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Do people hold orgies any more??

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well do they dunno
Was watching a prog called sexcetra on one of the sky channels the other week and a couple of reporters (American) did an article on swinging.
The club they were in was absolutely jam packed full of people partying/having sex in every concieveable place, with orgies happening on every surface lol.
Loads of people just intertwined, having sex, kissing, licking, fucking, sucking and groping each was hard to see where one person ended and another began.
Is this just an american thing, or do people still have things like that over here, or is it all just one to one/3somes, 4 somes and social stuff??
Quote by northwest-cpl
well do they dunno

Orgies? Swingers? In the UK? Never! Surely not? :shock:
You'll probably find they all heard the Sexcetera crew would be filming that night so they turned up just to get on the telly ;-)
Quote by Bonedigger
Is this just an american thing, or do people still have things like that over here, or is it all just one to one/3somes, 4 somes and social stuff??

Yes , they do wink
Even members of this site are at it!!! I suppose it depends on your social often parties advertised on the forums, and all of the ones ive been to have had group playing going on.
Not that you have to be a member of SH to have group sex....Many of the swinging clubs have an "orgy" area where all are welcome.
Yes lol
We've been part of one in a club and we're going to one in the very near future wink
Quote by sparky33
I've seen those programmes and vids on the free porn sites, and they all seem to be body beautifuls, which would suggest to me they are organised by the porn industry

no they're just sneaking up on Jay and I and video'in without our knowledge! rotflmao
not wink
Well, I don't hold orgies any more, but I don't hold them any less either.
New Years Eve last year in a swinging club in the NW, something very similar to what described earlier on took place.
But trust me, it's not anywhere near as appealing as it sounds. The place must have been around 40C, the smell of BO and alcohol was a bit too much and being new years eve, everyone seemed to forget their good manners!
Still got a good shag out of it though!! :P
How many people make an orgy dunno
More than four people dunno
More than six people dunno
Or 27 people dunno
Quote by Dawnie
How many people make an orgy dunno
More than four people dunno
More than six people dunno
Or 27 people dunno

An orgy is always one more person than the last time lol
Most days a normal shag will qualify then :shock:
Quote by SteveClarke
Most days a normal shag will qualify then :shock:

rotflmao :laughabove:
The only place where we have seen an orgy was a La Chambre,,,, I think this is because there are all open rooms and if a few couples get playing on the same bed they all end up joining in.
Orgys arnt for us as we prefer to have an attraction with all we are playing with and these days it hard to hit it off with just one couple never mind 2 couples lol
Quote by TabbynTina
Orgys arnt for us as we prefer to have an attraction with all we are playing with and these days it hard to hit it off with just one couple never mind 2 couples lol

Couldn't agree more, it's extremely hard to turn down someone in the middle of the orgy, it'd probably ruin the whole dynamics!
Plus if an attractive couple is located somewhere towards the edge of the "orgy-ball" (if you know what I mean) then all male parts seem to turn towards that side (something like the needle of a compass). Pretty funny to watch, potentially awkward to be part of it :!:
Well if anyone knows of one happening can you let me know redface I would love to go I suppose thats on my to do list.
Quote by Bonedigger
well do they dunno
Was watching a prog called sexcetra on one of the sky channels the other week and a couple of reporters (American) did an article on swinging.
The club they were in was absolutely jam packed full of people partying/having sex in every concieveable place, with orgies happening on every surface lol.
Loads of people just intertwined, having sex, kissing, licking, fucking, sucking and groping each was hard to see where one person ended and another began.
Is this just an american thing, or do people still have things like that over here, or is it all just one to one/3somes, 4 somes and social stuff??

That's one of the things on my sexual 'to do' list. A proper, full-on, bacchanalian style orgy... :twisted: