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DIY Disasters!

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No my rampant rabbit hasn't broke........ rotflmao
As I am an incredibly impatient person, instead of waiting for my dad to come around to do some DIY work for me I decided to do it myself :doh:
redface After using too much superglue to stick a plasty thingy on the curtain pole, I accidently stuck my fingers together which luckily for me, unstuck after soaking my fingers for a long time.
surprisedops: Second attempt of sticking the plasty thingy on the curtain pole resulting in glueing my finger to the newly painted wall, which then I pulled and removed a chunk of paint and plaster from the wall.
:oops: As I am a mere 5' 2" tall (good things come in small packages) I found trying to store paint tins on the top shelf in the shed slightly difficult. After over-stretching, the tin I placed on a high shelf fell back off and cracked my knuckle.
After lots of swearing, soreness, pain and a badly swollen finger, I was still no further forward.
Has anyone else had any DIY disasters?
My other half was putting in small spot lights in the kitchen about 2 months ago and when to the bedroom above to put the box thingy for the lights in the space between the ceiling and bedroom floor....he had to cut abit of floor out to get in and when i got ome...he shouted for me to go back out for half an hour...i asked why in which he replied cause i have a small problem.......
I happened to notice the kitchen door closed so opened it to b greeted with a spinkler system cumming from the spot light
Well i closed my eyes and counted to 10 and then least if we have a fire in the kitchen we can put it out ourselves....and went out.....
When i came home he had tidied up and was sat upset playing with his laptop....
So that was the last time i let him do any diy.....
Only when I'm really stoned and try making toast
I've posted this before but here goes.............a few months ago I was changing the lights under the kitchen cupboards got to the last one and picked up a pair of pliars(only because they were at hand, normally would have been scissors} anyway....pliars insulated handles....looked at wire....looked at switch(wrong switch) and......BANG My life flashed before my eyes
Trouble is the wire I cut was connected to the cooker point which is one of the most powerful sources of supply....looked at the pliers and they were black :shock: :shock:
God it's good to be alive lol
I thought the gold lame shorts were your DIY disaster????
lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by Alex_Female
No my rampant rabbit hasn't broke........ rotflmao
As I am an incredibly impatient person, instead of waiting for my dad to come around to do some DIY work for me I decided to do it myself :doh:
redface After using too much superglue to stick a plasty thingy on the curtain pole, I accidently stuck my fingers together which luckily for me, unstuck after soaking my fingers for a long time.
surprisedops: Second attempt of sticking the plasty thingy on the curtain pole resulting in glueing my finger to the newly painted wall, which then I pulled and removed a chunk of paint and plaster from the wall.
:oops: As I am a mere 5' 2" tall (good things come in small packages) I found trying to store paint tins on the top shelf in the shed slightly difficult. After over-stretching, the tin I placed on a high shelf fell back off and cracked my knuckle.
After lots of swearing, soreness, pain and a badly swollen finger, I was still no further forward.
Has anyone else had any DIY disasters?

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Sorry, but you've got to admit - other people's misfortunes really are hilarious!!!
You've know my house, Alex, so you know I never, ever do any DIY. I can't even fold the ironing board without trapping my fingers.
Oh, a quick P.S. - Alex, what about the time you rang an electrician to fix your light and he told you it just needed a new lightbulb?! :giggle: Oh, that was good one!! Hehe :twisted: :twisted:
What can I say!!
I got two ceiling lights that dont work at all, two doors hanging off and a hole the size of a human being on my hall ceiling.
Hmm oh yes kitchen units hanging off the wall which occasionally jams the kitchen door shut and you have to manipulate it open with your fingers (ouch) because kicking the door in doesnt work (tried that and made holes in the kitchen door!)
I live in the house Jack attempted to build and failed miserably at!!
lol Apparently its character building or something this living in squalor!? I just dont get the sense in that!! confused
Jags.... redface surprisedops: :oops: smackbottom :smackbottom: flipa
Quote by Alex_Female
Has anyone else had any DIY disasters?

Disaster hmmmm depends how ones looks back at the event.
Right lets talk paving slabs, you know guys, them big ones three be two's. (thats three foot long by two feet wide for the girlies). The ones you can't buy any more cos the health and safety say they are too heavy.
Anyhow parents around to help tidy around the garden while I lay a new path. So why oh why oh why did by sandal wearing mother think it would be good to tread on a patch of perfectly flat sand, just as I let go of the top end of this slightly heavy piece of concrete.
Ok, so adrenalin kicks in and I manage to lift the slab back off her foot. Deep breath, its a gusher !. So my father, ever the boy scout puts a tesco's carrier bag over her foot, wraps it in a towel and uses gaffer tape to hold the thing to her leg. He even makes her walk the long way round the side of the house so she doesnt bleed on carpet.
Skipping the next four hours in casulty, the end result is 9 separate breaks in her big toe. This means she can no longer carry on with her two favourite pastimes of fellwalking and crown green bowling. (oh boy am I still going to be in the will?).
Jumping forward 3 years, the end of her foot still looks like its been hit with a sledge hammer and she walks with a limp.
Go on then beat that !
Ian Mids.
Just thought, maybe I can beat that myself. Light bulb needs changing in the bedroom. So I stand on a chair. Chair breaks (no suprise there) and I fall on my arse with a huge bang. Fearing the worse, Dawn runs upstairs and slams the bedroom door open to see what was wrong. THUMP! I was still lying on the floor and my head was in a perfect position to be smashed by the door (should anybody foolishly try to open it). The fall itself didn't hurt but Dawn's door opening hurt like chuff for several days.
Can I have your bum Marya if you're getting rid of it?
Quote by Eagerslut9
Can I have your bum Marya if you're getting rid of it?

What exactly are you planning on doing with it? And what do you suggest I sit on in the meantime?
I'd wear it! What else does one do with such a gorgeous pair of plums? Lol
And anyway,Hey! It's an improvement on the one I'm stuck with!!
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Alex_Female
plasty thingy

Quote by givemeahug
box thingy

I love that fact that everyone else used the same technical DIY speak as me. Infact using my trusty tool kit I'm actually a dab hand at odd jobs
This morning I was standing on the table to rewire a light - when I looked round my trusty sidekick was standing in the next room holding a broom - and peeking through the door. I managed to establish that she did not trust me to do the job safely and so would not come into the same room - but if I did get electrocuted she would be on standby to hit me with the broom handle :shock:
Quote by MrFC
Jags.... redface surprisedops: :oops: smackbottom :smackbottom: flipa

You called????? lol :lol: :lol:
Where do you want me to start!!!!!!
1, planes over my finger's with electric planer, no finger prints on right hand anymore!
2. hit water pipe with an electic drill, big blue flash, sat on other side of room! wonderin what happened!
3, banned myself from using a hammer. i've only got 10 fingers and want to keep em!
4, do not put paint tins on shelves any more, seem to put them away with lid hanging off, spend remainder of day bathing in white spirit.
anbody want any jobs doing just give me a call!!!!
Noticed my tap was leaking last year. Figured it was a washer or something, so I levered the top off with a screwdriver and...
...ended up having to buy a whole new tap. sad It took me hours and I got covered in water, but in the end I managed to fit it. So YAY ME! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Quote by celticq
- but if I did get electrocuted she would be on standby to hit me with the broom handle :shock:

I think if you were electrocuted a big hammer would put you out of your misery more quickly and humanely than a broom handle.
As a builder I make my living of diy disasters so keep up the good work guys. lol
Too many to mention really, I admit to being totally crap at anything like that - apart from painting and wallpapering
can't even get my dad to help out cos he's worse than me!!!
Any volunteers?
So by the sound of it you are a "hands on" person when it comes to DIY!!!
Quote by jlebbon
So by the sound of it you are a "hands on" person when it comes to DIY!!!

all of alex's mis-haps involves injuting her hands!
Ingore me i thought it was funny when i thought of it,!!