My other half was putting in small spot lights in the kitchen about 2 months ago and when to the bedroom above to put the box thingy for the lights in the space between the ceiling and bedroom floor....he had to cut abit of floor out to get in and when i got ome...he shouted for me to go back out for half an hour...i asked why in which he replied cause i have a small problem.......
I happened to notice the kitchen door closed so opened it to b greeted with a spinkler system cumming from the spot light
Well i closed my eyes and counted to 10 and then least if we have a fire in the kitchen we can put it out ourselves....and went out.....
When i came home he had tidied up and was sat upset playing with his laptop....
So that was the last time i let him do any diy.....
Where do you want me to start!!!!!!
1, planes over my finger's with electric planer, no finger prints on right hand anymore!
2. hit water pipe with an electic drill, big blue flash, sat on other side of room! wonderin what happened!
3, banned myself from using a hammer. i've only got 10 fingers and want to keep em!
4, do not put paint tins on shelves any more, seem to put them away with lid hanging off, spend remainder of day bathing in white spirit.
anbody want any jobs doing just give me a call!!!!
Too many to mention really, I admit to being totally crap at anything like that - apart from painting and wallpapering
can't even get my dad to help out cos he's worse than me!!!
Any volunteers?
So by the sound of it you are a "hands on" person when it comes to DIY!!!
all of alex's mis-haps involves injuting her hands!
Ingore me i thought it was funny when i thought of it,!!