Quote by kentswingers777
We have all read the latest Building society/bank to go to the wall. The Bradford and Bingley being the latest victim.
Over the pond they are trying to bail out the banks with a massive $700 billion.
Over here everyone is running scared, especially the banks. Are they now getting " what goes around comes around " ?
For years the banks have lent money to people and places that could be said were, less likely to get a good return on their money...sorry your money.
So does anyone feel sorry for the banks at the moment, and the money they are losing, or do you feel that the banks are not responsible at all?
I think the banks have got themselves into this mess,and the taxpayer should not bail them out. Who would bail anyone of us out if we had been as irresponsible as they have with money.
So many people are now in debt but if we went to our banks or lenders to look for a way out, am sure they would bend over backwards to help....not! They would say that we had got ourselves into that situation, and it would be up to us, to get ourselves out. Are the banks not following the same rules as they would dish out?
its time to wake up Banks is a scapegoat,actually the banks were doing there best,i feel sorry for all of us lossing both businesses and employments....this has nothing to do with the banks its the bloody cost of 5year meaningless war,in short a couple of my mates receive £1000 per day doing bodygaurd work in Iraq
what would they do with the $700billion bail out anyways,they might as well give everyone $1m each ,it still wont help,thats what we get when we let a war mongering fool be the head of a powerful state!idiot