It was a malicious act by the person who shopped the woman. Whether it was done by the chance finding of her website; or more sinister investigations. But once the evidence was there, it was all too easy to drop her in it. Unfortunately there are people out there who delight in causing this kind of trouble for other people.
If she had been more discreet she would have been unrecognisable in the photos, and it would have been much harder for anyone to carry out a victimisation of her. As I said before she seriously misjudged the vulnerability of her situation.
If anyone is sufficiently interested in your lifestyle the can glean very accurate information about your activities online. This is how paedos get caught. Their internet activities can be logged and analysed. So it can be done to anyone.
Its easy for some of us to overlook the true extent to which being 'outed' can effect your life. Some of us could handle it easily, others may not. Being 'caught' stays with you for life.
Her situation is unarguable from the point of view of the authorities. She's crossed the line and there is no excuse or return. It isn't fair and its an unfair and hypocritcal world, but one needs to be cautious, if one is to survive and go on enjoying life.
Thats terrible! It would've been a wonderful project to be involved in from the begining. Perhaps she could ask them to reconsider, im sure the parents at her school would back her in such a courageous and worthy venture.
Wot Sassy sed.
It was an act of repulsive malice by the anonymous sneak; an act of craven cowardice by the governors and an act of hypocritical rectitude by her professional body. All slavered over by our press.
Don't the British hate and fear sex deep in their bones?
I feel very sorry for her. It is all very well to say she was unwise but that blames the victim, not her persecutors.
Sadly, this is the place we live in. The excepted public position is against swinging. Privately it may be different (beaten in to place by the multitude?), or an individual may have strong moral, yes moral feelings against swinging.
So we ether march on Downing Street and demand swinging rights, or we all move to the Is. of Wight and declare independence. Would it be big enough?
Or we except that what is, is. We are a group that some others would like to be part of, some would ignore, others detest.
Yes. What exactly is immoral about putting one of your orifices over the genitals of a man for a short while? Why should it bother anyone else?
I had a visit from my Deputy Head yesterday evening (I've been off work for a while) and she was telling me that the local authority wanted to include questions about sexuality in job application forms for teachers and it had been discussed at a meeting of local heads and deputies.
My Head's response to that was 'why would it make any difference what they do in their bedrooms, or with whom, as long as they can teach? It's none of my business or anyone else's.'
I have to say, I was amazed at that response, although I agree with it entirely. Just didn't expect her to say that.
Or these people could play safe and insist on virgins or eunuchs to do their work for them. Fucking anyone could then be a sacking offence. Wouldn't that cheer the miserable gits up?
Teacher here too. I remember the day my heart dropped when a Colleague asked 'what was all this about a swingers a party'. Turned out it was about two other teachers in the school. It was the talk of the staff room for weeks. The genearl concensus was it was ok if it was in their private lives but they had invited two other colleagues to join them at a party and that was mixing work with pleasure.
Same reason we would love to put some nice face pics on public profile but can't. We are really paranoid and very careful about that stuff.