Once again I'm struck by the reduction in size of everyday products that we buy. This time its Muller corner yoghurts. I don't have measurements but I reckon that the fill level is getting on for 1/4" (6mm) less than in the very recent past. No doubt the manufacturers will counter this by saying 'that it is helping us to eat sensibly'.
If I want to eat 'sensibly' I'll only eat half of the f****** yoghurt. I don't need some pennypinching accountant to tell me that!!!!
Needless to say there is no reduction in price. Its a con and maybe we should do something about it by boycotting these companies or at least products that are clearly smaller than they were in the very recent past.
Has anyone else been surprised/shocked by the difference in size of any product? Mars springs to mind.
Hate this sort of thing. Since god knows when Mars bars got 10% bigger every year or two so by rights Mars bars should be about 20 foot long!
Another cheap trick is own brand basic good value range type stuff where the canned goods are cheaper yes but also at least 15% lighter too boot. Ba*tards
yep i like sweets, but the ones i like have gone smaller n still the same we should name the brands on u tube or face book?
Walkers crisps packets used to be full before Gary Lineker started advertising them, now they are only half full.
naming and shaming on facebook is an idea except that facebook is just as guilty
Remember when facebook was a networking site ?
Now look at it, every business and it's subsideries has a profile on there, you cannot click on many business websites these days without incentives or pop-ups telling you to follow them on twitter or facebook, I have my own business website and am plagued by adverts enticing me to use facebook to advertise my site.
Do you believe adverts ?
"We hope you never have to use us but we are there for if you do need us" come on a business that hopes it gets no customers !!!
We don't use comparisson websites so we pass the savings on to you, get real the "savings" are all used up with expensive advertising because they don't have the benefit of advertising on comparison websites.
We are approved by many insurers so there is no need to check with them first, and for those that don't approve us you just get the bill
Now with 50% cashback, yep cash money is scarce so we have hiked our prices to let you pay by credit card and have some cash in your pocket, expensive cash because you will pay interest on it.
There was a time when sales were genuine, retailers got rid of end of season stock, unwanted stock, poor sellers and the like, now it is hard finding something that has not been hiked in price to sell in the "SALE"
I remeber seeing some guy getting a huge raise becuase he worked out that if the company but one less bean or something in a tin the company saved 1.5 million pounds a month and that has escalated but has been going on for eons now.
There may be some "settling of contents" following packaging, but how far can you push the huge wrapping and small contents under that consumer law.
Many of you are guilty of this though - how many of you have pictures that are more than 1 year old on your profiles ? I have seen some 12 year old pictures on profiles, I know because the profile owners are friends I have known a long time. Fine if you also have up to date pics with them but not so fine if they are your only pics. How many of you are less than truthfull with your ages ?
An awful lot of new cars have no jack,spare wheel or hand tools.
The car company will tell you its to save weight, thus saving fuel.
So for ever 4 cars they now build they get "FREE" wheels on the 5th one.
No a penny off the price of the car, but a huge saving for the company.