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Discretion and the Morality Clause

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Quote by Freckledbird
wave teacher and school governor here redface

I might have known it would be you to pipe up :giggle:
I must admit when I said that I was thinking more along the lines of laywers, judges, politicians.
wave teacher here (retired)
And whats wrong with teachers wineman? Why you want a lawyer or a judge? you kinky or something?
It was a malicious act by the person who shopped the woman. Whether it was done by the chance finding of her website; or more sinister investigations. But once the evidence was there, it was all too easy to drop her in it. Unfortunately there are people out there who delight in causing this kind of trouble for other people.
If she had been more discreet she would have been unrecognisable in the photos, and it would have been much harder for anyone to carry out a victimisation of her. As I said before she seriously misjudged the vulnerability of her situation.
If anyone is sufficiently interested in your lifestyle the can glean very accurate information about your activities online. This is how paedos get caught. Their internet activities can be logged and analysed. So it can be done to anyone.
Its easy for some of us to overlook the true extent to which being 'outed' can effect your life. Some of us could handle it easily, others may not. Being 'caught' stays with you for life.
Her situation is unarguable from the point of view of the authorities. She's crossed the line and there is no excuse or return. It isn't fair and its an unfair and hypocritcal world, but one needs to be cautious, if one is to survive and go on enjoying life.
I never said there was anything wrong with teachers, and as for the lawyers and judges bit I know what I meant but was not in the right state to articulate it, and I might have dropped a bollock redface
Kinky ? more than likely :giggle:
Talking about the 'morality' cause. mad rolleyes
After work yesterday Mrs Kiss informed me that she had been contacted by CancerBackup who have asked her to take part in a magazine photo shoot in conjunction with Marks & Spencer. They are about to launch their own range of special lingerie for women that have had a mastectomy and/or breast reconstruction.
But no.. her employer (a very prestigious independent school) have said they would rather she didn't.
Hang on a minute! It's a serious article about a very serious issue. She said last night that she’s sad because she really wanted to do it. Annoyed? Moi? evil
Thats terrible! It would've been a wonderful project to be involved in from the begining. Perhaps she could ask them to reconsider, im sure the parents at her school would back her in such a courageous and worthy venture.
Quote by Xxxsexy24uxxx
Thats terrible! It would've been a wonderful project to be involved in from the begining. Perhaps she could ask them to reconsider, im sure the parents at her school would back her in such a courageous and worthy venture.

Sadly I don't think they would. The school is like something out of Enid Blyton and the 'Masters' still wear black capes. lol
Yeah I'm sad she's sad. evil
Wot Sassy sed.
It was an act of repulsive malice by the anonymous sneak; an act of craven cowardice by the governors and an act of hypocritical rectitude by her professional body. All slavered over by our press.
Don't the British hate and fear sex deep in their bones?
I feel very sorry for her. It is all very well to say she was unwise but that blames the victim, not her persecutors.
Sadly, this is the place we live in. The excepted public position is against swinging. Privately it may be different (beaten in to place by the multitude?), or an individual may have strong moral, yes moral feelings against swinging.
So we ether march on Downing Street and demand swinging rights, or we all move to the Is. of Wight and declare independence. Would it be big enough?
Or we except that what is, is. We are a group that some others would like to be part of, some would ignore, others detest.
Quote by Darkfire
who the fuck are the NMC to decide that having her pics on a website is 'fundamentally incompatible' with the image of the profession?

As much as I disagree with what's been done to this poor woman, in this case, the NMC are the governing body of the profession and as such are exactly the people who get to decide the moral standards of their profession. So that's not an issue for me here.
What is, though, is the hypocrisy about sex that runs riot through our society. I'm disgusted that it is deemed acceptable to show or want to see images of violence, but it is 'perverse' to show or want to show images of a sexual nature. Until real pornography, such as the rubbish produced by Eli Roth and his ilk, is looked on as being depraved we're never going to get past this kind of nonsense.
Yes. What exactly is immoral about putting one of your orifices over the genitals of a man for a short while? Why should it bother anyone else?
I had a visit from my Deputy Head yesterday evening (I've been off work for a while) and she was telling me that the local authority wanted to include questions about sexuality in job application forms for teachers and it had been discussed at a meeting of local heads and deputies.
My Head's response to that was 'why would it make any difference what they do in their bedrooms, or with whom, as long as they can teach? It's none of my business or anyone else's.'
I have to say, I was amazed at that response, although I agree with it entirely. Just didn't expect her to say that.
Quote by Freckledbird
I had a visit from my Deputy Head yesterday evening (I've been off work for a while) and she was telling me that the local authority wanted to include questions about sexuality in job application forms for teachers and it had been discussed at a meeting of local heads and deputies.
My Head's response to that was 'why would it make any difference what they do in their bedrooms, or with whom, as long as they can teach? It's none of my business or anyone else's.'
I have to say, I was amazed at that response, although I agree with it entirely. Just didn't expect her to say that.

Good for her (and you).
At the end of the day we don't ask people if they are into leather or bondage or role-play, so why do we ask if they prefer cock or pussy? Also the data can be used to assist with positive discrimination. rolleyes
Or these people could play safe and insist on virgins or eunuchs to do their work for them. Fucking anyone could then be a sacking offence. Wouldn't that cheer the miserable gits up?
It would definately be a problem for us!!!
There was an incident a while back when there were two student physios on a ski holiday (one of those 18-30 ones) which happened to be filmed for the 18-30 TV programme.
Stupidly (or not) they introduced themselves as 'such and such, student physio from....'
Anyway, the film showed them being generally drunk and disorderly on holiday as students should be!
The problem being that this was not seen as professional and was said to drag the profession down as a whole etc etc- and so they were both struck off and no longer allowed to complete their degree! :shock: :shock:
This really worried me at the time as I do burlesque dancing which usually involves stripping off in public to nipple tassles and thongs, usually to a very large audience, and we often get filmed!
Like others, it maddens me that this is the case, but if the worst came to the worst, then I wouldn't particularly want to continue my job- I'd probably become a full time stripper!( lol make more money than on the NHS that's for sure!)
I would hate it to come to that, as I love my job and I've spent years training for it, doing work experience since I was 14 etc etc- what a waste that would be but it would be their loss if they can't see past it!
It does worry me a lot if someone on here happened to be a patient, but at the end of the day It doesn't bother me enough to not want to talk about swinging, go on webcam etc etc!
m xx
Teacher here too. I remember the day my heart dropped when a Colleague asked 'what was all this about a swingers a party'. Turned out it was about two other teachers in the school. It was the talk of the staff room for weeks. The genearl concensus was it was ok if it was in their private lives but they had invited two other colleagues to join them at a party and that was mixing work with pleasure.
Same reason we would love to put some nice face pics on public profile but can't. We are really paranoid and very careful about that stuff.
Quote by limerickcpl
The genearl concensus was it was ok if it was in their private lives but they had invited two other colleagues to join them at a party and that was mixing work with pleasure.

We go out for drinks/meals etc. That's mixing work with pleasure!