god's are brilliant, I have several in a box. Real ones, I know they are real because I made them so. They do a damned fine job too.
In fact I feel an evening of devotion coming on.
I shall unlatch the god-box (itself a diety as it is an Indian sandwich box -tin- with a Vishnu on one side, and a monky-god -name forgotten- on the other.
I have egyptian things, Indian and Chinese things... a Hawiian thing, a couple of Japanese robot wind-up type gods plus a few scattered god-stuffs around the place.
and an assortment of hair, teeth and fingernail clippings from people I have known to add to the 'ambience' -not all diefied-
candles, chanting and furious masturbation awaits.
nope... I did, and was a member of Church of Scotland... and I went to church a lot..
then after the 9/11 killings the minister said in his sermon that all those deaths was gods will :twisted:
I have never been to church since
Is there a God? Is there chuff, though if I ever know the moments preceding my impending death i'll hedge mt bets and pray like a bast....errmmm good christian boy.
My mum is an umpracticing Catholic and my dad is C of E. I'm atheist and have been for a long time. I respect others beliefs, but I am getting a bit pissed off that others don't respect mine. An example of that was today at work. I was serving a customer (an elderly woman) and after about 5 minutes she commented that she noticed I lean my head to the left when she speaks. She asked me if I was hard of hearing, and said that I was very hard of hearing in my right ear and slightly in my left. She then asked me if I was religious. I said no, I'm atheist. "Well, that's God's way of telling you that if you won't listen to him, you shouldn't be able to listen to anybody" !!!!!
I bit my tongue after that and helped her as fast as I could otherwise I'd have drop kicked her out of the Store. I know this is possibly an inflamatory comment, but I honestly feel that a lot (not all) of religious people need to practice what they preach. Tolerance of others is not just tolerance of people of similar faith - It's tolerance of ALL faiths (including those who don't have one in particular)......
Just idle curiosity but Kaz how do you know God isn't a classroom monitor ?
I'm not a God botherer and, on the whole, God doesn't bother me either.
However, I do proudly and loyally subscribe to a religion; its rites of passage and festivals beat out the rhythm of my life, and my family's lives. I pick out the good bits of its ethics and morality and expectations and discard the set of mediaeval rules that no longer serve.
And Kenty, we don't all celebrate the birth of Christ and I think the sea thing was Moses ;)
whilst humans remain weak.......religion will remain strong...........:jagsatwork:
Yes I believe there is a God.
However, I dontot believe the teachings of the church. They have been manipulated through out history to mean what people want them to mean.
Religious people be they christian muslim hindu budists wickers etc etc etc believe bits of what suits and are probably more hypocritical than the people they judge and nearly worse than politicians. Of course theres the odd good one .... i think!
Once I did. Then I had a lost as they say. There was no reason for her to die. It was just something that happened.
As someone once said, "Would it not be a terrible world if we deserved what happens to us?"
We are just a set of accidents.
....and if God created everything, who created god?
I believe we make god in our own image.
That was his name!
... the Monkey God I had forgotten the name of.
Just thought I'd clear that up for you, I know you were all concerned.
...or parhaps that's a slight infection.
So you believe in God but not the dictates of any organised religion ? If this God so many people believe in but don't want any rules from exists, what is its nature ?It is either God creator and ruler, in which case you must either accept its rules or be a heretic;or it is a being created by our own whim whose nature is in constant flux depending on the needs of each individual at any given time...and that's not God it's a magic fairy or genie.
I didn't want to enter a debate but I can't resist I'm afraid this one is my bete noir
being an ordained minister in the last Bob bless you all
why the new testament?why not the old testament?the qur'an ,rigveda,book of the dead,the zoroastrian avesta or any one of any number of religious texts...many offering different versions of the "one" God