Gene amplification is used when the real sample is too small to be of use. It is used by the forensic science service in the uk.
So DNA testing only takes a day?????
I think not.
DNA testing is a dodgy thing. I wouldn't readily give anyone a sample of mine. The are so many things we don't know.
Regressive DNA where your DNA doesn't match your parents
Corrupt policemen
There are so many reasons for not doing it
More than a day.....
As for dna lasting only a few years....hmmmm...did not a certain Mr James Hanratty have his guilt "proven" by dna comparison only a few years ago ?
Let me do the math............30+ years ?
So....the home office are lying ?
Again ?
A good layby, by the way !
I think everyone thinks that CSI is a documentary and not a drama.
DNA data bases are just part of the governments creaping need to control us all.
Paranoid me?
Who said that?
I am first and foremost a human being.
As a human being I feel I have a fundamental right to live my life within the law with no controls checks or balances whatsoever. Obviously I am happy to take part in any investigation if it is suspected that I am breaking the law.
CCTV caameras are an absolute bloody disgrace.
The concept of a national DNA database is a disgrace.
I am not very keen on censuses but that seems to have become an accepted practice.
I do not think it is appropriate for anybody to hold information about me or records of my activities beyond those already established in law. Thinking about it I aint mad keen on some of the information that is recorded by various bodies but I live with it.
I suppose my view is based on my belief that most organisations, including governments, are fundamentally corrupt and incompetent. I appreciate many folk are happy to trust them. But then half the population are as thick as a scabby horse sandwich. If I ruled the world u would have to pass a test to demonstarte your understanding af a few issues before Id let u vote.
And yes we have got a nanny state but then we have a labour government and left wing as I am I admit labour love to nanny.
one or two comment from the pro - data base conversations here suggest the well run out axiom.
"if you are innocent then you have nothing to fear."
This wonderful sentiment runs well in police states and dictorial governments but goes against the concept of freedom and privacy and democracy.
We have from time to time penalised innocent people and convicted them of crimes and removed from them their personal freedoms only to discover at a later date their innocence.
The point is we shouldnt have to fear.
I was just wondering who was going to collect these DNA samples. Your local GP? Hospitals? The police?
The entire nation is going to go their GPs to be swabbed and filed. Yer like that's going to work. And if you don't have a GP then your not tested.
Please please please can someone tell me how this is going to work?
As Has been said before, the problem is not about the police use of dna evidence, although that is flawed, but about others with access to the database. This, currently, is practically all government departments in the UK, and the data is available to the US authorities via information sharing arrangements. Shortly, this data will be available to all EU law enforcement agencies. In the near future, given the lack of oversight and legal requirements, this may also be available to other parties interested in such a large database of available and listed dna sample/s.
A read:
As you can see, life is not easy !
How about this idea?
As I see it the two sides of the argument are;
For, Lets have DNA testing of everyone so rapists etc can be identified by their DNA.
Against, I've not committed a crime, why should the Gov. have my DNA / don't trust Gov. with my DNA no matter what safeguards they promise.
So, assuming DNA is only to be used to solve crimes.
Who commits most crimes, especially violent crimes? MEN! Sorry lads, but most rapists are men, most murderers are men. Then why do we need to collect female DNA? Statistically, you'll not solve many serious crimes by having it.
Now, I think I'm right in saying that most rapists / murderers etc, have some previous violent record, may be being cruel to animals / wife / girlfriend beating / school bullying. So, if more (for want of better words) low level violent attacks were reported, then the ones most likely to go on to more serious crimes are already on the DNA register, hence easier to trace. While the non-offenders do not have to have their DNA stored.
Possibly, just knowing that their DNA will be taken for the low level offences MIGHT dis-courage the low level attacks.
Now, this is easy to make happen, if you see animal cruelty, report it. Women, if your partner assualts you, don't put up with it or make excuses, report it, get him charged and then he will be DNA tested, job done!!
Now to the second part.........right now science allows people to be identified by their DNA....but what happens as science advances? Maybe, something in the water supply could be swallowed by everyone, with no ill-effects.....except to someone with THAT DNA, maybe to render them blind for 5 days as a punishment or ........well, imagine anything you like, because someone somewhere will try it out, sooner or later.
Humans have 23 chromosome pairs. Each chromosome is packed with genes. Genes have alleles. Each chromosome in a pair is different. When a cell sexual divides the pairs become single chromosome in the daughter cells. The different combination possible within each sex cell is high, each of the 32 chromosome can only have one option present. That is 32x2+31x2+30x2+29x2+x28x2+27x2+26x2+25x2+24x2+23x2+22x2+21x2+20x2+19x2+18x2+17x2+16x2+15x2+14x2+14x2+13x2+12x2x11x2+10x2+9x2+8x2+7x2+6x2+5x2+4x2+3x2+2x2+1x2
now add a sex cell from the other parent, that doubles the number of possible combinations. I will leave you to do the maths. That is only from two individuals, with limited alleles.
It is true that in screening a reduced portion of the whole profile can be used. This may be where people get the idea that we all have doppelgangers out there. The only prof of duplicate DNA is in children that have developed from one single sexual fusing. Identical twins, triplets etc.
Because no government has the stupidity to just sample males. Apart from having to modify the sex discrimination act, it would virtually guarantee that at least 50% of the population would vote for someone else.
Most murders are committed by someone the victim knows. THe highest percentage being their partner. Why not save time and money and just arrest the victims partner?
Most child abuse is carried out by someone the child knows. A member of the family is most likely.
If i battered my wife to death in her bed I'm not sure DNA evidence would help. My DNA is all over the house. It is all over my partner.
DNA testing is only useful in the tiny percentage of crimes that are committed by strangers. A national database would be a large unweildy machine of limited use. It would be expensive to run and set up. It would rely on getting DNA samples from everybody and removing them when they die.
anyone that believes that nutters will stop killing because they are more likely to be caught is really deluded - fear doesn't exist in the minds of these bastards.