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Dial-up pleasure and pain

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Due to an office move I'm temporarily had to switch from broadband to dial-up*. Good-grief, however did I ever cope before!
It's obviously a terrible bind to use, but actually it also gives me a warm nostalgic glow; I feel like a naughty schoolboy again (well Uni student, I'm not that young) hunched around a computer waiting with sweaty palms for some smutty pic to download. Pixel by pixel, line by excruciatingly slow line.
My only worry is that with my rampant libido (and complete lack of self-discipline) I may not be able to cope with the forced anticipation, and may shoot my bolt with only 25% of an image downloaded. This could lead to me forming some obsessive sexual fetish for the tops of peoples heads (or their feet, depends on the exact composition of the photo in question).
What do most people on here have? Broadband or dial-up? At work or at home?
Cock of the North
*Yes, we do have broadband up North, it just takes a lot of steam and coal to run the bugger.
You mean they still have that? wink
Oh the shame! redface
Dare I even admit to it? It's like all your worst nightmares at once....
..... aol dial-up
Forgive me, it's not my fault.
Oh, i remember it so well. Having recently moved from an area in Aberdeen where broadband wasn't available in. The anticipation whilst waiting for a pic was quite exciting and i remembered the images better then than i do now. Now it is a case of a quick look and move on if you know what i mean lol
I thought that i would spend less time on the pc now that i have broadband!!! nah, just got the opportunity to browse more stuff than before :twisted:
Gill x
I found dial up most useful when i needed to find the time to shave my legs, organise my filo-fax, mop the floor, catch up on ironing, visiting friends and sleeping. Oh, glory days!
I found dial up most useful when i needed to find the time to shave my legs, organise my filo-fax, mop the floor, catch up on ironing, visiting friends and sleeping. Oh, glory days!

so what did Silky do whilst you were doing all that? lol
Broad band at work and Dial up at home - killer or what.
And i cant seem to get Silks WWW to work on either :cry: :cry: :cry:
NTL Broadband 300bps at home.
We started on dial up...............zzzzzzzzzzzz
Then we switched to b/b @ 570kbps.........
Now that isnt quick enough :doh:
Some folk are never satisfied................ rotflmao :rotflmao:
Don't even get me started on why we are currently enduring 7-10 working days of dial-up.
We moved offices within a block, and wanted to keep the same numbers on our lines and the same broadband, all with the same suppliers.
Simple and instantaneous you might think?
Apparently because we wanted to keep the same number line for broadband (as we run the fax of it too and didn't want to change) we have to formally cancel the broadband, and then re-order it when the new line in the new office (albeit with the same number) is installed. This takes the cliched '7-10 working days'.
I know it sounds like lunacy, and yes it is lunacy, but I promise you people who know much more about IT than I do pursued every option, and short of having broadband to a new seperate number (which I didn't want to do as it would mean paying for two lines and I'm a cheapskate) we are stuck with dial-up.
Right, that's my post finished, at the rate it currently uploads you can read it Friday week.
Cock of the North
I can`t get dial up! Seriously! BT can`t work out why!
You're not alone Marya - I have dial-up.
Broadband for medical reasons.... isn't a desperate urge to wank a medical reason dunno
Seriously, I don't know how I coped back in the days of dial-up, & I initially made a poor choice of broadband supplier......... & had to endure some weeks without Internet access while switching to Demon!!!! :doh:
NTL cable BB here.
It's so fast I had to install a seatbelt on my chair.
aol broadband here
isnt dial up something on that flintstones cartoon???
Quote by flapjackboy
NTL cable BB here.
It's so fast I had to install a seatbelt on my chair.

I have brourdband 576.0 kbps :smile2:
I havent the foggist if thats good or what......... but its fast...i dont think i could handle anything faster! i have a job to keep up with it now :giggle:
Quote by flapjackboy
NTL cable BB here.
It's so fast I had to install a seatbelt on my chair.

I'm on NTL 300kbps Broadband.
You would recommend would you confused:
Quote by master55
NTL cable BB here.
It's so fast I had to install a seatbelt on my chair.

I'm on NTL 300kbps Broadband.
You would recommend would you confused:
Oh yes, it's insanely fast and about to get twice as fast later this year as NTL streamline all their speeds to 1Mb 2Mb and 3Mb respectively. Mind you, I'm just a speed freak who has to have the fastest connection I can get...
I've got the cheapest NTL broadband myself which is a damn sight better than the NTL hamster on a wheel I had until they introduced BB in our area!
I have 576kbs b/b at home and some sort of direct connection to the "internet backbone" at work. dunno
My home ISP has just announced their latest offerring though:
8Mb Broadband!
All that down a pair of copper wires!! How the feckin' hell do they do that? And why couldn't they do it years ago?? :dunno:
oh dear, I used dialup the other day, and found myself having the urge to go out and excersise! scary stuff :shock:
you probably don't want to hear this, but I have bb at home (3Mb this month woohoo!) 2x2Mb at work, wireless LANS everywhere I go, but just in case a 3G card in the laptop, so I get nearly 600Kb on the move too, and worst case, gprs, just in case I'm out in the middle of nowhere.
it was great in a power cut the other day, I still had bb access on the laptop and some wine so it didn't make a blind bit of difference lol :lol:
think I may need a hobby rolleyes
I have 576 kbps broadband its fast enough for me for games and web surfing. If I was a heavy down loader I would go for a faster line speed to get big files quicker. I have to think about the cost though and think this line speed is a good balance of price to performance.
I remember years ago when I installed my first dial up modem. It was a 14,400 Logitech modem. It was so slow but what fun I had with it. You could start a graphics heavy page loading and go make a cup of tea while it loaded lol. It was more expensive then to paying by the minute. I used to set myself a budget of a certain amount of hours per week so I did not end up with a huge bill.
Mine is on NTL so I have a combined BB and phone bill which is approximately the same every month, then we have the sky family package, kids and music channels for about £18 a month I think because it has a better range of channels than the equivalent NTL package.
I'm on broadband with virgin, no 12 month contract etc so suits me
couldn't tell u the speed but to be honest I don't give a flying fluck lol
Just couldn't go back to dial up, was using another pc today and it drove me mad waiting so long for the pages to load !!!
32.5 kb/sec :giveup:
Any one got ISDN if it’s still around??
Living in a small country village Broadband hasn't reached me yet. According to BT it's not worth the trouble and expense to modify the smaller exchanges that handle the relatively few people that want BB in country areas. Sad.
Right, as soon as I have clicked on send, I'll wash the dishes, make the bed, take the dog for a walk, then come back and see if this post has reached the Forum.
Casanova, Drunk and Dogger of this Parish, stuck with a 56K modem.
hump drinkies :borg: :cry:
Quote by harry0
Living in a small country village Broadband hasn't reached me yet. According to BT it's not worth the trouble and expense to modify the smaller exchanges that handle the relatively few people that want BB in country areas. Sad.

We live in the middle of no where land here.......the nearest village is a mile away.
we all got together and asked if we could have BB........... So they came out and did a survey on how many of us have a PC worked as alot of country people round here work from home
So don't give up hope :thumbup:
i use dial-up and that is shared by 2 machines in my house.
I use broadband at work and sometimes my dial up is quciker. I admit I dont download lots of big files ( no porno movies0
I cant change over to broadband as NTHell dont do BBand in my area.
A village not far from where i live did that they put up signs everywhere asking people to sign petitions for broadband it worked in the end though!
I got broadband with BT i think its the 1mb package i aint sure all i know is that it costs £30 a month and i can still use msn messenger without logging on the net (if this makes any sense to people).
But i couldnt live without it now! I had the choice of tv license or broadband and broadband won hands down!
Quote by Debbiewebs
Living in a small country village Broadband hasn't reached me yet. According to BT it's not worth the trouble and expense to modify the smaller exchanges that handle the relatively few people that want BB in country areas. Sad.

We live in the middle of no where land here.......the nearest village is a mile away.
we all got together and asked if we could have BB........... So they came out and did a survey on how many of us have a PC worked as alot of country people round here work from home
So don't give up hope :thumbup:
yep debs. we've only recently been cabled up here, even tho leeds city centre is only five miles away. the BT website has a register of interest on it somewhere, and soon as 20 people register with a certain postcode, they consider setting up BB at the local exchange viable. that's how it worked here anyways.
still on 56k dial up here, which is positively blistering compared to the 28k thing i had in the ole P166 !
neil x x x ;)