plan, where if something goes right it's because it was meant to be, and vice versa.
But I do believe it is very difficult to escape the boundaries and limitations set by cultural/time/place/economic issues.
Edited for spelling
Actually I heard a very interesting article on the radio the other day and it was saying that destiny exists and free will doesn't(at least in the short term). I will try and explain but it may not be very good.
Scientist have carried out a study mapping brain activity. The study showed that the body directed movement of the body before brain activity kicks in. Meaning I think that the body already knows whats going to happen before the brain does.
I dont really know if I believe in destiny, but I think I can control some of the things that are going to happen, but then is that just learning from past experiences then you can then control what might happen in the future.
NO ! life is what you make it - you are in the driver's seat !
i do believe in karma though
I do believe things, good or bad, happen for a reason
i believe in destiny......cant explain why :gagged:
and as for Karma......what goes around, comes around....most definately :twisted:
Karma? Absolutely. I saw it demonstrated perfectly a little while ago.
Destiny? That's a little more complicated. I think so though- there have been times when I think I've been in the right place at the right time to make a difference.
I don't believe in determinism (that everything is pre-ordained) but I do believe that each individual will respond in a limited set of ways to a given situation.
There are people who seem especially lucky. I believe they often make their own luck - by stepping outside their automatic response to a situation.
Mr. Destiny was a good film.
i dont know, but i feel everything happens for a reason, even the shitty stuff.
to late to explain in detail, but even crappy stuff that has happened has ment my path turned and something good happened, but if the bad hadent then the good wouldnt have, but then i dont know what would have happened if the bad hadent happened.
confused??? yes i am lol
xx fem xx
sorry posting after a bottle of wine loads of great sex and mr sandman chasing me xx
I preferred and prefer harmony and rhapsody.
I think life can be a struggle and we are all masters of our own destinies.
Yeah like Ben i'm somewhere in between. If Karma suggests everything being interconnected and reactive then yes I firmly believe in butterflies. However some ways that Karma is described suggest predetermination so that would have to mean destiny as far as I understand it.
I don't believe we are masters of our destiny, but factors in it.
Chaos works for me.