My children often ask if I know the person and say you will just talk to anyone.
So I thought I would set up a thread so that you could say hello to someone you would not normally talk to.

So I will start by saying
Hi Choochie,
How are you today?
Quote by Silk and Big G
i say hello to strangers. i usually find that people will speak more if you;
have a dog,
1)have a horse,
2)dress in horsey gear,
3)dress in walking clothes.
Quote by Purple_bug_
I moved from a busy town about 2 years ago where it was normal practice to put your head down and just keep going. After moving to a small village, where everyone i passed in the street had a cheery hello for me it I enjoyed being the first to say hello to anyone and everyone (hmmmm sounds like the chat rooms.)
It took my little boy a while to work it out - i remember him saying to me one day "Mum - why do you say hello to everyone??" - my answer "Cos its only polite and it is great to speak to new people"
I've since moved out of that village to a much smaller place and even now if we are spotted around the old place people i barely knew except to say hello to are asking where we have gone because they've not seen us around lately which in its own way brings a smile to my face.
But after my ramblings, back to the point of the thread - i'd like to say hello to Bouncy, hope you are going to have a great weekend x