I don't think we can always be 100% certain what our children are up to when out, but all we can do is instill in them how we would expect them to behave and hope they would use their better judgement then to be lead into something we would not be happy with.
As I say to them, if you are there when someone else does something you could be seen as being guilty by assocaiation.
Interesting related question:
How would you feel if you found out that your child was a swinger? Sorry if that idea makes anybody uncomfortable.
I am very proud of my children and very confident they will make good decisions in life.......
My kids will make mistakes and do things their way, I've no doubt of that. What I do know is that they've had J & I bring them up well, This means that they have a history of knowing what right and wrong is so they can find their way back onto the right path if they stray, and at least they know what path they're looking for.
I think my kids will probably make a few mistakes along the way. They've already made a few. I think that's all part of growing up and learning.
What I do try to do is make sure they can come to me for help without fear however scared they are.
My son had a couple of run in's with the police when we lived in scotland - mainly to do with his anger issues... it was sorted out, and he is now a better teenager for it. I think its made my girls think about their actions!!! I am sure they shall make mistakes.. I know I did as a teenager.. Hanging around with a bad crowd in an act of defieance( sorry about spelling mistake)
As for the question that was raised about parents views on children who are swingers...
My parents have no idea, but my mum knows i have a 'friend with benefits'
A couple of years ago my brother got me to tell my mum that he n his ex had been swinging for 10 years!! They were divorcing - it was nasty - and she had said was going to tell my parents - and my brother wanted mum to know first!!! She was not amused!!
And I got a lecture!!! - which had me in giggles - given that not only my brother been a swinger, but so am I and so is my sister!!! ohh and my cousin..lol
luckily we have managed to not be on the same sites!!!