not guilty....
usually means caught red handed!
Sorry guilty as charged, but I tend to say
"If you will"
too much, God knows why.
"Alright let's put our cards on the table"
So "The chips are down" then...
"In this life"
As opposed to some other life?
"In this world"
See above.
"At this time"
You mean now?
"Let's touch base"
No, let's skip the game of rounders and arrange a meeting to discuss whatever it is we need to discuss, preferably in English.
"No offence, but..."
I'm quite capable of determining for myself whether what you are about to say is offensive.
Words fail me.
"you can't pull the wool over my eyes!"
It's all hanging by a thread
I'll call you
Fancy a coffee
Speak to my lawyer
You're under arrest
The trouble is that many people utter these inanities since they can't be bothered to think.
As A E Housman put it, "A moment's thought would have shown him. But a moment is a long time, and thought is a painful process"
with all due respect.......................
oh no another one liner!!!!.............
Take it from me....
Take what from you? I take nothing from nobody!
Catch my drift?
wtf is that about?? Catching what? ........ have you got a disease...... why put your stuff in water where people have to get wet to go fetch it...... stupid saying!!!