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Do single guys ever have success?

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Forum Virgin
Hi guys
I am a 29 year old single guy who is interested in getting into the scene. I have been browsing this site for a while and all in all I think it is fantastic and full of, in the main, very nice and genuine people.
The impression I get though is that, as a single guy, it is very hard to get into the scene, as most places are couples only and even when they are not, us single guys are given a bad rep by sad desperate chaps who don't seem to be able to act normally. I would always want to get to know the people I meet and can't imagine behaving like some of the people seem to.
Are there any "normal" single guys out there that have met couples who are after genuine guys and are there even women out there in the same position as me (I doubt it obviously)?
Anyway, thanks for reading the post.
Hi Rich, there are genuine couples out there (here) that do geuninely meet up with single guys.
In total, "and for you guys that know us well, we have added a new one to our tally" wink we have met up with five guys that we have met from chatting to them on the net.
One we might like to add was a 19yr old guy in uni, good looking and had a very big cock, that was'nt a sad guy at all.
He was just very mature for his age and was switched on to the fact that he could fuck women and not have to wine and dine before he got the ok or not.
Linda and I went away for a dirty week end and we had arranged to meet a guy in our hotel room, "he is our 7th victim, lol".
It did'nt turn out to be a very good meet, purely because he then decided to tell us it was his first time with a couple.
He was a very nice guy, but to say he came quick would be an understatement, but we hope it helped him get over his first time nerves.
Cheers Rich, hope we have helped.
ps, we do not meet with aal the guys that mail us, some do get pissed off because they think Linda should really want them, "big mistake", this pisses her off even more and tells me not to arrange anything with them, "shes the boss", lol. (sorry if i have gone on a bit mate)
Mark and Linda
Warming the Bed
Hi Rich
There are genuine women and couples out there. I'm a single women myself. Recently - Friday - I placed a couple of ads here. I got loads of responses and I met with one of them yesterday and he screwed me half senseless... great. (It's been pulled now, BTW. It'll take me weeks to sift through the replies I had.)
But the thing I find when I place an ad is that I get flooded with replies... and an awful lot of them will come to nothing. Some guys are time wasters just fanticising about swinging. Some guys really want to but are too timid to go through with it and sometimes just don't show up.... and this just buggers up my schedule for weeks and weeks as I can only play at the weekends. And as a result I get pissed off and usually tell the lot of them to forget it.... until the next time I get horny and place an ad!
If you are 100% up for it, you'll get it if you show you are sincere. If you reply to an ad and they say they've had too many reponses, it's always worth dropping the girl or couple a line a few weeks later. By that stage often they are thinking they'll never get what they were asking for.
Stay with it, be polite and patient.... and be prepared to go out of your way. I once had a guy write to me saying he would 'split the cost of a hotel room and train tickets...' Cobblers to that! I had 50 other guys to wade through most of whom had their own houses and offered to drive me door to door.
May the Force be with you!
Forum Virgin
Hi guys
Thanks for the advice. It is much appreciated.
I was thinking of visiting a naturist place like Rios in London to see how it goes.
I don't really know what to expect but I suppose there is only one way to find out.
I am hoping that me just looking relaxed and not actually hasseling anyone will make me stand out a bit from the others. If not though, it will still be good to go and see what it is all about.
Cheers guys
You go girl, what a babe, my kind of gal, wow, nice to see it, sorry, is that over the top, oh fuck it, you sound like the kind of gal that knows what she wants and gets it.
Mark and Linda wink
Warming the Bed

Are ain't three wrong, there! I've barely been of my back all week... but don't tell the Vicar. He's next on my waiting list. wink
Warming the Bed
I'm new to the site but have had the same problem. Being single suits me at the moment but haveing some fun with other genuine swingers seems hard to arrange.
Sex God
It depends on what sort of swinging you want to do? If you want advice there's bound to be someone on here who will give it free of charge (advice that is wink )
Warming the Bed
I am a single guy, and have been into the swinging scene (so 60's!!) for about 4 years, over a 10-11 year period (due to relationships) - and I have had quite a few meetings (probably about 15-16) all with couples or as part of a party, but all very nice. I know from talking to the people I meet that there are a few morons out there, but they are very much of a minority - it's just that we all tend to get tarred with the same brush - once a couple have had a bad experience, especially if they are inexperienced themselves, it can put them off for a while - which is why you tend to get the "no single males" in the adverts.
In replying to adverts, or placing your own advert, I have found that there are a few things which seem to help:
1. Be Honest! This should go without saying. I am a presentable normal bloke - not super attractive or hideous, but somewhere in between, and so I never hide this fact. A facial pic is always advisable - then the recipients can make their own minds up.
2. A sense of Humour! You need to be able to laugh at yourself - it's only inserting parts of one body into another, after all.
3. Be prepared for rejection. This will happen. I would say that I have about a 10% hit rate for replies, and about 10% of replies will lead to something else - and not necessarily sex. This means that out of every 100 replies I send, I would expect 1 to go further. However, I have not been monitoring this (I prefer to actually do something with my life), so the ratios may be higher or lower. Places like this site make it much easier than when I used to have to use contact magazines - a 4-5 week wait until you even got a reply would not be uncommon. Even if you get to meet the people you responded to, do not expect it to go any further - go prepared for the best evil but also expect the worst - I always leave the decision making about what will happen to the women.
4. Be yourself. Everyone is normal, for a given value of "Normal". This again harks back to the honesty in point 1.
I'm not giving these tips out as a sure-fire way to meet people - god knows, they barely work for me (point 3... wink ). But hopefully, they will stop some of the morons, and help some of us good guys...
Sorry to have wittered on...
Warming the Bed
Thanks for the kind comments Mark!
I certainly haven't been the most successful of swingers, but as you say - I have had some success - I think it is sometimes over expectation that proves more disappointing than anything else.
All I can say is - keep replying to ads - there are genuine people out there!
Just read Heather's piece - which gave me some tips, and also highlighted some things that I hadn't even considered (being a nerd, my facial pic comes in at a small but lovely 8k - this will make more sense when you read Heather's piece).
trying not to fill the thread with my banal text... wink
Sex God
Semi Lobon - thinking back to my days when I used to advertise as a single female, I used to get literally hundreds of replies to one ad - impossible to even read all of them never mind arrange meets! Once I went away for 3 days to a conference and had 400 emails in my inbox when I returned :shock: :shock: :shock:
The points you made about placing ads are spot on. As the recipient of many, many ads :shock: , it becomes easy to spot fakers, nutters, time wasters and the like - honesty, sense of humour and being yourself are the most fundamental things in this game. There's no point saying you're ten years younger than you are if you seriously expect to meet, that is unless you have enough cash for a very quick face lift wink
An advice section about meeting and related issues is a great idea - some of us had to learn the hard way :wink:
Warming the Bed
Great stuff, Mark! Although I don't necessarily see a huge difference between the 2 definitions... wink
Many thanks to Heather for a very thoughtful (and thought-provoking) article! Yet again, I find myself wishing I lived closer to Surrey!
Warming the Bed
I know what you mean about the "hit" rate. But so many of the replies you get never seem to get past your replying to their reply confused: :?: :?: Regection is part of the game so no worries with that. Mind you, since joining this site last night I've had 3 replys to my add biggrin
Sex God
Aside from the fact that females get loads and loads of replies, thus the majority of guys have to cope with rejection (ie. no replies :cry: ) on a regular basis in this game, there's also as shavendave points out the possiblity of further rejection :shock: In my experience, sometimes I used to reply to a guy who originally sounded OK, but a couple of emails down the line, and getting to the "arranging the date/time" part of it, I got cold feet, not because I don't wear socks, but because it became obvious that he wasn't what he said he was. E.g. the 35 year old, athletic bodied, well endowed sports man, admitted that his pic was actually an old one, and he hadn't played footy since at school - get my drift! OK, a flippant example, but because so many guys are dishosent with their descriptions it used to put me a bit on the defensive. Therefore, this goes back to the point of being HONEST and being yourself throughout the process, you save everyone's time if you are! 8)