Avocado = madness! What were they thinking of?
And whomever was the first person to crop from the Pepperami Tree was obviously a seriously disturbed person in need support...
squid and oysters :shock: :shock:
I mean WTF were they thinking!!!!
Frogs legs and fish eyes and sheeps brains. :shock:
Ohhhhhhhh.............just the thought turns my stomach. Brings back all the horrors of I'm a celebrity get me outta here.
Remember Miss C Thatcher eating those eyes and hearing them crunch. Yukky.
Durian; The devils fruit.
If you want to know more follow the link >>>>
It pongs.
Someone at a brewery at some point looked at the crud left over in the brewing machine and thought 'Mmmmm, that looks nice- we can sell that shite to someone'
Marmite!!!! It's just beer poo :shock:
I wonder who first saw a shark's liver on a fishmonger's counter and thought "Hmmmm...I bet that would work wonders on me piles!"
I suppose a lot of things we eat are because we saw animals eating them first. However, who thought that picking a few leaves from the top of a plant and putting them in boling water would make a refreshing drink.
Whoever thought, oooh Ski extra fruity - I'll stick a bit of that on me minge - oooh the relief!
Yes I too have wondered and discussed this many times. I also wonder how it came about with ingredients. How did someone know that one should put an egg or margarine in a cake?
I guess we can get the answer from books but who wrote them anyway and what if they're wrong for example...
Once my mother in law showed me a recipe book that told her to weigh the margarine first and then the sugar and flour. She complained that if she did this, then the sugar and flour would stick to where the margarine had been first. I told her to weigh it the other way around. She argued that if she did this the cake would turn out differently.
I said how could it? Once the 3 are in the bowl with the egg and mixed how do they know who fell into the bowl first? Still she could not see my logic and since the book had to be right she continued to weigh the margarine first and have it stick to the bowl.
Now why did I mention this? Have no idea, could it have been a misinformed book or a daft mother in law?
But back to basics...I guess this is where the king and his food tasters came in, if the food taster died then the food was poisenous.
Mm now where's the mother in law when you need one...
(Lol only joking - mine passed over so I have to be careful what I say - cos she's probably listening - she was good at that - well to a degree).
Kate x