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Do you believe in God?

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Do you believe in a higher being(god)?

god's are brilliant, I have several in a box. Real ones, I know they are real because I made them so. They do a damned fine job too.
In fact I feel an evening of devotion coming on.
I shall unlatch the god-box (itself a diety as it is an Indian sandwich box -tin- with a Vishnu on one side, and a monky-god -name forgotten- on the other.
I have egyptian things, Indian and Chinese things... a Hawiian thing, a couple of Japanese robot wind-up type gods plus a few scattered god-stuffs around the place.
and an assortment of hair, teeth and fingernail clippings from people I have known to add to the 'ambience' -not all diefied-
candles, chanting and furious masturbation awaits.
Quote by Kaznkev
No god is not the classroom monitor,Tyracer,he gives us freewill,and it pains him when we are in pain
He does not play games with our lives,we do that
Karma is closer to what u are talking about ,and i shall leave it to someone else to defend that as i have too much to do as the only godbother on SH

I very much doubt you are Kaz. You may be the only one to have contributed or to label yourself thus, but you're probably not the only one.
(For 'godbotherer' I'm guessing you mean a person who practises their faith?)
I have been brought up in a very traditionally Catholic household. I am fully aware that some of my actions do not - in any way shape or form - adhere to the tenets of my childhood faith.
Do I pray? Yes - usually in times of difficulty or need. I'm fundamentally selfish and insecure so will take any help going!
Do I believe in the Catholic notion of God etc etc? I'm not sure.
Do I go to church? Yes, sometimes.
Do I have faith? Sort of but it's evolved into a personally held thing.
Do I need religion? No, probably not.
Do I believe in the Bible? No.
I'm a mass of contradictions - but hey, that's the Catholic in me! I adore churches, temples, synagogues and other religious sites. I find some aspects of other world faiths very inspirational. I collect religious paraphenalia - but purely for its kitsch and style value.
Faith fascinates me - organised religion concerns me.
Oh, I don't know. :giveup:
I do not understand the vote results, two yeses and three no's.... is it me? dunno
Quote by Kaznkev
I believe in some sort of gods goddesses call em what u like. Evolution is a great theory but its still only a theory and my mind is open. My dissatisfaction stems from the need to believe that life in all its complexity and diversity is random. It kind of sticks in my intellectual throat.
I dont want to join some religious club. I dont want to live by rules imposed by a desert nomad tribe 7000 years ago and I dont give a shit if othe rpeople choose to make different choices.
I do believe that the basics of compassion etc are important and try to live a "good" life without being a doormat.

Ben ,the first part is where i have been most of my life,I too fail to see why an ancient peoples ules should dominate my life ,hwever i came to realise sombody embodied the values of love and tolerance by whch i lived my life
Have we met?? lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
nope... I did, and was a member of Church of Scotland... and I went to church a lot..
then after the 9/11 killings the minister said in his sermon that all those deaths was gods will :twisted:
I have never been to church since
Is there a God? Is there chuff, though if I ever know the moments preceding my impending death i'll hedge mt bets and pray like a bast....errmmm good christian boy.
My mum is an umpracticing Catholic and my dad is C of E. I'm atheist and have been for a long time. I respect others beliefs, but I am getting a bit pissed off that others don't respect mine. An example of that was today at work. I was serving a customer (an elderly woman) and after about 5 minutes she commented that she noticed I lean my head to the left when she speaks. She asked me if I was hard of hearing, and said that I was very hard of hearing in my right ear and slightly in my left. She then asked me if I was religious. I said no, I'm atheist. "Well, that's God's way of telling you that if you won't listen to him, you shouldn't be able to listen to anybody" !!!!!
I bit my tongue after that and helped her as fast as I could otherwise I'd have drop kicked her out of the Store. I know this is possibly an inflamatory comment, but I honestly feel that a lot (not all) of religious people need to practice what they preach. Tolerance of others is not just tolerance of people of similar faith - It's tolerance of ALL faiths (including those who don't have one in particular)......
Just idle curiosity but Kaz how do you know God isn't a classroom monitor ?
Actually, I believe in Splendid- does that count?
Quote by Witchy
Actually, I believe in Splendid- does that count?
Quote by Kaznkev
My mum is an umpracticing Catholic and my dad is C of E. I'm atheist and have been for a long time. I respect others beliefs, but I am getting a bit pissed off that others don't respect mine. An example of that was today at work. I was serving a customer (an elderly woman) and after about 5 minutes she commented that she noticed I lean my head to the left when she speaks. She asked me if I was hard of hearing, and said that I was very hard of hearing in my right ear and slightly in my left. She then asked me if I was religious. I said no, I'm atheist. "Well, that's God's way of telling you that if you won't listen to him, you shouldn't be able to listen to anybody" !!!!!
I bit my tongue after that and helped her as fast as I could otherwise I'd have drop kicked her out of the Store. I know this is possibly an inflamatory comment, but I honestly feel that a lot (not all) of religious people need to practice what they preach. Tolerance of others is not just tolerance of people of similar faith - It's tolerance of ALL faiths (including those who don't have one in particular)......

I too wud have found that so annoying anyoe who claims to know gods mind is mad/bad or arrogant,
When jesus touched lepers,ate with prostitutes,spoke to immigrants,law breakers ,he showed wat tolerance really is
god now im preaching sorry
Now I am not knocking you, far from it as I believe others have as much right to believe, as I have not too that only written in the bible?
I ask this as stories that are a month old get somewhat distorted, so after 2000 years they could become nothing like what they were. Also does it not make reference to him parting the sea, or was that God?
Sorry that just did not happen. But then I would say that as a non beliver I suppose.
I never knock someone for their beliefs, but my mate has a friend who he calls " God squad ", and he constantly tries to push his beliefs onto others, which I must admit I object too strongly.
I'm not a God botherer and, on the whole, God doesn't bother me either.
However, I do proudly and loyally subscribe to a religion; its rites of passage and festivals beat out the rhythm of my life, and my family's lives. I pick out the good bits of its ethics and morality and expectations and discard the set of mediaeval rules that no longer serve.
And Kenty, we don't all celebrate the birth of Christ and I think the sea thing was Moses ;)
Quote by TheLovelyOne
I'm not a God botherer and, on the whole, God doesn't bother me either.
However, I do proudly and loyally subscribe to a religion; its rites of passage and festivals beat out the rhythm of my life, and my family's lives. I pick out the good bits of its ethics and morality and expectations and discard the set of mediaeval rules that no longer serve.
And Kenty, we don't all celebrate the birth of Christ.

I am fully aware of that fact.
There are many many religions who either do not have Christ as their savior, or in the Jews case, he is still yet to appear. As far as I am aware Muslims do not celebrate Christmas either, but it still is the biggest religious celebration in the UK.
Quote by kentswingers777
I am fully aware of that fact.

Maybe so - but you posted above '... we all celebrate 25th December as his birth...', hence my comment.
whilst humans remain weak.......religion will remain strong...........:jagsatwork:
Quote by markz
whilst humans remain weak.......religion will remain strong...........:jagsatwork:

Are you actually Marx??
Quote by TheLovelyOne

I am fully aware of that fact.

Maybe so - but you posted above '... we all celebrate 25th December as his birth...', hence my comment.
My mistake.... Nearly that better?
Quote by kentswingers777
My mistake....

You are getting better at this admission lol
Quote by Kaznkev
lets take all ou clothes off n fuck!

Removing clothes and awaiting further instruction wave
Quote by Dave__Notts
My mistake....

You are getting better at this admission lol
Davey your like Powers...ya sneak in through the back door, say ya gib and then whoosh............ya gone. :lol:
Quote by TheLovelyOne
whilst humans remain weak.......religion will remain strong...........:jagsatwork:

Are you actually Marx??
I see what you did there.................rolleyes
Quote by noladreams
Do I believe in the Bible? No.

Bet the Gideons hate like you rotflmao
Quote by kentswingers777
Now I am not knocking you, far from it as I believe others have as much right to believe, as I have not too that only written in the bible?
I ask this as stories that are a month old get somewhat distorted, so after 2000 years they could become nothing like what they were. Also does it not make reference to him parting the sea, or was that God?
Sorry that just did not happen. But then I would say that as a non beliver I suppose.
I never knock someone for their beliefs, but my mate has a friend who he calls " God squad ", and he constantly tries to push his beliefs onto others, which I must admit I object too strongly.

There is no firm evidence about any of these things. However there is some evidence. I have watched documentary's that suggest that its was possible the sea did part at that time in history maybe due to a natural event. Is it just circumstance that maybe this happened as Mosses approached? (think it was Mosses aided by god that parted the sea). There is also evidence that a huge flood occurred at around the time and location that Noah supposedly built the ark.
What evidence is there that God does not exist? None as people have said no one has seen him so there is no evidence he does not exist. What we have is scientific theory's. I have as much of a problem with Scientific theory's as I do with religion. You have to create a theory and then try to prove it. Some of the stuff theorized on i.e. Quantum physics, alternate dimensions, time travel etc is just so mind blowingly in depth that 99% of the world would never be able to comprehend it anyway. Professor Yaffle could stand up tomorrow and show me his proven theory that alternate dimensions exist and I would simply have to nod as I wouldn't have a feckin clue.
Supposedly the universe was formed by a collision of two rocks that created an explosion. Normal question, where did the rocks come from? Always the answer is "they were always there" :confused: I dont believe the ever existing rock theory, not sure on my beliefs in God.
Yes I believe there is a God.
However, I dontot believe the teachings of the church. They have been manipulated through out history to mean what people want them to mean.
Religious people be they christian muslim hindu budists wickers etc etc etc believe bits of what suits and are probably more hypocritical than the people they judge and nearly worse than politicians. Of course theres the odd good one .... i think!
Once I did. Then I had a lost as they say. There was no reason for her to die. It was just something that happened.
As someone once said, "Would it not be a terrible world if we deserved what happens to us?"
We are just a set of accidents.
....and if God created everything, who created god?
I believe we make god in our own image.
That was his name!
... the Monkey God I had forgotten the name of.
Just thought I'd clear that up for you, I know you were all concerned.
Quote by flower411
That was his name!
... the Monkey God I had forgotten the name of.
Just thought I'd clear that up for you, I know you were all concerned.

Phew !! At least I can sleep tonight !!I'm so pleased.. I feel as if I'm exuding the milk of human kindness this morning
sleep tight
...or parhaps that's a slight infection.
So you believe in God but not the dictates of any organised religion ? If this God so many people believe in but don't want any rules from exists, what is its nature ?It is either God creator and ruler, in which case you must either accept its rules or be a heretic;or it is a being created by our own whim whose nature is in constant flux depending on the needs of each individual at any given time...and that's not God it's a magic fairy or genie.
I didn't want to enter a debate but I can't resist I'm afraid this one is my bete noir

being an ordained minister in the last Bob bless you all
Quote by Kaznkev
not sure if this was aimed at me,but i do belong to an organised religion,one whose roots lie in the anabaptists ,freethinkers who in their early days advocated equality between the sexes,communal ownership of property,and in one famous example,free love.
I accept thier tenents ,the prime one being the priesthood of all believers, it out for yourself dude,no boss man is going to tell you wat to think.
oh and we are all also members of the church of the spaghetti monster,tho we split on the great meatball heresy,
Science must be taught free of state control!

Not aimed at anyone in particular but anyone who wants to answer.
But....surely the acceptance of a God demands if nothing else a moral code if not then God is meaningless and there's at least one boss man who's telling you what to think
why the new testament?why not the old testament?the qur'an ,rigveda,book of the dead,the zoroastrian avesta or any one of any number of religious texts...many offering different versions of the "one" God