As i recall, every year about now they start talking of massive snow falls and freezing tempretures............ then about march time they predict heat waves and drought.............neither of which ever happens. Now call me cynical but i see a pattern there lol
What is MORE worrying, is that if we have a severe winter there is a chance that we could run out of oil !!
we'll be burning everything for a bit of heat!!
yep.. those winters in the 70s when i was a kid were great.
i used to tunnel under the snow drifts and make underground caves
and make castle walls out of ice bricks.. then we'd start a war.. snowballs of course
and then i got chilblains and i wasnt allowed out for the rest of the winter :cry:
but yeah..sledges?? carrier bags worked better.
making long black ice stretches that you used to run up to and skid the length of..
really cold winters always excite me too cos it takes me right back to being a kid.
anyone ever tried to skid on an icy path as an adult and feel a fool when you get it badly wrong.... but then feel reaaly cool when you get it right?
I, for one, would love it being a cold winter but it complete and utter tripe anyone saying it's gonna be a cold winter... after seven to ten days the weather forecasters have no idea... I've been a long time subscriber to and ever year this same topic turns up like a bad penny! LOL
Can't stand the stuff. It makes the roads (and my job) more dangerous.
Give me heat, heat, heat anyday (and I mean proper heat 40 degs. plus not yer namby pamby 27 degs and everyone in this country's complaining it's sooooooooooo hot! Bollox) :twisted: :twisted:
Oh, and whilst I'm ranting, let's confine Christmas to the week before and the week after 25th December. Outside that period any mention of it should be banned :huh:
ES (in a grumpy mood) :huh: :huh:
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :scared: OI, watch it :shock:
I love the snow too :bounce: :bounce:
G only likes it if it means he cant get to work. :huh:
I just like to see everything all white and pretty .. but we dont normally get alot of snow just here - but it isnt winter without a good snowfall :mrgreen:
:happy: :thrilled: Snowballs rock !!! :thrilled: :happy:
K from K & G
Oh I just love the winter time when it snows.....Its been years and years since we had a proper snowfall that has lasted a good long while before turning to slush.
I am a big kid when it snows, forcing the kids from their warm beds to be the first one to trudge through it, building snowmen and having a good old snowball fight. I love the way it makes everything look too.....lovely and clean and it makes me feel all christmassy!
Bring it on......
You may as well go down your supermarket and stock up. Get in there before the hordes cotton on as to what is coming. :shock: